KFileItem Class

Header: #include <KFileItem>
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::KIOCore)

Public Types

enum FileTimes { ModificationTime, AccessTime, CreationTime }

Public Functions

KFileItem(const QUrl &url, KFileItem::MimeTypeDetermination mimeTypeDetermination)
KFileItem(const QUrl &url, const QString &mimeType = QString(), mode_t mode = KFileItem::Unknown)
KFileItem(const KIO::UDSEntry &entry, const QUrl &itemOrDirUrl, bool delayedMimeTypes = false, bool urlIsDirectory = false)
KFileItem(const KFileItem &)
KFileItem(KFileItem &&)
KACL ACL() const
bool cmp(const KFileItem &item) const
QString comment() const
QMimeType currentMimeType() const
KACL defaultACL() const
QMimeType determineMimeType() const
KIO::UDSEntry entry() const
bool exists() const
QString getStatusBarInfo() const
QString group() const
int groupId() const
bool hasExtendedACL() const
QString iconName() const
bool isDesktopFile() const
bool isDir() const
bool isExecutable() const
bool isFile() const
bool isFinalIconKnown() const
bool isHidden() const
bool isLink() const
bool isLocalFile() const
bool isMimeTypeKnown() const
KFileItem::MostLocalUrlResult isMostLocalUrl() const
bool isNull() const
bool isReadable() const
bool isRegularFile() const
bool isSlow() const
bool isWritable() const
QString linkDest() const
QString localPath() const
QString mimeComment() const
QString mimetype() const
mode_t mode() const
QUrl mostLocalUrl(bool *local = nullptr) const
QString name(bool lowerCase = false) const
QStringList overlays() const
mode_t permissions() const
QString permissionsString() const
KIO::filesize_t recursiveSize() const
void refresh()
void refreshMimeType()
void setDelayedMimeTypes(bool b)
void setLocalPath(const QString &path)
void setName(const QString &name)
void setUrl(const QUrl &url)
KIO::filesize_t size() const
QString suffix() const
QUrl targetUrl() const
QString text() const
QDateTime time(KFileItem::FileTimes which) const
QString timeString(KFileItem::FileTimes which = ModificationTime) const
QUrl url() const
QString user() const
int userId() const
QVariant operator QVariant() const
bool operator!=(const KFileItem &other) const
bool operator<(const KFileItem &other) const
bool operator<(const QUrl &other) const
KFileItem &operator=(KFileItem &&)
KFileItem &operator=(const KFileItem &)
bool operator==(const KFileItem &other) const

Detailed Description

A KFileItem is a generic class to handle a file, local or remote. In particular, it makes it easier to handle the result of KIO::listDir (UDSEntry isn't very friendly to use). It includes many file attributes such as MIME type, icon, text, mode, link...

KFileItem is implicitly shared, i.e. it can be used as a value and copied around at almost no cost.

Member Type Documentation

enum KFileItem::FileTimes

The timestamps associated with a file. - ModificationTime: the time the file's contents were last modified - AccessTime: the time the file was last accessed (last read or written to) - CreationTime: the time the file was created

Member Function Documentation


Null KFileItem. Doesn't represent any file, only exists for convenience.

KFileItem::KFileItem(const QUrl &url, KFileItem::MimeTypeDetermination mimeTypeDetermination)

Creates an item representing a file, with the option of skipping MIME type determination. @param url the file url @param mimeTypeDetermination the mode of determining the MIME type: NormalMimeTypeDetermination by content if local file, i.e. access the file, open and read part of it; by QMimeDatabase::MatchMode::MatchExtension if not local. SkipMimeTypeFromContent always by QMimeDatabase::MatchMode::MatchExtension, i.e. won't access the file by stat() or opening it; only suitable for files, directories won't be recognized. @since 5.57

[explicit] KFileItem::KFileItem(const QUrl &url, const QString &mimeType = QString(), mode_t mode = KFileItem::Unknown)

Creates an item representing a file, for which the MIME type is already known. @param url the file url @param mimeType the name of the file's MIME type @param mode the mode (S_IFDIR...)

KFileItem::KFileItem(const KIO::UDSEntry &entry, const QUrl &itemOrDirUrl, bool delayedMimeTypes = false, bool urlIsDirectory = false)

Creates an item representing a file, from a UDSEntry. This is the preferred constructor when using KIO::listDir().

@param entry the KIO entry used to get the file, contains info about it @param itemOrDirUrl the URL of the item or of the directory containing this item (see urlIsDirectory). @param delayedMimeTypes specifies if the MIME type of the given URL should be determined immediately or on demand. See the bool delayedMimeTypes in the KDirLister constructor. @param urlIsDirectory specifies if the url is just the directory of the fileitem and the filename from the UDSEntry should be used.

When creating KFileItems out of the UDSEntry emitted by a KIO list job, use KFileItem(entry, listjob->url(), delayedMimeTypes, true);

KFileItem::KFileItem(const KFileItem &)

Copy constructor

KFileItem::KFileItem(KFileItem &&)

Move constructor @since 5.43

[noexcept] KFileItem::~KFileItem()


KACL KFileItem::ACL() const

Returns the access control list for the file. @return the access control list as a KACL

bool KFileItem::cmp(const KFileItem &item) const

Somewhat like a comparison operator, but more explicit, and it can detect that two fileitems differ if any property of the file item has changed (file size, modification date, etc.). Two items are equal if all properties are equal. In contrast, operator== only compares URLs. @param item the item to compare @return true if all values are equal

QString KFileItem::comment() const

A comment which can contain anything - even rich text. It will simply be displayed to the user as is.

Note: Getter function for property comment.

QMimeType KFileItem::currentMimeType() const

Returns the currently known MIME type of the file item. This will not try to determine the MIME type if unknown. @return the known MIME type

Note: Getter function for property currentMimeType.

KACL KFileItem::defaultACL() const

Returns the default access control list for the directory. @return the default access control list as a KACL

QMimeType KFileItem::determineMimeType() const

Returns the MIME type of the file item. If delayedMimeTypes was used in the constructor, this will determine the MIME type first. @return the MIME type

Note: Getter function for property determineMimeType.

KIO::UDSEntry KFileItem::entry() const

Returns the UDS entry. Used by the tree view to access all details by position. @return the UDS entry

bool KFileItem::exists() const

returns whether the KFileItem exists on-disk Call only after initialization (i.e `KIO::stat` or `refresh()` for local files) @since 6.0

QString KFileItem::getStatusBarInfo() const

Returns the string to be displayed in the statusbar, e.g. when the mouse is over this item. @return the status bar information

Note: Getter function for property getStatusBarInfo.

QString KFileItem::group() const

Returns the group of the file. @return the file's group

Note: Getter function for property group.

int KFileItem::groupId() const

Returns the file's owner's group id. Available only on supported protocols. @since 6.0

bool KFileItem::hasExtendedACL() const

Tells if the file has extended access level information ( Posix ACL ) @return true if the file has extend ACL information or false if it hasn't

QString KFileItem::iconName() const

Returns the full path name to the icon that represents this MIME type. @return iconName the name of the file's icon

Note: Getter function for property iconName.

bool KFileItem::isDesktopFile() const

Checks whether the file is a readable local .desktop file, i.e. a file whose path can be given to KDesktopFile @return true if the file is a desktop file.

Note: Getter function for property isDesktopFile.

bool KFileItem::isDir() const

Returns true if this item represents a directory. @return true if the item is a directory

Note: Getter function for property isDir.

bool KFileItem::isExecutable() const

Return true if the file has executable permission @since 6.0

bool KFileItem::isFile() const

Returns true if this item represents a file (and not a directory) @return true if the item is a file

Note: Getter function for property isFile.

bool KFileItem::isFinalIconKnown() const

@return true if we have determined the final icon of this file already. @since 4.10.2

Note: Getter function for property isFinalIconKnown.

bool KFileItem::isHidden() const

Checks whether the file is hidden. @return true if the file is hidden.

Note: Getter function for property isHidden.

Returns true if this item represents a link in the UNIX sense of a link. @return true if the file is a link

Note: Getter function for property isLink.

bool KFileItem::isLocalFile() const

Returns true if the file is a local file. @return true if the file is local, false otherwise

Note: Getter function for property isLocalFile.

bool KFileItem::isMimeTypeKnown() const

@return true if we have determined the MIME type of this file already, i.e. if determineMimeType() will be fast. Otherwise it will have to find what the MIME type is, which is a possibly slow operation; usually this is delayed until necessary.

Note: Getter function for property isMimeTypeKnown.

KFileItem::MostLocalUrlResult KFileItem::isMostLocalUrl() const

Returns a MostLocalUrlResult, with the local Url for this item if possible (otherwise an empty Url), and a bool that is set to @c true if this Url does represent a local file otherwise @c false.

Basically this is an alternative to mostLocalUrl(bool*), that does not use an output parameter.

Example: @code KFileItem item; const MostLocalUrlResult result = item.isMostLocalUrl(); if (result.local) { // A local file // Use result.url } @endcode @since 5.84

bool KFileItem::isNull() const

Return true if default-constructed

bool KFileItem::isReadable() const

Checks whether the file or directory is readable. In some cases (remote files), we may return true even though it can't be read. @return true if the file can be read - more precisely, false if we know for sure it can't

Note: Getter function for property isReadable.

bool KFileItem::isRegularFile() const

Return true if this item is a regular file, false otherwise (directory, link, character/block device, fifo, socket)

Note: Getter function for property isRegularFile.

bool KFileItem::isSlow() const

@return true if the file is a remote URL, or a local file on a network mount. It will return false only for really-local file systems. @since 4.7.4

Note: Getter function for property isSlow.

bool KFileItem::isWritable() const

Checks whether the file or directory is writable. In some cases (remote files), we may return true even though it can't be written to. @return true if the file or directory can be written to - more precisely, false if we know for sure it can't

Note: Getter function for property isWritable.

QString KFileItem::linkDest() const

Returns the link destination if isLink() == true. @return the link destination. QString() if the item is not a link

Note: Getter function for property linkDest.

QString KFileItem::localPath() const

Returns the local path if isLocalFile() == true or the KIO item has a UDS_LOCAL_PATH atom.

Treat it as a readonly path to open/list contents, use original url to move/delete files.

@return the item local path, or QString() if not known

Note: Getter function for property localPath.

See also setLocalPath().

QString KFileItem::mimeComment() const

Returns the user-readable string representing the type of this file, like "OpenDocument Text File". @return the type of this KFileItem

Note: Getter function for property mimeComment.

QString KFileItem::mimetype() const

Returns the MIME type of the file item. If @p delayedMimeTypes was used in the constructor, this will determine the MIME type first. Equivalent to determineMimeType()->name() @return the MIME type of the file

Note: Getter function for property mimetype.

mode_t KFileItem::mode() const

Returns the file type (stat.st_mode containing only S_IFDIR, S_IFLNK, ...). @return the file type

QUrl KFileItem::mostLocalUrl(bool *local = nullptr) const

Tries to return a local URL for this file item if possible. If @p local is not null, it will be set to @c true if the returned url is local, @c false otherwise.

Example: @code bool isLocal = false; KFileItem item; const QUrl url = item.mostLocalUrl(&isLocal); if (isLocal) { // Use url } @endcode

QString KFileItem::name(bool lowerCase = false) const

Return the name of the file item (without a path). Similar to text(), but unencoded, i.e. the original name. @param lowerCase if true, the name will be returned in lower case, which is useful to speed up sorting by name, case insensitively. @return the file's name

Note: Getter function for property name.

See also setName().

QStringList KFileItem::overlays() const

Returns the overlays (bitfield of KIconLoader::*Overlay flags) that are used for this item's pixmap. Overlays are used to show for example, whether a file can be modified. @return the overlays of the pixmap

Note: Getter function for property overlays.

mode_t KFileItem::permissions() const

Returns the permissions of the file (stat.st_mode containing only permissions). @return the permissions of the file

QString KFileItem::permissionsString() const

Returns the access permissions for the file as a string. @return the access permission as string

KIO::filesize_t KFileItem::recursiveSize() const

@brief For folders, its recursive size: the size of its files plus the recursiveSize of its folder

Initially only implemented for trash:/

@since 5.70 @return The recursive size

void KFileItem::refresh()

Throw away and re-read (for local files) all information about the file. This is called when the _file_ changes.

void KFileItem::refreshMimeType()

Re-reads MIME type information. This is called when the MIME type database changes.

void KFileItem::setDelayedMimeTypes(bool b)

Sets MIME type determination to be immediate or on demand. Call this after the constructor, and before using any MIME-type-related method. @since 5.0

void KFileItem::setLocalPath(const QString &path)

Sets the item's local path (UDS_LOCAL_PATH). Do not call unless you know what you are doing! This won't change the item's name or URL. (used for example when an item got renamed). @param path the item's local path @since 5.20

Note: Setter function for property localPath.

See also localPath().

void KFileItem::setName(const QString &name)

Sets the item's name (i.e. the filename). This is automatically done by setUrl, to set the name from the URL's fileName(). This method is provided for some special cases like relative paths as names (KFindPart) @param name the item's name

Note: Setter function for property name.

See also name().

void KFileItem::setUrl(const QUrl &url)

Sets the item's URL. Do not call unless you know what you are doing! (used for example when an item got renamed). @param url the item's URL

Note: Setter function for property url.

See also url().

KIO::filesize_t KFileItem::size() const

Returns the size of the file, if known. @return the file size, or 0 if not known

QString KFileItem::suffix() const

Returns the file extension Similar to QFileInfo::suffix except it takes into account UDS_DISPLAY_NAME and saves a stat call @since 6.0

QUrl KFileItem::targetUrl() const

Returns the target url of the file, which is the same as url() in cases where the worker doesn't specify UDS_TARGET_URL @return the target url.

Note: Getter function for property targetUrl.

QString KFileItem::text() const

Returns the text of the file item. It's not exactly the filename since some decoding happens ('%2F'->'/'). @return the text of the file item

Note: Getter function for property text.

[invokable] QDateTime KFileItem::time(KFileItem::FileTimes which) const

Requests the modification, access or creation time, depending on @p which. @param which the timestamp @return the time asked for, QDateTime() if not available @see timeString()

Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.

[invokable] QString KFileItem::timeString(KFileItem::FileTimes which = ModificationTime) const

Requests the modification, access or creation time as a string, depending on @p which. @param which the timestamp @returns a formatted string of the requested time. @see time

Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.

QUrl KFileItem::url() const

Returns the url of the file. @return the url of the file

Note: Getter function for property url.

See also setUrl().

QString KFileItem::user() const

Returns the owner of the file. @return the file's owner

Note: Getter function for property user.

int KFileItem::userId() const

Returns the file's owner's user id. Available only on supported protocols. @since 6.0

QVariant KFileItem::operator QVariant() const

Converts this KFileItem to a QVariant, this allows to use KFileItem in QVariant() constructor

bool KFileItem::operator!=(const KFileItem &other) const

Returns true if both items do not share the same URL.

bool KFileItem::operator<(const KFileItem &other) const

Returns true if this item's URL is lexically less than other's URL; otherwise returns false @since 5.48

bool KFileItem::operator<(const QUrl &other) const

Returns true if this item's URL is lexically less than url other; otherwise returns false @since 5.48

KFileItem &KFileItem::operator=(KFileItem &&)

Move assignment @since 5.43

KFileItem &KFileItem::operator=(const KFileItem &)

Copy assignment

bool KFileItem::operator==(const KFileItem &other) const

Returns true if both items share the same URL.