KTextEditor::Range Class
class KTextEditor::RangeAn object representing a section of text, from one Cursor to another. More...
Header: | #include <KTextEditor/Range> |
CMake: | find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS TextEditor) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::TextEditor) |
Public Functions
Range() | |
Range(KTextEditor::Cursor start, KTextEditor::Cursor end) | |
Range(KTextEditor::Cursor start, int width) | |
Range(KTextEditor::Cursor start, int endLine, int endColumn) | |
Range(int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn) | |
bool | boundaryAtCursor(KTextEditor::Cursor cursor) const |
int | columnWidth() const |
bool | confineToRange(KTextEditor::Range range) |
bool | contains(KTextEditor::Cursor cursor) const |
bool | contains(KTextEditor::Range range) const |
bool | containsColumn(int column) const |
bool | containsLine(int line) const |
KTextEditor::Range | encompass(KTextEditor::Range range) const |
KTextEditor::Cursor | end() const |
bool | expandToRange(KTextEditor::Range range) |
KTextEditor::Range | intersect(KTextEditor::Range range) const |
bool | isEmpty() const |
bool | isValid() const |
int | numberOfLines() const |
bool | onSingleLine() const |
bool | overlaps(KTextEditor::Range range) const |
bool | overlapsColumn(int column) const |
bool | overlapsLine(int line) const |
void | setBothColumns(int column) |
void | setBothLines(int line) |
void | setEnd(KTextEditor::Cursor end) |
void | setRange(KTextEditor::Range range) |
void | setRange(KTextEditor::Cursor start, KTextEditor::Cursor end) |
void | setStart(KTextEditor::Cursor start) |
KTextEditor::Cursor | start() const |
KTextEditor::LineRange | toLineRange() const |
QString | toString() const |
Static Public Members
KTextEditor::Range | fromString(QStringView str) |
KTextEditor::Range | invalid() |
Related Non-Members
bool | operator!=(KTextEditor::Range r1, KTextEditor::Range r2) |
KTextEditor::Range & | operator&=(KTextEditor::Range &r1, KTextEditor::Range r2) |
KTextEditor::Range & | operator+=(KTextEditor::Range &r1, KTextEditor::Range r2) |
KTextEditor::Range & | operator-=(KTextEditor::Range &r1, KTextEditor::Range r2) |
bool | operator<(KTextEditor::Range r1, KTextEditor::Range r2) |
QDebug | operator<<(QDebug s, KTextEditor::Range range) |
bool | operator==(KTextEditor::Range r1, KTextEditor::Range r2) |
bool | operator>(KTextEditor::Range r1, KTextEditor::Range r2) |
Detailed Description
A Range is a basic class which represents a range of text with two Cursors, from a start() position to an end() position.
For simplicity and convenience, ranges always maintain their start position to be before or equal to their end position. Attempting to set either the start or end of the range beyond the respective end or start will result in both values being set to the specified position. In the constructor, the start and end will be swapped if necessary.
If you want additional functionality such as the ability to maintain position in a document, see MovingRange.
See also MovingRange.
Member Function Documentation
[constexpr noexcept]
Default constructor. Creates a valid range from position (0, 0) to position (0, 0).
See also setRange().
[constexpr noexcept]
Range::Range(KTextEditor::Cursor start, KTextEditor::Cursor end)
Constructor which creates a range from start to end. If start is after end, they will be swapped.
start is the start position
end is the end position
[constexpr noexcept]
Range::Range(KTextEditor::Cursor start, int width)
Constructor which creates a single-line range from start, extending width characters along the same line.
start is the start position
width is the width of this range in columns along the same line
[constexpr noexcept]
Range::Range(KTextEditor::Cursor start, int endLine, int endColumn)
Constructor which creates a range from start, to endLine, endColumn.
start is the start position
endLine is the end line
endColumn is the end column
[constexpr noexcept]
Range::Range(int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn)
Constructor which creates a range from startLine, startColumn to endLine, endColumn.
startLine is the start line
startColumn is the start column
endLine is the end line
endColumn is the end column
[constexpr noexcept]
bool Range::boundaryAtCursor(KTextEditor::Cursor cursor) const
Check whether cursor is located at either of the start() or end() boundaries.
cursor is the cursor to check
Returns true if the cursor is equal to start() or end(), otherwise false.
[constexpr noexcept]
int Range::columnWidth() const
Returns the number of columns separating the start() and end() positions.
Returns the number of columns separating the start() and end() positions; 0 if the start and end columns are the same.
bool Range::confineToRange(KTextEditor::Range range)
Confine this range if necessary to fit within range.
range is the range which should contain this range
Returns true if confinement occurred, false otherwise
[constexpr noexcept]
bool Range::contains(KTextEditor::Cursor cursor) const
Check to see if cursor is contained within this range, ie >= start() and < end().
cursor is the position to test for containment
Returns true if the cursor is contained within this range, otherwise false.
[constexpr noexcept]
bool Range::contains(KTextEditor::Range range) const
Check whether the this range wholly encompasses range.
range is the range to check
Returns true, if this range contains range, otherwise false
[constexpr noexcept]
bool Range::containsColumn(int column) const
Check whether the range contains column.
column is the column to check
Returns true if the range contains column, otherwise false
[constexpr noexcept]
bool Range::containsLine(int line) const
Returns true if this range wholly encompasses line.
line is the line to check
Returns true if the line is wholly encompassed by this range, otherwise false.
[constexpr noexcept]
KTextEditor::Range Range::encompass(KTextEditor::Range range) const
Returns the smallest range which encompasses this range and the supplied range.
range is the other range to encompass
Returns the smallest range which contains this range and the supplied range.
[constexpr noexcept]
KTextEditor::Cursor Range::end() const
Get the end position of this range. This will always be >= start().
Returns const reference to the end position of this range.
See also setEnd().
bool Range::expandToRange(KTextEditor::Range range)
Expand this range if necessary to contain range.
range is the range which this range should contain
Returns true if expansion occurred, false otherwise
[static noexcept]
KTextEditor::Range Range::fromString(QStringView str)
Returns a Range created from the string str containing the format "[(start-line, start-column), (endl-line:end-column)]". In case the string cannot be parsed, an Range::invalid() is returned.
See also toString().
[constexpr noexcept]
KTextEditor::Range Range::intersect(KTextEditor::Range range) const
Intersects this range with another, returning the shared area of the two ranges.
range is the other range to intersect with this
Returns the intersection of this range and the supplied range.
[static constexpr noexcept]
KTextEditor::Range Range::invalid()
Returns an invalid range.
[constexpr noexcept]
bool Range::isEmpty() const
Returns true if this range contains no characters, ie. the start() and end() positions are the same.
Returns true if the range contains no characters, otherwise false
[constexpr noexcept]
bool Range::isValid() const
Validity check. In the base class, returns true unless the range starts before (0,0).
[constexpr noexcept]
int Range::numberOfLines() const
Returns the number of lines separating the start() and end() positions.
Returns the number of lines separating the start() and end() positions; 0 if the start and end lines are the same.
[constexpr noexcept]
bool Range::onSingleLine() const
Check whether this range is wholly contained within one line, ie. if the start() and end() positions are on the same line.
Returns true if both the start and end positions are on the same line, otherwise false
[constexpr noexcept]
bool Range::overlaps(KTextEditor::Range range) const
Check whether the this range overlaps with range.
range is the range to check against
Returns true, if this range overlaps with range, otherwise false
[constexpr noexcept]
bool Range::overlapsColumn(int column) const
Check to see if this range overlaps column; that is, if column is between start().column() and end().column(). This function is most likely to be useful in relation to block text editing.
column is the column to test
Returns true if the column is between the range's starting and ending columns, otherwise false.
[constexpr noexcept]
bool Range::overlapsLine(int line) const
Check whether the range overlaps at least part of line.
line is the line to check
Returns true, if the range overlaps at least part of line, otherwise false
void Range::setBothColumns(int column)
Convenience function. Set the start and end columns to column.
column is the column number to assign to start() and end()
void Range::setBothLines(int line)
Convenience function. Set the start and end lines to line.
line is the line number to assign to start() and end()
void Range::setEnd(KTextEditor::Cursor end)
Set the end cursor to end.
Note: If end is in front of current start, start and end will be set to new end value.
end is the new end cursor
See also end().
void Range::setRange(KTextEditor::Range range)
Set the start and end cursors to range.start() and range.end() respectively.
range is the range to assign to this range
void Range::setRange(KTextEditor::Cursor start, KTextEditor::Cursor end)
This is an overloaded function.
\n \n Set the start and end cursors to start and end respectively.
Note: If start is after end, they will be reversed.
start is the start cursor
end is the end cursor
void Range::setStart(KTextEditor::Cursor start)
Set the start cursor to start.
Note: If start is after current end, start and end will be set to new start value.
start is the new start cursor
See also start().
[constexpr noexcept]
KTextEditor::Cursor Range::start() const
Get the start position of this range. This will always be <= end().
Returns const reference to the start position of this range.
See also setStart().
[constexpr noexcept]
KTextEditor::LineRange Range::toLineRange() const
Convert this Range to a LineRange
Returns LineRange from the start line to the end line of this range.
QString Range::toString() const
Returns the cursor position as string in the format "start-line:start-column,endl-line:end-column".
See also fromString().
Related Non-Members
[constexpr noexcept]
bool operator!=(KTextEditor::Range r1, KTextEditor::Range r2)
Inequality operator.
r1 is the first range to compare
r2 is the second range to compare
Returns true if r1 and r2 do not equal, otherwise false
KTextEditor::Range &operator&=(KTextEditor::Range &r1, KTextEditor::Range r2)
Intersects r1 with r2 and assigns the result to r1.
r1 is the range to assign the intersection to
r2 is the range to intersect r1 with
Returns a reference to this range, after the intersection has taken place
KTextEditor::Range &operator+=(KTextEditor::Range &r1, KTextEditor::Range r2)
Addition assignment operator. Adds r2 to this range.
r1 is the first range
r2 is the second range
Returns a reference to the cursor which has just been added to
KTextEditor::Range &operator-=(KTextEditor::Range &r1, KTextEditor::Range r2)
Subtraction assignment operator. Subtracts r2 from r1.
r1 is the first range
r2 is the second range
Returns a reference to the range which has just been subtracted from
[constexpr noexcept]
bool operator<(KTextEditor::Range r1, KTextEditor::Range r2)
Less than operator. Looks only at the position of the two ranges, does not consider their size.
r1 is the first range to compare
r2 is the second range to compare
Returns true if r1 ends before r2 begins, otherwise false
QDebug operator<<(QDebug s, KTextEditor::Range range)
qDebug() stream operator. Writes this range to the debug output in a nicely formatted way.
[constexpr noexcept]
bool operator==(KTextEditor::Range r1, KTextEditor::Range r2)
Equality operator.
r1 is the first range to compare
r2 is the second range to compare
Returns true if r1 and r2 equal, otherwise false
[constexpr noexcept]
bool operator>(KTextEditor::Range r1, KTextEditor::Range r2)
Greater than operator. Looks only at the position of the two ranges, does not consider their size.
r1 is the first range to compare
r2 is the second range to compare
Returns true if r1 starts after where r2 ends, otherwise false