Solid::Device Class

class Solid::Device
Header: #include <Device>
CMake: find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Solid)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::Solid)

Public Functions

Device(const QString &udi = QString())
Device(const Solid::Device &device)
DevIface *as()
const DevIface *as() const
Solid::DeviceInterface *asDeviceInterface(const Solid::DeviceInterface::Type &type)
const Solid::DeviceInterface *asDeviceInterface(const Solid::DeviceInterface::Type &type) const
QString description() const
QString displayName() const
QStringList emblems() const
QString icon() const
bool is() const
bool isDeviceInterface(const Solid::DeviceInterface::Type &type) const
bool isValid() const
Solid::Device parent() const
QString parentUdi() const
QString product() const
QString udi() const
QString vendor() const
Solid::Device &operator=(const Solid::Device &device)

Static Public Members

QList<Solid::Device> allDevices()
QList<Solid::Device> listFromQuery(const QString &predicate, const QString &parentUdi = QString())
QList<Solid::Device> listFromQuery(const Solid::Predicate &predicate, const QString &parentUdi = QString())
QList<Solid::Device> listFromType(const Solid::DeviceInterface::Type &type, const QString &parentUdi = QString())
Solid::Device storageAccessFromPath(const QString &path)

Detailed Description

@class Solid::Device device.h <Solid/Device>

This class allows applications to deal with devices available in the underlying system.

Device stores a reference to device data provided by the backend. Device objects are designed to be used by value. Copying these objects is quite cheap, so using pointers to the me is generally not needed.

@author Kevin Ottens <>

Member Function Documentation

[explicit] Device::Device(const QString &udi = QString())

Constructs a device for a given Universal Device Identifier (UDI).

@param udi the udi of the device to create

Device::Device(const Solid::Device &device)

Constructs a copy of a device.

@param device the device to copy

[noexcept] Device::~Device()

Destroys the device.

[static] QList<Solid::Device> Device::allDevices()

Retrieves all the devices available in the underlying system.

@return the list of the devices available

template <typename DevIface> DevIface *Device::as()

Retrieves a specialized interface to interact with the device corresponding to a given device interface.

@returns a pointer to the device interface if it exists, 0 otherwise

template <typename DevIface> const DevIface *Device::as() const

Retrieves a specialized interface to interact with the device corresponding to a given device interface.

@returns a pointer to the device interface if it exists, 0 otherwise

Solid::DeviceInterface *Device::asDeviceInterface(const Solid::DeviceInterface::Type &type)

Retrieves a specialized interface to interact with the device corresponding to a particular device interface.

@param type the device interface type @returns a pointer to the device interface interface if it exists, 0 otherwise

const Solid::DeviceInterface *Device::asDeviceInterface(const Solid::DeviceInterface::Type &type) const

Retrieves a specialized interface to interact with the device corresponding to a particular device interface.

@param type the device interface type @returns a pointer to the device interface interface if it exists, 0 otherwise

QString Device::description() const

Retrieves the description of device.

@return the description @since 4.4

QString Device::displayName() const

Retrieves the display Name to use for this device. Same as description when not defined.

@return the display Name @since 5.71

QStringList Device::emblems() const

Retrieves the names of the emblems representing the state of this device. The naming follows the specification.

@return the emblem names @since 4.4

QString Device::icon() const

Retrieves the name of the icon representing this device. The naming follows the specification.

@return the icon name

template <typename DevIface> bool Device::is() const

Tests if a device provides a given device interface.

@returns true if the interface is available, false otherwise

bool Device::isDeviceInterface(const Solid::DeviceInterface::Type &type) const

Tests if a device interface is available from the device.

@param type the device interface type to query @return true if the device interface is available, false otherwise

bool Device::isValid() const

Indicates if this device is valid. A device is considered valid if it's available in the system.

@return true if this device is available, false otherwise

[static] QList<Solid::Device> Device::listFromQuery(const QString &predicate, const QString &parentUdi = QString())

Convenience function see above.

@param predicate @param parentUdi @return the list of devices

[static] QList<Solid::Device> Device::listFromQuery(const Solid::Predicate &predicate, const QString &parentUdi = QString())

Retrieves a list of devices of the system given matching the given constraints (parent and predicate)

@param predicate Predicate that the devices we're searching for must verify @param parentUdi UDI of the parent of the devices we're searching for, or QString() if there's no constraint on the parent @return the list of devices corresponding to the given constraints @see Solid::Predicate

[static] QList<Solid::Device> Device::listFromType(const Solid::DeviceInterface::Type &type, const QString &parentUdi = QString())

Retrieves a list of devices of the system given matching the given constraints (parent and device interface type)

@param type device interface type available on the devices we're looking for, or DeviceInterface::Unknown if there's no constraint on the device interfaces @param parentUdi UDI of the parent of the devices we're searching for, or QString() if there's no constraint on the parent @return the list of devices corresponding to the given constraints @see Solid::Predicate

Solid::Device Device::parent() const

Retrieves the parent of the Device.

@return the device's parent @see parentUdi()

QString Device::parentUdi() const

Retrieves the Universal Device Identifier (UDI) of the Device's parent.

@return the udi of the device's parent

QString Device::product() const

Retrieves the name of the product corresponding to this device.

@return the product name

[static] Solid::Device Device::storageAccessFromPath(const QString &path)

Returns the Device containing the filesystem for the given path

@param canonical path to a filesystem entry, e.g. a file or directory @return @p Device containing the given @p path. For Devices implementing the StorageVolume interface only ones matching UsageType::FileSystem are returned, i.e. no backing encrypted volumes. @since 5.73 @see QFileInfo::canonicalFilePath

QString Device::udi() const

Retrieves the Universal Device Identifier (UDI).

Warning: Don't use the UDI for anything except communication with Solid. Also don't store UDIs as there's no guarantee that the UDI stays the same when the hardware setup changed. The UDI is a unique identifier that is local to the computer in question and for the current boot session. The UDIs may change after a reboot. Similar hardware in other computers may have different values; different hardware could have the same UDI.

@return the udi of the device

QString Device::vendor() const

Retrieves the name of the device vendor.

@return the vendor name

Solid::Device &Device::operator=(const Solid::Device &device)

Assigns a device to this device and returns a reference to it.

@param device the device to assign @return a reference to the device