KBreadcrumbSelectionModel Class

Selects the parents of selected items to create breadcrumbs. More...

Header: #include <KBreadcrumbSelectionModel>
CMake: find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS ItemModels)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::ItemModels)
Since: KDE Frameworks 4.5
Inherits: QItemSelectionModel

Public Functions

int breadcrumbLength() const
bool isActualSelectionIncluded() const
void setActualSelectionIncluded(bool isActualSelectionIncluded)
void setBreadcrumbLength(int breadcrumbLength)

Detailed Description

For example, if the tree is

- A
- B
- - C
- - D
- - - E
- - - - F

and E is selected, the selection can contain

- B
- D


- B
- D
- E

if isActualSelectionIncluded is true.

The depth of the selection may also be set. For example if the breadcrumbLength is 1:

- D
- E

And if breadcrumbLength is 2:

- B
- D
- E

A KBreadcrumbsSelectionModel with a breadcrumbLength of 0 and including the actual selection is the same as a KSelectionProxyModel in the KSelectionProxyModel::ExactSelection configuration.


QItemSelectionModel *breadcrumbSelectionModel = new QItemSelectionModel(rootModel, this);

KBreadcrumbSelectionModel *breadcrumbProxySelector = new KBreadcrumbSelectionModel(breadcrumbSelectionModel, rootModel, this);


KSelectionProxyModel *breadcrumbSelectionProxyModel = new KSelectionProxyModel( breadcrumbSelectionModel, this);
breadcrumbSelectionProxyModel->setSourceModel( rootModel );
breadcrumbSelectionProxyModel->setFilterBehavior( KSelectionProxyModel::ExactSelection );


"KBreadcrumbSelectionModel in several configurations"

This can work in two directions. One option is for a single selection in the KBreadcrumbSelectionModel to invoke the breadcrumb selection in its constructor argument.

The other is for a selection in the itemselectionmodel in the constructor argument to cause a breadcrumb selection in this.

Member Function Documentation

Returns the depth that the breadcrumb selection should go to.

See also setBreadcrumbLength().

bool KBreadcrumbSelectionModel::isActualSelectionIncluded() const

Returns whether the actual selection in included in the proxy.

The default is true.

void KBreadcrumbSelectionModel::setActualSelectionIncluded(bool isActualSelectionIncluded)

Set whether the actual selection in included in the proxy to isActualSelectionIncluded.

See also isActualSelectionIncluded().

void KBreadcrumbSelectionModel::setBreadcrumbLength(int breadcrumbLength)

Sets the depth that the breadcrumb selection should go to.

If the breadcrumbLength is -1, all breadcrumbs are selected. The default is -1

See also breadcrumbLength().