MnemonicData QML Type
Import Statement: | import org.kde.kirigami |
Since: | 2.3 |
Attached Properties
- active : bool
(since 2.15)
- controlType : enumeration
- enabled : bool
- label : string
- mnemonicLabel : string
- richTextLabel : string
- sequence : keysequence
Detailed Description
This Attached property is used to calculate automated keyboard sequences to trigger actions based upon their text: if an "&" mnemonic is used (ie "&Ok"), the system will attempt to assign the desired letter giving it priority, otherwise a letter among the ones in the label will be used if possible and not conflicting. Different kinds of controls will have different priorities in assigning the shortcut: for instance the "Ok/Cancel" buttons in a dialog will have priority over fields of a FormLayout.
Usually the developer shouldn't use this directly as base components already use this, but only when implementing a custom graphical Control.
See also ControlType.
Attached Property Documentation : bool |
True when the user is pressing alt and the accelerators should be shown
This property was introduced in 2.15.
MnemonicData.controlType : enumeration |
The type of control this mnemonic is attached: different types of controls have different importance and priority for shortcut assignment.
See also ControlType.
MnemonicData.enabled : bool |
Only if true this mnemonic will be considered for the global assignment default: true
MnemonicData.label : string |
The label of the control we want to compute a mnemonic for, instance "Label:" or "&Ok"
MnemonicData.mnemonicLabel : string |
The label with an "&" mnemonic in the place which will have the shortcut assigned, regardless of whether the & was assigned by the user or automatically generated.
MnemonicData.richTextLabel : string |
The user-visible final label, which will have the shortcut letter underlined, such as "<u>O</u>k"
MnemonicData.sequence : keysequence |
The final key sequence assigned, if any: it will be Alt+alphanumeric char