PagePoolAction QML Type

Import Statement: import org.kde.kirigami




Detailed Description

An action used to load Pages coming from a common PagePool in a PageRow or QtQuickControls2 StackView.

See also PagePool.

Property Documentation

basePage : Page

This property sets the page in the pageStack after which new pages will be pushed.

All pages present after the given basePage will be removed from the pageStack

initialProperties : var

This property holds a function that generate the property values for the created page when it is pushed onto the Kirigami.PagePool.

Example usage:

Kirigami.PagePoolAction {
    text: i18n("Security") "security-low"
    page: Qt.resolvedUrl("Security.qml")
    initialProperties: {
        return {

page : string

This property holds the url or filename of the page that this action will load.

pagePool : Kirigami.PagePool

This property holds the PagePool object used by this PagePoolAction.

PagePool will make sure only one instance of the page identified by the page url will be created and reused. PagePool's lastLoaderUrl property will be used to control the mutual exclusivity of the checked state of the PagePoolAction instances sharing the same PagePool.

pageStack : Item

The pageStack property accepts either a Kirigami.PageRow or a QtQuickControls2 StackView. The component that will instantiate the pages, which has to work with a stack logic. Kirigami.PageRow is recommended, but will work with QtQuicControls2 StackView as well.

default: bound to ApplicationWindow's global pageStack, which is a PageRow by default

useLayers : bool [since 5.70]

This property sets whether PagePoolAction will use the layers property implemented by the pageStack.

This is intended for use with PageRow layers to allow PagePoolActions to push context-specific pages onto the layers stack.

default: false

This property was introduced in 5.70.

Method Documentation

bool layerContainsPage()

Returns true if the page has been loaded and placed on pageStack.layers and useLayers is true, otherwise returns null.

Item pageItem()

Returns the page item held in the PagePool or null if it has not been loaded yet.

bool stackContainsPage()

Returns true if the page has been loaded and placed on the pageStack, otherwise returns null.