TitleSubtitle QML Type

A simple item containing a title and subtitle label. More...

Import Statement: import org.kde.kirigami.delegates




Detailed Description

This is mainly intended as a replacement for a list delegate content item, but can be used as a replacement for other content items as well.

When using it as a contentItem, make sure to bind the appropriate properties to those of the Control. Prefer binding to the Control's properties over setting the properties directly, as the Control's properties may affect other things like setting accessible names.

Example usage as contentItem of an ItemDelegate:

ItemDelegate {
    id: delegate

    text: "Example"

    contentItem: Kirigami.TitleSubtitle {
        title: delegate.text
        subtitle: "This is an example."
        font: delegate.font
        selected: delegate.highlighted || delegate.down

See also IconTitleSubtitle and ItemDelegate.

Property Documentation

color : color

The color to use for the title.

By default this is `Kirigami.Theme.textColor` unless `selected` is true in which case this is `Kirigami.Theme.highlightedTextColor`.

elide : int

The text elision mode used for both the title and subtitle.

font : font

The font used to display the title.

reserveSpaceForSubtitle : bool

Make the implicit height use the subtitle's height even if no subtitle is set.

selected : bool

Should this item be displayed in a selected style?

subtitle : string

The subtitle to display.

subtitleColor : color

The color to use for the subtitle.

By default this is color mixed with the background color.

subtitleFont : font

The font used to display the subtitle.

subtitleVisible : bool [read-only]

Is the subtitle visible?

title : string [required]

The title to display.

truncated : bool [read-only]

Is the title or subtitle truncated?

wrapMode : int

The text wrap mode used for both the title and subtitle.

Signal Documentation

linkActivated(string link)

Emitted when the user clicks on a link embedded in the text of the title or subtitle.

Note: The corresponding handler is onLinkActivated.

linkHovered(string link)

Emitted when the user hovers on a link embedded in the text of the title or subtitle.

Note: The corresponding handler is onLinkHovered.