ActionTextField QML Type

Import Statement: import org.kde.kirigami
Since: 5.56


Inherited By:

PasswordField and SearchField


Detailed Description

This is advanced textfield. It is recommended to use this class when there is a need to create a create a textfield with action buttons (e.g a clear action).

Example usage for a search field:

import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami

Kirigami.ActionTextField {
    id: searchField

    placeholderText: i18n("Search…")

    focusSequence: StandardKey.Find

    rightActions: Kirigami.Action { "edit-clear"
        visible: searchField.text.length > 0
        onTriggered: {

    onAccepted: console.log("Search text is " + searchField.text);

Property Documentation

focusSequence : keysequence [since 5.56]

This property holds a shortcut sequence that will focus the text field.

This property was introduced in 5.56.

leftActions : list<Action> [since 5.56]

This property holds a list of actions that will be displayed on the left side of the text field.

By default this list is empty.

This property was introduced in 5.56.

rightActions : list<Action> [since 5.56]

This property holds a list of actions that will be displayed on the right side of the text field.

By default this list is empty.

This property was introduced in 5.56.