Constant | Value | Description |
KFileMetaData::Property::Empty | 0 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::BitRate | 1 | The Bit Rate of the Audio in the File. Represented as an integer in kbit/sec |
KFileMetaData::Property::Channels | 2 | The number of channels of the Audio in the File. Represented as an integer |
KFileMetaData::Property::Duration | 3 | The duration of the media in the file. Represented as an integer in seconds |
KFileMetaData::Property::Genre | 4 | The Genre of an Audio file. This s represented as a string of genres and not integers. The IDv1 standard provides a list of commonly excepted genres. |
KFileMetaData::Property::SampleRate | 5 | The same rate or frequency of the Audio in the file. This is represented as an integer in Hz. So a file with "44.1KHz" will have a frequency of 44100 |
KFileMetaData::Property::TrackNumber | 6 | Represents the track number in a set. Typically maps to the "TRCK" tag in IDv3 |
KFileMetaData::Property::ReleaseYear | 7 | Indicates the year a track was released. Represented as an integer. Typically mapped to the "TYE (Year)" tag in IDv1 |
KFileMetaData::Property::Comment | 8 | Represents a comment stored in the file. This can map to e.g. the "COMM" field from IDv3 |
KFileMetaData::Property::Artist | 9 | Represents the artist of a media file. This generally corresponds to the IDv1 ARTIST tag. Many extractors often split this string into a number of artists. |
KFileMetaData::Property::Album | 10 | Represents the album of a media file. This generally corresponds to the IDv1 ALBUM tag. |
KFileMetaData::Property::AlbumArtist | 11 | Represents the album artist of a media file. This generally corresponds to the IDv3 TPE2 ("Band/Orchestra/Accompaniment") tag. |
KFileMetaData::Property::Composer | 12 | Represents the Composer of a media file. This generally corresponds to the IDv2 COMPOSER tag |
KFileMetaData::Property::Lyricist | 13 | Represents the Lyricist of a media file. This generally corresponds to the IDv2 "Lyricist/text writer" tag |
KFileMetaData::Property::Author | 14 | The Author field indicated the primary creator of a document. This often corresponds directly to dc:creator |
KFileMetaData::Property::Title | 15 | Refers to the Title of the content of the file. This can represented by the IDv1 tag TT2 (Title/songname/content description) or the TITLE in a PDF file or the 'dc:title' tag in DublinCore |
KFileMetaData::Property::Subject | 16 | Refers to the subject of the file. This directly corresponds to the 'dc:subject' tag from DublinCore. |
KFileMetaData::Property::Generator | 17 | Refers to the Application used to create this file. In the ODF standard this maps to the 'meta:generator' tag. In PDFs its mapped to the "Producer" tag. |
KFileMetaData::Property::PageCount | 18 | The number of pages in a document |
KFileMetaData::Property::WordCount | 19 | The number of words in a document. This is often only provided for documents where the word count is available in the metadata |
KFileMetaData::Property::LineCount | 20 | The number of lines in a document. This is often only provided for documents where the line count is available in the metadata |
KFileMetaData::Property::Language (since 5.50) | 21 | The language the document is written in. This directly maps to the 'dc:language' tag from DublinCore. We do NOT employ any language detection schemes on the text |
KFileMetaData::Property::Copyright | 22 | The copyright of the file. Represented as a string |
KFileMetaData::Property::Publisher | 23 | The publisher of the content. Represented as a string |
KFileMetaData::Property::CreationDate | 24 | The date the content of the file was created. This is extracted from the File MetaData and not from the file system. In ODF, it corresponds to "meta:creation-date", in PDF to the "CreationDate" tag, and otherwise the "dcterms:created" tag |
KFileMetaData::Property::Keywords | 25 | The keywords used to represent the document. This is mostly a string list of all the keywords |
KFileMetaData::Property::Width | 26 | Represents the width of the Media in pixels. This is generally only applicable for Images and Videos |
KFileMetaData::Property::Height | 27 | Represents the height of the Media in pixels. This is generally only applicable for Images and Videos |
KFileMetaData::Property::AspectRatio | 28 | The Aspect Ratio of the visual image or video. It is the width of a pixel divided by the height of the pixel |
KFileMetaData::Property::FrameRate | 29 | Number of frames per second |
KFileMetaData::Property::Manufacturer (since 5.60) | 30 | The manufacturer of the equipment used for generating the file and metadata. Typically maps to the 'Exif.Image.Make' tag |
KFileMetaData::Property::Model (since 5.60) | 31 | The model name of the equipment used for generating the file and metadata. Typically maps to the 'Exif.Image.Model' tag |
KFileMetaData::Property::ImageDateTime | 32 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::ImageOrientation | 33 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::PhotoFlash | 34 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::PhotoPixelXDimension | 35 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::PhotoPixelYDimension | 36 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::PhotoDateTimeOriginal | 37 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::PhotoFocalLength | 38 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::PhotoFocalLengthIn35mmFilm | 39 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::PhotoExposureTime | 40 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::PhotoFNumber | 41 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::PhotoApertureValue | 42 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::PhotoExposureBiasValue | 43 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::PhotoWhiteBalance | 44 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::PhotoMeteringMode | 45 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::PhotoISOSpeedRatings | 46 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::PhotoSaturation | 47 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::PhotoSharpness | 48 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::PhotoGpsLatitude | 49 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::PhotoGpsLongitude | 50 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::PhotoGpsAltitude | 51 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::TranslationUnitsTotal | 52 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::TranslationUnitsWithTranslation | 53 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::TranslationUnitsWithDraftTranslation | 54 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::TranslationLastAuthor | 55 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::TranslationLastUpDate | 56 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::TranslationTemplateDate | 57 | |
KFileMetaData::Property::OriginUrl | 58 | The URL this file has originally been downloaded from |
KFileMetaData::Property::OriginEmailSubject | 59 | The subject of the email this file was originally attached to |
KFileMetaData::Property::OriginEmailSender | 60 | The sender of the email this file was originally attached to |
KFileMetaData::Property::OriginEmailMessageId | 61 | The message ID of the email this file was originally attached to |
KFileMetaData::Property::DiscNumber | 62 | Represents the disc number in a multi-disc set. Typically maps to the "TPOS" tag for mp3 |
KFileMetaData::Property::Location | 63 | Represents the location where an audio file was recorded |
KFileMetaData::Property::Performer | 64 | Represents the (lead) performer of an audio file |
KFileMetaData::Property::Ensemble | 65 | Represents the ensemble of an audio file |
KFileMetaData::Property::Arranger | 66 | Represents the arranger of an audio file |
KFileMetaData::Property::Conductor | 67 | Represents the conductor of an audio file |
KFileMetaData::Property::Opus | 68 | Represents the opus of an audio file mostly used for classical music |
KFileMetaData::Property::Label | 69 | Represents the label of the content |
KFileMetaData::Property::Compilation | 70 | Contains the name of the compilation of an audio file |
KFileMetaData::Property::License | 71 | Contains the license information of the file |
KFileMetaData::Property::Rating | 72 | For ratings stored in Metadata tags |
KFileMetaData::Property::Lyrics | 73 | Contains the lyrics of a song embedded in the file |
KFileMetaData::Property::ReplayGainAlbumPeak | 74 | Contains ReplayGain information for audio files |
KFileMetaData::Property::ReplayGainAlbumGain | 75 | Contains ReplayGain information for audio files. The album gain is given in "dB" |
KFileMetaData::Property::ReplayGainTrackPeak | 76 | Contains ReplayGain information for audio files |
KFileMetaData::Property::ReplayGainTrackGain | 77 | Contains ReplayGain information for audio files. The track gain is given in "dB" |
KFileMetaData::Property::Description | 78 | Represents the description stored in the file. This maps to the 'dc:description' tag from DublinCore |