Purpose::AlternativesModel Class

Interface for client applications to share data. More...

Header: #include <Purpose/AlternativesModel>
CMake: find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Purpose)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::Purpose)
Inherits: QAbstractListModel


Public Functions

AlternativesModel(QObject *parent = nullptr)
virtual ~AlternativesModel() override
Purpose::Configuration *configureJob(int row)
QStringList disabledPlugins() const
QJsonObject inputData() const
QString pluginType() const
void setDisabledPlugins(const QStringList &pluginIds)
void setInputData(const QJsonObject &input)
void setPluginType(const QString &pluginType)


Detailed Description

Lists all the alternatives to share a specified type of data then provides a method to trigger a job.

Property Documentation

disabledPlugins : QStringList

Provides a list of plugin names to have filtered out.

Access functions:

QStringList disabledPlugins() const
void setDisabledPlugins(const QStringList &pluginIds)

Notifier signal:

void disabledPluginsChanged()

inputData : QJsonObject

Specifies the information that will be given to the plugin once it's started.

Note: some plugins might be filtered out based on this setting

Access functions:

QJsonObject inputData() const
void setInputData(const QJsonObject &input)

Notifier signal:

void inputDataChanged()

pluginType : QString

Specifies the type of the plugin we want to list.

Access functions:

QString pluginType() const
void setPluginType(const QString &pluginType)

Notifier signal:

void pluginTypeChanged()

See also inputData.

Member Function Documentation

[explicit] AlternativesModel::AlternativesModel(QObject *parent = nullptr)

Constructs an alternatives model with the given parent.

[override virtual noexcept] AlternativesModel::~AlternativesModel()

Destroys the alternatives model.

Purpose::Configuration *AlternativesModel::configureJob(int row)

This shouldn't require to have the job actually running on the same process as the app.

row specifies the alternative to be used.

Returns the configuration instance that will offer the job.