KCoreDirLister Class

Helper class for the kiojob used to list and update a directory. More...

Header: #include <KCoreDirLister>
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::KIOCore)
Inherited By:


Public Types

enum OpenUrlFlag { NoFlags, Keep, Reload }
flags OpenUrlFlags
enum WhichItems { AllItems, FilteredItems }

Public Functions

KCoreDirLister(QObject *parent = nullptr)
(since KIO 5.82) bool autoErrorHandlingEnabled() const
bool autoUpdate() const
void clearMimeFilter()
bool delayedMimeTypes() const
bool dirOnlyMode() const
QList<QUrl> directories() const
void emitChanges()
KFileItem findByName(const QString &name) const
KFileItem findByUrl(const QUrl &url) const
(since KIO 5.91) void forgetDirs(const QUrl &dirUrl)
bool isFinished() const
KFileItemList items(KCoreDirLister::WhichItems which = FilteredItems) const
KFileItemList itemsForDir(const QUrl &dirUrl, KCoreDirLister::WhichItems which = FilteredItems) const
QStringList mimeFilters() const
QString nameFilter() const
bool openUrl(const QUrl &dirUrl, KCoreDirLister::OpenUrlFlags flags = NoFlags)
(since KIO 5.82) bool requestMimeTypeWhileListing() const
KFileItem rootItem() const
(since KIO 5.82) void setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled(bool enable)
void setAutoUpdate(bool enable)
void setDelayedMimeTypes(bool delayedMimeTypes)
void setDirOnlyMode(bool dirsOnly)
void setMimeExcludeFilter(const QStringList &mimeList)
void setMimeFilter(const QStringList &mimeList)
void setNameFilter(const QString &filter)
(since KIO 5.82) void setRequestMimeTypeWhileListing(bool request)
(since KIO 5.100) void setShowHiddenFiles(bool showHiddenFiles)
(since KIO 5.100) bool showHiddenFiles() const
void stop()
void stop(const QUrl &dirUrl)
void updateDirectory(const QUrl &dirUrl)
QUrl url() const


void canceled()
void clear()
(since KIO 5.79) void clearDir(const QUrl &dirUrl)
void completed()
void infoMessage(const QString &msg)
void itemsAdded(const QUrl &directoryUrl, const KFileItemList &items)
(since KIO 4.1.2) void itemsDeleted(const KFileItemList &items)
void itemsFilteredByMime(const KFileItemList &items)
(since KIO 5.82) void jobError(KIO::Job *job)
(since KIO 5.79) void listingDirCanceled(const QUrl &dirUrl)
(since KIO 5.79) void listingDirCompleted(const QUrl &dirUrl)
void newItems(const KFileItemList &items)
void percent(int percent)
void processedSize(KIO::filesize_t size)
void redirection(const QUrl &oldUrl, const QUrl &newUrl)
void refreshItems(const QList<QPair<KFileItem, KFileItem>> &items)
void speed(int bytes_per_second)
void started(const QUrl &dirUrl)
void totalSize(KIO::filesize_t size)

Static Public Members

KFileItem cachedItemForUrl(const QUrl &url)

Protected Functions

(since KIO 5.0) virtual void jobStarted(KIO::ListJob *)

Detailed Description

The dir lister deals with the kiojob used to list and update a directory and has signals for the user of this class (e.g. konqueror view or kdesktop) to create/destroy its items when asked.

This class is independent from the graphical representation of the dir (icon container, tree view, ...) and it stores the items (as KFileItems).

Typical usage:

  • Create an instance.
  • Connect to at least update, clear, itemsAdded, and itemsDeleted.
  • Call openUrl - the signals will be called.
  • Reuse the instance when opening a new url (openUrl).
  • Destroy the instance when not needed anymore (usually destructor).

Advanced usage : call openUrl with OpenUrlFlag::Keep to list directories without forgetting the ones previously read (e.g. for a tree view)

Member Type Documentation

enum KCoreDirLister::OpenUrlFlag
flags KCoreDirLister::OpenUrlFlags

KCoreDirLister::NoFlags0x0No additional flags specified.
KCoreDirLister::Keep0x1Previous directories aren't forgotten. (they are still watched by kdirwatch and their items are kept for this KCoreDirLister). This is useful for e.g. a treeview.
KCoreDirLister::Reload0x2Indicates whether to use the cache or to reread the directory from the disk. Use only when opening a dir not yet listed by this lister without using the cache. Otherwise use updateDirectory.

The OpenUrlFlags type is a typedef for QFlags<OpenUrlFlag>. It stores an OR combination of OpenUrlFlag values.

enum KCoreDirLister::WhichItems

Used by items() and itemsForDir() to specify whether you want all items for a directory or just the filtered ones.

Member Function Documentation

KCoreDirLister::KCoreDirLister(QObject *parent = nullptr)

Create a directory lister.

[since KIO 5.82] bool KCoreDirLister::autoErrorHandlingEnabled() const

Checks whether auto error handling is enabled. If enabled, it will show an error dialog to the user when an error occurs (assuming the application links to KIOWidgets). It is turned on by default. @return @c true if auto error handling is enabled, @c false otherwise

Note: Getter function for property autoErrorHandlingEnabled.

This function was introduced in KIO 5.82.

See also setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled().

bool KCoreDirLister::autoUpdate() const

Checks whether KDirWatch will automatically update directories. This is enabled by default.

@return @c true if KDirWatch is used to automatically update directories

Note: Getter function for property autoUpdate.

See also setAutoUpdate().

[static] KFileItem KCoreDirLister::cachedItemForUrl(const QUrl &url)

Return the KFileItem for the given URL, if it was listed recently and it's still in the cache, which is always the case if a directory view is currently showing this item. If not, then it might be in the cache; if not in the cache a a null KFileItem will be returned.

If you really need a KFileItem for this URL in all cases, then use KIO::stat() instead.

[signal] void KCoreDirLister::canceled()

Tell the view that the user canceled the listing. No running jobs are left.

[signal] void KCoreDirLister::clear()

Signals to the view to remove all items (when e.g. going from dirA to dirB). Make sure to connect to this signal to avoid having duplicate items in the view.

[signal, since KIO 5.79] void KCoreDirLister::clearDir(const QUrl &dirUrl)

Signals to the view to clear all items from directory @p dirUrl.

This is only emitted if the lister is holding more than one directory.

@param dirUrl the directory that the view should clear all items from

This function was introduced in KIO 5.79.

void KCoreDirLister::clearMimeFilter()

Clears the MIME type based filter.

You need to call emitChanges() afterwards.

Note: Resetter function for property mimeFilter.

See also setMimeFilter.

[signal] void KCoreDirLister::completed()

Tell the view that listing is finished. There are no jobs running anymore.

bool KCoreDirLister::delayedMimeTypes() const

Returns true if the "delayed MIME types" feature was enabled

Note: Getter function for property delayedMimeTypes.

See also setDelayedMimeTypes.

bool KCoreDirLister::dirOnlyMode() const

Checks whether this KCoreDirLister only lists directories or all items (directories and files), by default all items are listed.

@return @c true if only directories are listed, @c false otherwise

Note: Getter function for property dirOnlyMode.

See also setDirOnlyMode(bool).

QList<QUrl> KCoreDirLister::directories() const

Returns all URLs that are listed by this KCoreDirLister. This is only useful if you called openUrl() with OpenUrlFlag::Keep, as it happens in a treeview, for example. (Note that the base url is included in the list as well, of course.)

@return a list of all listed URLs

void KCoreDirLister::emitChanges()

Actually emit the changes made with setShowHiddenFiles, setDirOnlyMode, setNameFilter and setMimeFilter.

KFileItem KCoreDirLister::findByName(const QString &name) const

Find an item by its name. @param name the item name @return the KFileItem

KFileItem KCoreDirLister::findByUrl(const QUrl &url) const

Find an item by its URL. @param url the item URL @return the KFileItem

[since KIO 5.91] void KCoreDirLister::forgetDirs(const QUrl &dirUrl)

Stop listening for further changes in the given directory. When a new directory is opened with OpenUrlFlag::Keep the caller will keep being notified of file changes for all directories that were kept open. This call selectively removes a directory from sending future notifications to this KCoreDirLister.

dirUrl the directory URL.

This function was introduced in KIO 5.91.

[signal] void KCoreDirLister::infoMessage(const QString &msg)

Emitted to display information about running jobs. Examples of message are "Resolving host", "Connecting to host...", etc. @param msg the info message

bool KCoreDirLister::isFinished() const

Returns @c true if no I/O operation is currently in progress.

@return @c true if finished, @c false otherwise

KFileItemList KCoreDirLister::items(KCoreDirLister::WhichItems which = FilteredItems) const

Returns the items listed for the current url().

This method will @em not start listing a directory, you should only call this in a slot connected to the finished() signal.

The items in the KFileItemList are copies of the items used by KCoreDirLister.

@param which specifies whether the returned list will contain all entries or only the ones that passed the nameFilter(), mimeFilter(), etc. Note that the latter causes iteration over all the items, filtering them. If this is too slow for you, use the newItems() signal, sending out filtered items in chunks @return the items listed for the current url()

[signal] void KCoreDirLister::itemsAdded(const QUrl &directoryUrl, const KFileItemList &items)

Signal that new items were found during directory listing. Alternative signal emitted at the same time as newItems(), but itemsAdded also passes the url of the parent directory.

@param items a list of new items

[signal, since KIO 4.1.2] void KCoreDirLister::itemsDeleted(const KFileItemList &items)

Signal that items have been deleted

@param items the list of deleted items

This function was introduced in KIO 4.1.2.

[signal] void KCoreDirLister::itemsFilteredByMime(const KFileItemList &items)

Send a list of items filtered-out by MIME type. @param items the list of filtered items

KFileItemList KCoreDirLister::itemsForDir(const QUrl &dirUrl, KCoreDirLister::WhichItems which = FilteredItems) const

Returns the items listed for the given @p dirUrl. This method will @em not start listing @p dirUrl, you should only call this in a slot connected to the finished() signal.

The items in the KFileItemList are copies of the items used by KCoreDirLister.

@param dirUrl specifies the url for which the items should be returned. This is only useful if you use KCoreDirLister with multiple URLs i.e. using bool OpenUrlFlag::Keep in openUrl() @param which specifies whether the returned list will contain all entries or only the ones that passed the nameFilter, mimeFilter, etc. Note that the latter causes iteration over all the items, filtering them. If this is too slow for you, use the newItems() signal, sending out filtered items in chunks

@return the items listed for @p dirUrl

[signal, since KIO 5.82] void KCoreDirLister::jobError(KIO::Job *job)

Emitted if listing a directory fails with an error. A typical implementation in a widgets-based application would show a message box by calling this in a slot connected to this signal: <tt>job->uiDelegate()->showErrorMessage()</tt> Many applications might prefer to embed the error message though (e.g. by using the KMessageWidget class, from the KWidgetsAddons Framework). @param the job with an error

This function was introduced in KIO 5.82.

[virtual protected, since KIO 5.0] void KCoreDirLister::jobStarted(KIO::ListJob *)

Reimplemented by KDirLister to associate windows with jobs

This function was introduced in KIO 5.0.

[signal, since KIO 5.79] void KCoreDirLister::listingDirCanceled(const QUrl &dirUrl)

Tell the view that the listing of the directory @p dirUrl was canceled. There might be other running jobs left.

@param dirUrl the directory URL

This function was introduced in KIO 5.79.

[signal, since KIO 5.79] void KCoreDirLister::listingDirCompleted(const QUrl &dirUrl)

Tell the view that the listing of the directory @p dirUrl is finished. There might be other running jobs left.

@param dirUrl the directory URL

This function was introduced in KIO 5.79.

QStringList KCoreDirLister::mimeFilters() const

Returns the list of MIME type based filters, as set via setMimeFilter(). @return the list of MIME type based filters. Empty, when no MIME type filter is set.

Note: Getter function for property mimeFilter.

QString KCoreDirLister::nameFilter() const

Returns the current name filter, as set via setNameFilter() @return the current name filter, can be QString() if filtering is turned off

Note: Getter function for property nameFilter.

See also setNameFilter().

[signal] void KCoreDirLister::newItems(const KFileItemList &items)

Signal new items.

@param items a list of new items

bool KCoreDirLister::openUrl(const QUrl &dirUrl, KCoreDirLister::OpenUrlFlags flags = NoFlags)

Run the directory lister on the given url.

This method causes KCoreDirLister to emit \em all the items of dirUrl, in any case. Depending on flags, either clear() or clearDir(const QUrl &) will be emitted first.

The newItems() signal may be emitted more than once to supply you with KFileItems, up until the signal completed() is emitted (and isFinished() returns true).

dirUrl the directory URL.

flags whether to keep previous directories, and whether to reload, see OpenUrlFlags

Returns true if successful, false otherwise (e.g. if dirUrl is invalid)

[signal] void KCoreDirLister::percent(int percent)

Progress signal showing the overall progress of the KCoreDirLister. This allows using a progress bar very easily. (see QProgressBar) @param percent the progress in percent

[signal] void KCoreDirLister::processedSize(KIO::filesize_t size)

Regularly emitted to show the progress of this KCoreDirLister. @param size the processed size in bytes

[signal] void KCoreDirLister::redirection(const QUrl &oldUrl, const QUrl &newUrl)

Signals a redirection.

@param oldUrl the original URL @param newUrl the new URL

[signal] void KCoreDirLister::refreshItems(const QList<QPair<KFileItem, KFileItem>> &items)

Signal an item to refresh (its MIME-type/icon/name has changed). Note: KFileItem::refresh has already been called on those items. @param items the items to refresh. This is a list of pairs, where the first item in the pair is the OLD item, and the second item is the NEW item. This allows to track which item has changed, especially after a renaming.

[since KIO 5.82] bool KCoreDirLister::requestMimeTypeWhileListing() const

Checks whether this KCoreDirLister requests the MIME type of files from the worker.

Enabling this will tell the worker used for listing that it should try to determine the mime type of entries while listing them. This potentially reduces the speed at which entries are listed but ensures mime types are immediately available when an entry is added, greatly speeding up things like mime type filtering.

By default this is disabled.

@return @c true if the worker is asked for MIME types, @c false otherwise.

Note: Getter function for property requestMimeTypeWhileListing.

This function was introduced in KIO 5.82.

See also setRequestMimeTypeWhileListing(bool).

KFileItem KCoreDirLister::rootItem() const

Returns the file item of the URL.

Can return an empty KFileItem. @return the file item for url() itself (".")

[since KIO 5.82] void KCoreDirLister::setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled(bool enable)

Enable or disable auto error handling. If enabled, it will show an error dialog to the user when an error occurs. It is turned on by default. @param enable true to enable auto error handling, false to disable @param parent the parent widget for the error dialogs, can be @c nullptr for top-level

Note: Setter function for property autoErrorHandlingEnabled.

This function was introduced in KIO 5.82.

See also autoErrorHandlingEnabled().

void KCoreDirLister::setAutoUpdate(bool enable)

Toggle automatic directory updating, when a directory changes (using KDirWatch).

@param enable set to @c true to enable or @c false to disable

Note: Setter function for property autoUpdate.

See also autoUpdate().

void KCoreDirLister::setDelayedMimeTypes(bool delayedMimeTypes)

Delayed MIME types feature: If enabled, MIME types will be fetched on demand, which leads to a faster initial directory listing, where icons get progressively replaced with the correct one while KMimeTypeResolver is going through the items with unknown or imprecise MIME type (e.g. files with no extension or an unknown extension).

Note: Setter function for property delayedMimeTypes.

See also delayedMimeTypes().

void KCoreDirLister::setDirOnlyMode(bool dirsOnly)

Call this to list only directories (by default all items (directories and files) are listed).

You need to call emitChanges() afterwards.

@param dirsOnly set to @c true to list only directories

Note: Setter function for property dirOnlyMode.

See also dirOnlyMode().

void KCoreDirLister::setMimeExcludeFilter(const QStringList &mimeList)

Filtering should be done with KFileFilter. This will be implemented in a later revision of KCoreDirLister. This method may be removed then.

Set MIME type based exclude filter to only list items not matching the given MIME types

NOTE: setting the filter does not automatically reload directory. Also calling this function will not affect any named filter already set.

@param mimeList a list of MIME types

See also clearMimeFilter and matchesMimeFilter.

void KCoreDirLister::setMimeFilter(const QStringList &mimeList)

Set MIME type based filter to only list items matching the given MIME types.

NOTE: setting the filter does not automatically reload directory. Also calling this function will not affect any named filter already set.

You need to call emitChanges() afterwards.

@param mimeList a list of MIME types

Note: Setter function for property mimeFilter.

See also clearMimeFilter and matchesMimeFilter.

void KCoreDirLister::setNameFilter(const QString &filter)

Set a name filter to only list items matching this name, e.g. "*.cpp".

You can set more than one filter by separating them with whitespace, e.g "*.cpp *.h". Note: the directory is not automatically reloaded. You need to call emitChanges() afterwards.

@param filter the new filter, QString() to disable filtering

Note: Setter function for property nameFilter.

See also nameFilter() and matchesFilter.

[since KIO 5.82] void KCoreDirLister::setRequestMimeTypeWhileListing(bool request)

Toggles whether to request MIME types from the worker or in-process.

@param request set to @c true to request MIME types from the worker.

@note If this is changed while the lister is already listing a directory, it will only have an effect the next time openUrl() is called.

Note: Setter function for property requestMimeTypeWhileListing.

This function was introduced in KIO 5.82.

See also requestMimeTypeWhileListing().

[since KIO 5.100] void KCoreDirLister::setShowHiddenFiles(bool showHiddenFiles)

Toggles whether hidden files (e.g. files whose name start with '.' on Unix) are shown/ By default hidden files are not shown.

You need to call emitChanges() afterwards.

@param showHiddenFiles set to @c true/false to show/hide hidden files respectively

Note: Setter function for property showHiddenFiles.

This function was introduced in KIO 5.100.

See also showHiddenFiles().

[since KIO 5.100] bool KCoreDirLister::showHiddenFiles() const

Checks whether hidden files (e.g. files whose name start with '.' on Unix) will be shown. By default this option is disabled (hidden files are not shown).

@return @c true if hidden files are shown, @c false otherwise

Note: Getter function for property showHiddenFiles.

This function was introduced in KIO 5.100.

See also setShowHiddenFiles().

[signal] void KCoreDirLister::speed(int bytes_per_second)

Emitted to display information about the speed of the jobs. @param bytes_per_second the speed in bytes/s

[signal] void KCoreDirLister::started(const QUrl &dirUrl)

Tell the view that this KCoreDirLister has started to list @p dirUrl. Note that this does @em not imply that there is really a job running! I.e. KCoreDirLister::jobs() may return an empty list, in which case the items are taken from the cache.

The view knows that openUrl should start it, so this might seem useless, but the view also needs to know when an automatic update happens. @param dirUrl the URL to list

void KCoreDirLister::stop()

Stop listing all directories currently being listed.

Emits canceled() if there was at least one job running. Emits listingDirCanceled(const QUrl &) for each stopped job if there is more than one directory being watched by this KCoreDirLister.

void KCoreDirLister::stop(const QUrl &dirUrl)

Stop listing the given directory.

Emits canceled() if the killed job was the last running one. Emits listingDirCanceled(const QUrl &) for the killed job if there is more than one directory being watched by this KCoreDirLister.

No signal is emitted if there was no job running for dirUrl.

dirUrl the directory URL

[signal] void KCoreDirLister::totalSize(KIO::filesize_t size)

Emitted when we know the size of the jobs. @param size the total size in bytes

void KCoreDirLister::updateDirectory(const QUrl &dirUrl)

Update the directory @p dirUrl. This method causes KCoreDirLister to @em only emit the items of @p dirUrl that actually changed compared to the current state in the cache, and updates the cache.

The current implementation calls updateDirectory automatically for local files, using KDirWatch (if autoUpdate() is @c true), but it might be useful to force an update manually.

@param dirUrl the directory URL

QUrl KCoreDirLister::url() const

Returns the top level URL that is listed by this KCoreDirLister.

It might be different from the one given with openUrl() if there was a redirection. If you called openUrl() with OpenUrlFlag::Keep this is the first url opened (e.g. in a treeview this is the root).

@return the url used by this instance to list the files