KFileMetaData::PropertyInfo Class

class KFileMetaData::PropertyInfo

The PropertyInfo class can be used to obtain extra information about any property. More...

Header: #include <KFileMetaData/PropertyInfo>
CMake: find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS FileMetaData)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::FileMetaData)

Public Functions

PropertyInfo(KFileMetaData::Property::Property property)
QString displayName() const
(since 5.56) QString formatAsDisplayString(const QVariant &value) const
QString name() const
KFileMetaData::Property::Property property() const
bool shouldBeIndexed() const
QMetaType::Type valueType() const
bool operator==(const KFileMetaData::PropertyInfo &rhs) const

Static Public Members

(since 5.107) QStringList allNames()
KFileMetaData::PropertyInfo fromName(const QString &name)

Detailed Description

It is commonly used be indexers in order to obtain a translatable name of the property along with additional information such as if the property should be indexed.

Member Function Documentation


PropertyInfo::PropertyInfo(KFileMetaData::Property::Property property)

[static, since 5.107] QStringList PropertyInfo::allNames()

Get the names of all valid, supported properties

Note: Property::Empty is not considered a valid property.

This function was introduced in 5.107.

QString PropertyInfo::displayName() const

A user visible name of the property

Note: When the displayName for a given property is used repeatedly the returned value should be cached, as calling this method is fairly expensive, as the returned name is localized.

[since 5.56] QString PropertyInfo::formatAsDisplayString(const QVariant &value) const

Returns the value of the property as a QString with added formatting, added units if needed, and translated enums.

This function was introduced in 5.56.

[static] KFileMetaData::PropertyInfo PropertyInfo::fromName(const QString &name)

Construct a PropertyInfo from the internal property name. The internal property name is case insensitive

QString PropertyInfo::name() const

The internal unique name used to refer to the property

KFileMetaData::Property::Property PropertyInfo::property() const

The enumeration which represents this property

bool PropertyInfo::shouldBeIndexed() const

Indicates if this property requires indexing or should just be stored. Eg - Property::Height does not need to be part of the global index. When a user searches for 600, they should not get images with that height

This is just a recommendation.

QMetaType::Type PropertyInfo::valueType() const

The type the value of this property should be. Eg - Property::Height should be an integer

bool PropertyInfo::operator==(const KFileMetaData::PropertyInfo &rhs) const