Settings QML Type

Import Statement: import org.kde.kirigami.platform


Detailed Description

This class contains global kirigami settings about the current device setup It is exposed to QML as the singleton "Settings"

Property Documentation

applicationWindowIcon : var [since org.kde.kirigami 2.10]

This property holds the name of the application window icon.

This property was introduced in org.kde.kirigami 2.10.

See also QGuiApplication::windowIcon().

hasPlatformMenuBar : bool

This property holds whether the system has a platform menu bar; e.g. a user is on macOS or has a global menu on KDE Plasma.

Warning: Android has a platform menu bar; which may not be what you expected.

hasTransientTouchInput : bool

This property holds whether the user in this moment is interacting with the app with the touch screen.

information : list<string> [since org.kde.kirigami 2.6]

This property holds the runtime information about the libraries in use.

This property was introduced in org.kde.kirigami 2.6.

isMobile : bool

This property holds whether the application is running on a small mobile device such as a mobile phone. This is used when we want to do specific adaptations to the UI for small screen form factors, such as having bigger touch areas.

mouseWheelScrollLines : int

This property holds the number of lines of text the mouse wheel should scroll.

smoothScroll : bool

This property holds whether to display animated transitions when scrolling with a mouse wheel or the keyboard.

style : string

This property holds the name of the QtQuickControls2 style the application is using, for instance org.kde.desktop, Plasma, Material, Universal etc

tabletMode : bool

This property holds whether the application is running on a device that is behaving like a tablet.

Note: This doesn't mean exactly a tablet form factor, but that the preferred input mode for the device is the touch screen and that pointer and keyboard are either secondary or not available.

tabletModeAvailable : bool

This property holds whether the system can dynamically enter and exit tablet mode (or the device is actually a tablet). This is the case for foldable convertibles and transformable laptops that support keyboard detachment.