SearchDialog QML Type

A dialog to let's you do a global search accross your applications documents, chat rooms and more. More...

Import Statement: import org.kde.kirigami.dialogs
Since: 6.3



Detailed Description

Example usage for a chat app where we want to quickly search for a room.

import QtQuick
import org.kde.kitemmodels as KItemModels
import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami

Kirigami.SearchDialog {
   id: root

   onTextChanged: {
       sortModel.filterText = text;
   onAccepted: listView.currentItem.clicked()

   emptyText: i18nc("Placeholder message", "No room found.")

   model: KItemModels.KSortFilterProxyModel {
       id: sortModel

       sourceModel: RoomModel { }

   delegate: RoomDelegate {
       onClicked: root.close()

   Shortcut {
       sequence: "Ctrl+K"

TODO qdoc @image html searchdialog.html

Note: This component is unsuitable on mobile. Instead on mobile prefer to use a seperate page for the search.

Property Documentation

count : int

This property holds the number of search results displayed in the internal ListView.

currentItem : Item

This property holds an alias to the currentItem component of the internal ListView.

delegate : Component

This property holds an alias to the delegate component of the internal ListView.

emptyHelpfulAction : alias

* @brief Helpful action when the list is empty * * This property holds an alias to the helpful action of the placeholder message * when the internal list view is empty. * * @since 6.10

emptyIcon : icon

TODO qdoc

This property holds an alias to the placeholder message icon displayed when the internal list view is empty.

emptyText : string

This property holds an alias to the placeholder message text displayed when the internal list view is empty.

model : model

This property holds an alias to the model of the internal ListView.

searchFieldLeftActions : Action

This property holds an alias to the left actions of the search field.

See also ActionTextField::leftActions.

searchFieldPlaceholderText : string

The placeholder text shown in the (empty) search field.

searchFieldRightActions : Action

This property holds an alias to the right actions of the search field.

See also ActionTextField::rightActions.

section group

section.criteria : enumeration

section.delegate : Component

section.labelPositioning : enumneration : string

TODO qdoc

This property holds an alias to the section component of the internal ListView.

text : string

This property holds an alias to the content of the search field.