ListItemDragHandle QML Type
A handle to reorder items in a view. More...
Import Statement: | import org.kde.kirigami |
Inherits: |
- dragActive : alias
- incrementalMoves : bool
- listItem : Item
- listView : ListView
- dropped(int oldIndex, int newIndex)
- moveRequested(int oldIndex, int newIndex)
Detailed Description
Implements a drag handle supposed to be in items in ListViews to reorder items The ListView must visualize a model which supports item reordering, such as ListModel.move() or QAbstractItemModel instances with moveRows() correctly implemented. In order for ListItemDragHandle to work correctly, the listItem that is being dragged should not directly be the delegate of the ListView, but a child of it.
It is recommended to use DelagateRecycler as base delegate like the following code:
import QtQuick import QtQuick.Layouts import QtQuick.Controls as QQC2 import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami ... Component { id: delegateComponent QQC2.ItemDelegate { id: listItem contentItem: RowLayout { Kirigami.ListItemDragHandle { listItem: listItem listView: mainList onMoveRequested: (oldIndex, newIndex) => { listModel.move(oldIndex, newIndex, 1); } } QQC2.Label { text: model.label } } } } ListView { id: mainList model: ListModel { id: listModel ListElement { label: "Item 1" } ListElement { label: "Item 2" } ListElement { label: "Item 3" } } //this is optional to make list items animated when reordered moveDisplaced: Transition { YAnimator { duration: Kirigami.Units.longDuration easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } } delegate: Loader { width: mainList.width sourceComponent: delegateComponent } } ...
Property Documentation
dragActive : alias |
This property holds the fact that the handle is being dragged
incrementalMoves : bool |
This property holds the fact that we are doing incremental move requests or not
listItem : Item |
This property holds the delegate that will be dragged around.
This item *must* be a child of the actual ListView's delegate.
Signal Documentation
dropped(int oldIndex, int newIndex) |
This signal is emitted when the drag operation is complete and the item has been dropped in the new final position.
oldIndex the index the item is currently at
newIndex the index we want to drop the item to
Note: The corresponding handler is onDropped
moveRequested(int oldIndex, int newIndex) |
This signal is emitted when the drag handle wants to move the item in the model.
The following example does the move in the case a ListModel is used:
onMoveRequested: (oldIndex, newIndex) => { listModel.move(oldIndex, newIndex, 1); }
oldIndex the index the item is currently at
newIndex the index we want to move the item to
Note: The corresponding handler is onMoveRequested