PromptDialog QML Type
A simple dialog to quickly prompt a user with information, and possibly perform an action. More...
Import Statement: | import org.kde.kirigami.dialogs |
Inherits: |
- contentBottomPadding : real
- contentLeftPadding : real
- contentPadding : real
- contentRightPadding : real
- contentTopPadding : real
- dialogType : int
- iconName : string
- subtitle : string
Detailed Description
Provides content padding (instead of padding outside of the scroll area). Also has a default preferredWidth, as well as the subtitle property.
Note: If a mainItem is specified, it will replace the subtitle label, and so the respective property will have no effect.
Example usage:
Kirigami.PromptDialog { title: "Reset settings?" subtitle: "The stored settings for the application will be deleted, with the defaults restored." standardButtons: Kirigami.Dialog.Ok | Kirigami.Dialog.Cancel onAccepted: console.log("Accepted") onRejected: console.log("Rejected") }
Text field prompt dialog:
Kirigami.PromptDialog { id: textPromptDialog title: qsTr("New Folder") standardButtons: Kirigami.Dialog.NoButton customFooterActions: [ Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("Create Folder") "dialog-ok" onTriggered: { showPassiveNotification("Created"); textPromptDialog.close(); } }, Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("Cancel") "dialog-cancel" onTriggered: { textPromptDialog.close(); } } ] QQC2.TextField { placeholderText: qsTr("Folder name…") } }
See also Dialog and MenuDialog.
Property Documentation
contentBottomPadding : real |
The bottom padding of the content, within the scroll area.
contentLeftPadding : real |
The left padding of the content, within the scroll area.
contentPadding : real |
The padding around the content, within the scroll area.
Default is Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing.
contentRightPadding : real |
The right padding of the content, within the scroll area.
contentTopPadding : real |
The top padding of the content, within the scroll area.
dialogType : int |
This property holds the dialogType. It can be either:
- PromptDialog.Success: For a sucess message
- PromptDialog.Warning: For a warning message
- PromptDialog.Error: For an actual error
- PromptDialog.Information: For an informational message
- PromptDialog.None: No specific dialog type.
By default, the dialogType is Kirigami.PromptDialog.None
iconName : string |
This property holds the icon name used by the PromptDialog.
subtitle : string |
The text to use in the dialog's contents.