KTextEditor::Command Class

class KTextEditor::Command

An Editor command line command. More...

Header: #include <KTextEditor/Command>
CMake: find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS TextEditor)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::TextEditor)
Inherits: QObject

Public Functions

Command(const QStringList &cmds, QObject *parent = nullptr)
virtual ~Command() override
const QStringList &cmds() const
virtual KCompletion *completionObject(KTextEditor::View *view, const QString &cmdname)
virtual bool exec(KTextEditor::View *view, const QString &cmd, QString &msg, const KTextEditor::Range &range = KTextEditor::Range::invalid()) = 0
virtual bool help(KTextEditor::View *view, const QString &cmd, QString &msg) = 0
virtual void processText(KTextEditor::View *view, const QString &text)
virtual bool supportsRange(const QString &cmd)
virtual bool wantsToProcessText(const QString &cmdname)

Detailed Description


The Command class represents a command for the editor command line. A command simply consists of a string, for example find. The command auto-registers itself at the Editor. The Editor itself queries the command for a list of accepted strings/commands by calling cmds(). If the command gets invoked the function exec() is called, i.e. you have to implement the reaction in exec(). Whenever the user needs help for a command help() is called.

Command Information

To provide reasonable information about a specific command there are the following accessor functions for a given command string:

  • name() returns a label
  • description() returns a descriptive text
  • category() returns a category into which the command fits.

These getters allow KTextEditor implementations to plug commands into menus and toolbars, so that a user can assign shortcuts.

Command Completion

The Command optionally can show a completion popup to help the user select a valid entry as first parameter to the Command. To this end, return a valid completion item by reiplementing completionObject().

The returned completion object is deleted automatically once it is not needed anymore. Therefore neither delete the completion object yourself nor return the same completion object twice.

Interactive Commands

In case the Command needs to interactively process the text of the parameters, override wantsToProcessText() by returning true and reimplement processText().

A typical example of an iterative command would be the incremental search.

See also KTextEditor::CommandInterface.

Member Function Documentation

Command::Command(const QStringList &cmds, QObject *parent = nullptr)

Constructor with parent. Will register this command for the commands names given in cmds at the global editor instance.

[override virtual noexcept] Command::~Command()

Virtual destructor. Will unregister this command at the global editor instance.

const QStringList &Command::cmds() const

Return a list of strings a command may begin with. This is the same list the command was constructed with. A string is the start part of a pure text which can be handled by this command, i.e. for the command s/sdl/sdf/g the corresponding string is simply s, and for char:1212 simply char. Returns list of supported commands

[virtual] KCompletion *Command::completionObject(KTextEditor::View *view, const QString &cmdname)

Return a KCompletion object that will substitute the command line default one while typing the first argument of the command cmdname. The text will be added to the command separated by one space character.

Override this method if your command can provide a completion object. The returned completion object is deleted automatically once it is not needed anymore. Therefore neither delete the completion object yourself nor return the same completion object twice.

The default implementation returns a null pointer (nullptr).

view is the view the command will work on

cmdname is the command name associated with this request.

Returns a valid completion object or nullptr, if a completion object is not supported

[pure virtual] bool Command::exec(KTextEditor::View *view, const QString &cmd, QString &msg, const KTextEditor::Range &range = KTextEditor::Range::invalid())

Execute the command for the given view and cmd string. Return the success value and a msg for status. As example we consider a replace command. The replace command would return the number of replaced strings as msg, like "16 replacements made." If an error occurred in the usage it would return false and set the msg to something like "missing argument." or such.

If a non-invalid range is given, the command shall be executed on that range. supportsRange() tells if the command supports that.

Returns true on success, otherwise false

[pure virtual] bool Command::help(KTextEditor::View *view, const QString &cmd, QString &msg)

Shows help for the given view and cmd string.

If your command has a help text for cmd you have to return true and set the msg to a meaningful text. The help text is embedded by the Editor in a Qt::RichText enabled widget, e.g. a QToolTip.

Returns true if your command has a help text, otherwise false

[virtual] void Command::processText(KTextEditor::View *view, const QString &text)

This is called by the command line each time the argument text for the command changed, if wantsToProcessText() returns true.

view is the current view

text is the current command text typed by the user

See also wantsToProcessText().

[virtual] bool Command::supportsRange(const QString &cmd)

Find out if a given command can act on a range. This is used for checking if a command should be called when the user also gave a range or if an error should be raised.

cmd is the command

Returns true if command supports acting on a range of lines, false not. The default implementation returns false.

[virtual] bool Command::wantsToProcessText(const QString &cmdname)

Check, whether the command wants to process text interactively for the given command with name cmdname.

If you return true, the command's processText() method is called whenever the text in the command line changed.

Reimplement this to return true, if your commands wants to process the text while typing.

cmdname is the command name associated with this query.

Returns true, if your command wants to process text interactively, otherwise false

See also processText().