Heading QML Type

A heading label used for subsections of texts. More...

Import Statement: import org.kde.kirigami



  • level : int
  • type : enumeration (since 5.82)

Detailed Description

The characteristics of the text will be automatically set according to the Kirigami.Theme. Use this components for section titles or headings in your UI, for example page or section titles.

Example usage:

import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami
Column {
    Kirigami.Heading {
        text: "Apples in the sunlight"
        level: 2

The most important property is text, which applies to the text property of Label. See the Label component from QtQuick.Controls 2 and primitive QML Text element API for additional properties, methods and signals.

Property Documentation

level : int

This property holds the level of the heading, which determines its size.

This property holds the level, which determines how large the header is.

Acceptable values range from 1 (big) to 5 (small).

default: 1

type : enumeration [since 5.82]

This property holds the heading type.

The type of the heading. This can be:

  • Kirigami.Heading.Type.Normal: Create a normal heading (default)
  • Kirigami.Heading.Type.Primary: Makes the heading more prominent. Useful when making the heading bigger is not enough.
  • Kirigami.Heading.Type.Secondary: Makes the heading less prominent. Useful when an heading is for a less important section in an application.

This property was introduced in 5.82.