KPropertiesDialog Class

Header: #include <KPropertiesDialog>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS KIOWidgets)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::KIOWidgets)

Public Functions

KPropertiesDialog(const KFileItem &item, QWidget *parent = nullptr)
KPropertiesDialog(const QList<QUrl> &urls, QWidget *parent = nullptr)
KPropertiesDialog(const QString &title, QWidget *parent = nullptr)
KPropertiesDialog(const QUrl &url, QWidget *parent = nullptr)
KPropertiesDialog(const QUrl &_tempUrl, const QUrl &_currentDir, const QString &_defaultName, QWidget *parent = nullptr)
KPropertiesDialog(const KFileItemList &_items, QWidget *parent = nullptr)
virtual ~KPropertiesDialog() override
void abortApplying()
QUrl currentDir() const
QString defaultName() const
KFileItem &item()
KFileItemList items() const
void rename(const QString &_name)
void setFileNameReadOnly(bool ro)
void setFileSharingPage(QWidget *page)
void showFileSharingPage()
void updateUrl(const QUrl &newUrl)
QUrl url() const

Public Slots

virtual void accept() override
virtual void reject() override


void applied()
void canceled()
void propertiesClosed()
void saveAs(const QUrl &oldUrl, QUrl &newUrl)

Static Public Members

bool canDisplay(const KFileItemList &_items)
bool showDialog(const KFileItem &item, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool modal = true)
bool showDialog(const KFileItemList &_items, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool modal = true)
bool showDialog(const QList<QUrl> &urls, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool modal = true)
bool showDialog(const QUrl &_url, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool modal = true)

Detailed Description

@class KPropertiesDialog kpropertiesdialog.h <KPropertiesDialog>

The main properties dialog class. A Properties Dialog is a dialog which displays various information about a particular file or URL, or several files or URLs. This main class holds various related classes, which are instantiated in the form of tab entries in the tabbed dialog that this class provides. The various tabs themselves will let the user view, and sometimes change, information about the file or URL.

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The best way to display the properties dialog is to use showDialog(). Otherwise, you should use (void)new KPropertiesDialog(...) It will take care of deleting itself when closed.

If you are looking for more flexibility, see KFileMetaInfo and KFileMetaInfoWidget.

This respects the "editfiletype", "run_desktop_files" and "shell_access" Kiosk action restrictions (see KAuthorized::authorize()).

Member Function Documentation

[explicit] KPropertiesDialog::KPropertiesDialog(const KFileItem &item, QWidget *parent = nullptr)

Brings up a Properties dialog, as shown above. This is the normal constructor for file-manager type applications, where you have a KFileItem instance to work with. Normally you will use this method rather than the one below.

@param item file item whose properties should be displayed. @param parent is the parent of the dialog widget.

[explicit] KPropertiesDialog::KPropertiesDialog(const QList<QUrl> &urls, QWidget *parent = nullptr)

Brings up a Properties dialog. Convenience constructor for non-file-manager applications, where you have a list of QUrls rather than a KFileItemList.

@param urls list of URLs whose properties should be displayed (must contain at least one non-empty URL) @param parent is the parent of the dialog widget.

For local files with a known MIME type, simply create a KFileItemList and pass it to the other constructor.

@since 5.10

[explicit] KPropertiesDialog::KPropertiesDialog(const QString &title, QWidget *parent = nullptr)

Creates an empty properties dialog (for applications that want use a standard dialog, but for things not doable via the plugin-mechanism).

@param title is the string display as the "filename" in the title of the dialog. @param parent is the parent of the dialog widget.

[explicit] KPropertiesDialog::KPropertiesDialog(const QUrl &url, QWidget *parent = nullptr)

Brings up a Properties dialog. Convenience constructor for non-file-manager applications, where you have a QUrl rather than a KFileItem or KFileItemList.

@param url the URL whose properties should be displayed @param parent is the parent of the dialog widget.

For local files with a known MIME type, simply create a KFileItem and pass it to the other constructor.

KPropertiesDialog::KPropertiesDialog(const QUrl &_tempUrl, const QUrl &_currentDir, const QString &_defaultName, QWidget *parent = nullptr)

Creates a properties dialog for a new .desktop file (whose name is not known yet), based on a template. Special constructor for "File / New" in file-manager type applications.

@param _tempUrl template used for reading only @param _currentDir directory where the file will be written to @param _defaultName something to put in the name field, like mimetype.desktop @param parent is the parent of the dialog widget.

[explicit] KPropertiesDialog::KPropertiesDialog(const KFileItemList &_items, QWidget *parent = nullptr)

This is an overloaded function.

You use this constructor for cases where you have a number of items, rather than a single item. Be careful which methods you use when passing a list of files or URLs, since some of them will only work on the first item in a list.

@param _items list of file items whose properties should be displayed. @param parent is the parent of the dialog widget.

[override virtual noexcept] KPropertiesDialog::~KPropertiesDialog()

Cleans up the properties dialog and frees any associated resources, including the dialog itself. Note that when a properties dialog is closed it cleans up and deletes itself.

void KPropertiesDialog::abortApplying()

To abort applying changes.

[override virtual slot] void KPropertiesDialog::accept()

Called when the user presses 'Ok'. @since 5.25

[signal] void KPropertiesDialog::applied()

This signal is emitted when the properties changes are applied (for example, with the OK button)

[static] bool KPropertiesDialog::canDisplay(const KFileItemList &_items)

Determine whether there are any property pages available for the given file items. @param _items the list of items to check. @return true if there are any property pages, otherwise false.

[signal] void KPropertiesDialog::canceled()

This signal is emitted when the properties changes are aborted (for example, with the Cancel button)

QUrl KPropertiesDialog::currentDir() const

If the dialog is being built from a template, this method returns the current directory. If no template, it returns QString(). See the template form of the constructor.

@return the current directory or QString()

QString KPropertiesDialog::defaultName() const

If the dialog is being built from a template, this method returns the default name. If no template, it returns QString(). See the template form of the constructor. @return the default name or QString()

KFileItem &KPropertiesDialog::item()

@return the file item for which the dialog is shown

Warning: this method returns the first item of the list. This means that you should use this only if you are sure the dialog is used for a single item. Otherwise, you probably want items() instead.

KFileItemList KPropertiesDialog::items() const

@return the items for which the dialog is shown

[signal] void KPropertiesDialog::propertiesClosed()

This signal is emitted when the Properties Dialog is closed (for example, with OK or Cancel buttons)

[override virtual slot] void KPropertiesDialog::reject()

Called when the user presses 'Cancel' or Esc. @since 5.25

void KPropertiesDialog::rename(const QString &_name)

Renames the item to the specified name. This can only be called if the dialog applies to a single file or URL. @param _name new filename, encoded. \see FilePropsDialogPlugin::applyChanges

[signal] void KPropertiesDialog::saveAs(const QUrl &oldUrl, QUrl &newUrl)

Emitted before changes to @p oldUrl are saved as @p newUrl. The receiver may change @p newUrl to point to an alternative save location.

void KPropertiesDialog::setFileNameReadOnly(bool ro)

Call this to make the filename lineedit readonly, to prevent the user from renaming the file. ro true if the lineedit should be read only

void KPropertiesDialog::setFileSharingPage(QWidget *page)

Sets the file sharing page. This page is shown when calling showFileSharingPage().

@param page the page to set

Note: This should only be called by KPropertiesDialog plugins. \see showFileSharingPage

[static] bool KPropertiesDialog::showDialog(const KFileItem &item, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool modal = true)

Immediately displays a Properties dialog using constructor with the same parameters. On MS Windows, if @p item points to a local file, native (non modal) property dialog is displayed (@p parent and @p modal are ignored in this case).

@return true on successful dialog displaying (can be false on win32).

[static] bool KPropertiesDialog::showDialog(const KFileItemList &_items, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool modal = true)

Immediately displays a Properties dialog using constructor with the same parameters. On MS Windows, if @p _items has one element and this element points to a local file, native (non modal) property dialog is displayed (@p parent and @p modal are ignored in this case).

@return true on successful dialog displaying (can be false on win32).

[static] bool KPropertiesDialog::showDialog(const QList<QUrl> &urls, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool modal = true)

Immediately displays a Properties dialog using constructor with the same parameters.

On MS Windows, if @p _urls has one element and this element points to a local file, native (non modal) property dialog is displayed (@p parent and @p modal are ignored in this case).

@param urls list of URLs whose properties should be displayed (must contain at least one non-empty URL) @param parent is the parent of the dialog widget. @param modal tells the dialog whether it should be modal.

@return true on successful dialog displaying (can be false on win32).

@since 5.10

[static] bool KPropertiesDialog::showDialog(const QUrl &_url, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool modal = true)

Immediately displays a Properties dialog using constructor with the same parameters. On MS Windows, if @p _url points to a local file, native (non modal) property dialog is displayed (@p parent and @p modal are ignored in this case).

@return true on successful dialog displaying (can be false on win32).

void KPropertiesDialog::showFileSharingPage()

Shows the page that was previously set by setFileSharingPage(), or does nothing if no page was set yet. \see setFileSharingPage

void KPropertiesDialog::updateUrl(const QUrl &newUrl)

Updates the item URL (either called by rename or because a global apps/mimelnk desktop file is being saved) Can only be called if the dialog applies to a single file or URL. @param newUrl the new URL

QUrl KPropertiesDialog::url() const

The URL of the file that has its properties being displayed. This is only valid if the KPropertiesDialog was created/shown for one file or URL.

@return the single URL.