Solid::Battery Class

class Solid::Battery

This device interface is available on batteries. More...

Header: #include <Solid/Battery>
CMake: find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Solid)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::Solid)
Inherits: Solid::DeviceInterface

Public Types

enum BatteryType { PdaBattery, UpsBattery, PrimaryBattery, MouseBattery, KeyboardBattery, …, UnknownBattery }
enum ChargeState { NoCharge, Charging, Discharging, FullyCharged }
enum Technology { UnknownTechnology, LithiumIon, LithiumPolymer, LithiumIronPhosphate, LeadAcid, …, NickelMetalHydride }


Public Functions

(since 4.11) int capacity() const
int chargePercent() const
Solid::Battery::ChargeState chargeState() const
double energy() const
(since 5.7) double energyFull() const
(since 5.7) double energyFullDesign() const
double energyRate() const
bool isPowerSupply() const
bool isPresent() const
bool isRechargeable() const
(since 5.8) qlonglong remainingTime() const
(since 5.0) QString serial() const
Solid::Battery::Technology technology() const
(since 5.0) double temperature() const
(since 5.0) qlonglong timeToEmpty() const
(since 5.0) qlonglong timeToFull() const
Solid::Battery::BatteryType type() const
double voltage() const


(since 4.11) void capacityChanged(int value, const QString &udi)
void chargePercentChanged(int value, const QString &udi)
void chargeStateChanged(int newState, const QString &udi = QString())
void energyChanged(double energy, const QString &udi)
void energyFullChanged(double energy, const QString &udi)
void energyFullDesignChanged(double energy, const QString &udi)
void energyRateChanged(double energyRate, const QString &udi)
(since 4.11) void powerSupplyStateChanged(bool newState, const QString &udi)
void presentStateChanged(bool newState, const QString &udi)
(since 5.8) void remainingTimeChanged(qlonglong time, const QString &udi)
(since 5.0) void temperatureChanged(double temperature, const QString &udi)
(since 5.0) void timeToEmptyChanged(qlonglong time, const QString &udi)
(since 5.0) void timeToFullChanged(qlonglong time, const QString &udi)
(since 5.0) void voltageChanged(double voltage, const QString &udi)

Static Public Members

Solid::DeviceInterface::Type deviceInterfaceType()

Detailed Description

Member Type Documentation

enum Battery::BatteryType

This enum type defines the type of the device holding the battery

Solid::Battery::PdaBattery1A battery in a Personal Digital Assistant
Solid::Battery::UpsBattery2A battery in an Uninterruptible Power Supply
Solid::Battery::PrimaryBattery3A primary battery for the system (for example laptop battery)
Solid::Battery::MouseBattery4A battery in a mouse
Solid::Battery::KeyboardBattery5A battery in a keyboard
Solid::Battery::KeyboardMouseBattery6A battery in a combined keyboard and mouse
Solid::Battery::CameraBattery7A battery in a camera
Solid::Battery::PhoneBattery8A battery in a phone
Solid::Battery::MonitorBattery9A battery in a monitor
Solid::Battery::GamingInputBattery10A battery in a gaming input device (for example a wireless game pad)
Solid::Battery::BluetoothBattery (since 5.54)11A generic Bluetooth device battery (if its type isn't known, a Bluetooth mouse would normally show up as a MouseBattery)
Solid::Battery::TabletBattery (since 5.88)12A battery in a graphics tablet or pen
Solid::Battery::HeadphoneBattery (since 6.0)13A battery in a headphone
Solid::Battery::HeadsetBattery (since 6.0)14A battery in a headset
Solid::Battery::TouchpadBattery (since 6.0)15A battery in a touchpad. This is how the Dualsense Wireless Controller is categorized
Solid::Battery::UnknownBattery0A battery in an unknown device

enum Battery::ChargeState

This enum type defines charge state of a battery

Solid::Battery::NoCharge0Battery charge is stable, not charging or discharging or the state is Unknown
Solid::Battery::Charging1Battery is charging
Solid::Battery::Discharging2Battery is discharging
Solid::Battery::FullyCharged3The battery is fully charged; a battery not necessarily charges up to 100%

enum Battery::Technology

Technology used in the battery

Solid::Battery::LithiumIon1Lithium ion
Solid::Battery::LithiumPolymer2Lithium polymer
Solid::Battery::LithiumIronPhosphate3Lithium iron phosphate
Solid::Battery::LeadAcid4Lead acid
Solid::Battery::NickelCadmium5Nickel cadmium
Solid::Battery::NickelMetalHydride6Nickel metal hydride

Property Documentation

[read-only] capacity : const int

Access functions:

int capacity() const

Notifier signal:

void capacityChanged(int value, const QString &udi)

[read-only] chargePercent : const int

Access functions:

int chargePercent() const

Notifier signal:

void chargePercentChanged(int value, const QString &udi)

[read-only] chargeState : const ChargeState

Access functions:

Solid::Battery::ChargeState chargeState() const

Notifier signal:

void chargeStateChanged(int newState, const QString &udi = QString())

[read-only] energy : const double

Access functions:

double energy() const

Notifier signal:

void energyChanged(double energy, const QString &udi)

[read-only] energyFull : const double

Access functions:

double energyFull() const

Notifier signal:

void energyFullChanged(double energy, const QString &udi)

[read-only] energyFullDesign : const double

Access functions:

double energyFullDesign() const

Notifier signal:

void energyFullDesignChanged(double energy, const QString &udi)

[read-only] energyRate : const double

Access functions:

double energyRate() const

Notifier signal:

void energyRateChanged(double energyRate, const QString &udi)

[read-only] powerSupply : const bool

Access functions:

bool isPowerSupply() const

Notifier signal:

void powerSupplyStateChanged(bool newState, const QString &udi)

[read-only] present : const bool

Access functions:

bool isPresent() const

Notifier signal:

void presentStateChanged(bool newState, const QString &udi)

[read-only] rechargeable : const bool

Access functions:

bool isRechargeable() const

[read-only] remainingTime : const qlonglong

Access functions:

qlonglong remainingTime() const

Notifier signal:

void remainingTimeChanged(qlonglong time, const QString &udi)

[read-only] serial : const QString

Access functions:

QString serial() const

[read-only] technology : const Technology

Access functions:

Solid::Battery::Technology technology() const

[read-only] temperature : const double

Access functions:

double temperature() const

Notifier signal:

void temperatureChanged(double temperature, const QString &udi)

[read-only] timeToEmpty : const qlonglong

Access functions:

qlonglong timeToEmpty() const

Notifier signal:

void timeToEmptyChanged(qlonglong time, const QString &udi)

[read-only] timeToFull : const qlonglong

Access functions:

qlonglong timeToFull() const

Notifier signal:

void timeToFullChanged(qlonglong time, const QString &udi)

[read-only] type : const BatteryType

Access functions:

Solid::Battery::BatteryType type() const

[read-only] voltage : const double

Access functions:

double voltage() const

Notifier signal:

void voltageChanged(double voltage, const QString &udi)

Member Function Documentation

[since 4.11] int Battery::capacity() const

Returns the battery capacity normalised to percent, meaning how much energy can it hold compared to what it is designed to.

The capacity of the battery will reduce with age. A capacity value less than 75% is usually a sign that you should renew your battery.

Note: Getter function for property capacity.

This function was introduced in 4.11.

[signal, since 4.11] void Battery::capacityChanged(int value, const QString &udi)

This signal is emitted when the capacity of this battery has changed.

value the new capacity of the battery

udi the UDI of the battery with the new capacity

Note: Notifier signal for property capacity.

This function was introduced in 4.11.

int Battery::chargePercent() const

Returns the current charge level of the battery normalised to percent.

Note: Getter function for property chargePercent.

[signal] void Battery::chargePercentChanged(int value, const QString &udi)

This signal is emitted when the charge percent value of this battery has changed.

value the new charge percent value of the battery

udi the UDI of the battery with the new charge percent

Note: Notifier signal for property chargePercent.

Solid::Battery::ChargeState Battery::chargeState() const

Retrieves the current charge state of the battery. It can be in a stable state (no charge), charging or discharging.

Note: Getter function for property chargeState.

See also Solid::Battery::ChargeState.

[signal] void Battery::chargeStateChanged(int newState, const QString &udi = QString())

This signal is emitted when the charge state of this battery has changed.

newState the new charge state of the battery

udi the UDI of the battery with the new charge state

Note: Notifier signal for property chargeState.

[static] Solid::DeviceInterface::Type Battery::deviceInterfaceType()

Get the Solid::DeviceInterface::Type of the Battery device interface.

See also Solid::DeviceInterface::Type.

double Battery::energy() const

Amount of energy (measured in Wh) currently available in the power source.

Note: Getter function for property energy.

[signal] void Battery::energyChanged(double energy, const QString &udi)

This signal is emitted when the energy value of this battery has changed.

energy the new energy value of the battery

udi the UDI of the battery with the new energy value

Note: Notifier signal for property energy.

[since 5.7] double Battery::energyFull() const

Amount of energy (measured in Wh) the battery has when it is full.

Note: Getter function for property energyFull.

This function was introduced in 5.7.

[signal] void Battery::energyFullChanged(double energy, const QString &udi)

This signal is emitted when the energy full value of this battery has changed.

energy the new energy full value of the battery

udi the UDI of the battery with the new energy full value

Note: Notifier signal for property energyFull.

[since 5.7] double Battery::energyFullDesign() const

Amount of energy (measured in Wh) the battery should have by design hen it is full.

Returns amount of battery energy when full by design in Wh

Note: Getter function for property energyFullDesign.

This function was introduced in 5.7.

[signal] void Battery::energyFullDesignChanged(double energy, const QString &udi)

This signal is emitted when the energy full design value of this battery has changed.

energy the new energy full design value of the battery

udi the UDI of the battery with the new energy full design value

Note: Notifier signal for property energyFullDesign.

double Battery::energyRate() const

Amount of energy being drained from the source, measured in W. If positive, the source is being discharged, if negative it's being charged.

Note: Getter function for property energyRate.

[signal] void Battery::energyRateChanged(double energyRate, const QString &udi)

This signal is emitted when the energy rate value of this battery has changed.

If positive, the source is being discharged, if negative it's being charged.

energyRate the new energy rate value of the battery

udi the UDI of the battery with the new charge percent

Note: Notifier signal for property energyRate.

bool Battery::isPowerSupply() const

Indicates if the battery is powering the machine.

Note: Getter function for property powerSupply.

bool Battery::isPresent() const

Indicates if this battery is currently present in its bay.

Returns true if the battery is present, false otherwise

Note: Getter function for property present.

bool Battery::isRechargeable() const

Indicates if the battery is rechargeable.

Note: Getter function for property rechargeable.

[signal, since 4.11] void Battery::powerSupplyStateChanged(bool newState, const QString &udi)

This signal is emitted when the power supply state of the battery changes.

newState the new power supply state

udi the UDI of the battery with the new power supply state

Note: Notifier signal for property powerSupply.

This function was introduced in 4.11.

[signal] void Battery::presentStateChanged(bool newState, const QString &udi)

This signal is emitted if the battery gets plugged in/out of the battery bay.

newState the new plugging state of the battery

udi the UDI of the battery with thew new plugging state

Note: Notifier signal for property present.

[since 5.8] qlonglong Battery::remainingTime() const

Retrieves the current estimated remaining time (in seconds) of the system batteries

Note: Getter function for property remainingTime.

This function was introduced in 5.8.

[signal, since 5.8] void Battery::remainingTimeChanged(qlonglong time, const QString &udi)

This signal is emitted when the estimated battery remaining time changes.

time the new remaining time

udi the UDI of the battery with the new remaining time

Note: Notifier signal for property remainingTime.

This function was introduced in 5.8.

[since 5.0] QString Battery::serial() const

The serial number of the battery

Note: Getter function for property serial.

This function was introduced in 5.0.

Solid::Battery::Technology Battery::technology() const

Retrieves the technology used to manufacture the battery.

Note: Getter function for property technology.

See also Solid::Battery::Technology.

[since 5.0] double Battery::temperature() const

The temperature of the battery in degrees Celsius.

Note: Getter function for property temperature.

This function was introduced in 5.0.

[signal, since 5.0] void Battery::temperatureChanged(double temperature, const QString &udi)

This signal is emitted when the battery temperature has changed.

temperature the new temperature of the battery in degrees Celsius

udi the UDI of the battery with the new temperature

Note: Notifier signal for property temperature.

This function was introduced in 5.0.

[since 5.0] qlonglong Battery::timeToEmpty() const

Time (in seconds) until the battery is empty.

Note: Getter function for property timeToEmpty.

This function was introduced in 5.0.

[signal, since 5.0] void Battery::timeToEmptyChanged(qlonglong time, const QString &udi)

This signal is emitted when the time until the battery is empty has changed.

time the new remaining time

udi the UDI of the battery with the new remaining time

Note: Notifier signal for property timeToEmpty.

This function was introduced in 5.0.

[since 5.0] qlonglong Battery::timeToFull() const

Time (in seconds) until the battery is full.

Note: Getter function for property timeToFull.

This function was introduced in 5.0.

[signal, since 5.0] void Battery::timeToFullChanged(qlonglong time, const QString &udi)

This signal is emitted when the time until the battery is full has changed.

time the new remaining time

udi the UDI of the battery with the new remaining time

Note: Notifier signal for property timeToFull.

This function was introduced in 5.0.

Solid::Battery::BatteryType Battery::type() const

Returns the type of device holding this battery.

Note: Getter function for property type.

See also Solid::Battery::BatteryType.

double Battery::voltage() const

Voltage in the Cell or being recorded by the meter.

Note: Getter function for property voltage.

[signal, since 5.0] void Battery::voltageChanged(double voltage, const QString &udi)

This signal is emitted when the voltage in the cell has changed.

voltage the new voltage of the cell

udi the UDI of the battery with the new voltage

Note: Notifier signal for property voltage.

This function was introduced in 5.0.