PlasmaQuick::Dialog Class

class PlasmaQuick::Dialog
Header: #include <Dialog>
CMake: find_package(PlasmaQuick REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Plasma::PlasmaQuick)
Inherits: QQuickWindow and

Public Functions

QQuickItem *appletInterface() const
PlasmaQuick::Dialog::BackgroundHints backgroundHints() const
int floating() const
bool hideOnWindowDeactivate() const
QObject *inset() const
bool isOutputOnly() const
bool isVisible() const
Plasma::Types::Location location() const
QQuickItem *mainItem() const
QObject *margins() const
virtual QPoint popupPosition(QQuickItem *item, const QSize &size)
void setAppletInterface(QQuickItem *appletInterface)
void setBackgroundHints(PlasmaQuick::Dialog::BackgroundHints hints)
void setFloating(int floating)
void setFramelessFlags(Qt::WindowFlags flags)
void setHideOnWindowDeactivate(bool hide)
void setLocation(Plasma::Types::Location location)
void setMainItem(QQuickItem *mainItem)
void setOutputOnly(bool outputOnly)
void setType(PlasmaQuick::Dialog::WindowType type)
void setVisible(bool visible)
void setVisualParent(QQuickItem *visualParent)
PlasmaQuick::Dialog::WindowType type() const
QQuickItem *visualParent() const


Protected Functions

virtual void adjustGeometry(const QRect &geom)

Detailed Description

Dialog creates a Plasma themed top level window that can contain any QML component.

It can be automatically positioned relative to a visual parent The dialog will resize to the size of the main item

@code{.qml} import QtQuick 2.0 import org.kde.plasma.core as PlasmaCore Item { PlasmaCore.Dialog { visible: true mainItem: Item { width: 500 height: 500

Text { anchors.centerIn: parent color: "red" text: "text" } } } } @endcode

<b>Import Statement</b> @code import org.kde.plasma.core @endcode @version 2.0

Member Function Documentation

[virtual protected] void Dialog::adjustGeometry(const QRect &geom)

set the dialog position. subclasses may change it. ToolTipDialog adjusts the position in an animated way

[virtual] QPoint Dialog::popupPosition(QQuickItem *item, const QSize &size)

@returns The suggested screen position for the popup @param item the item the popup has to be positioned relatively to. if null, the popup will be positioned in the center of the window @param size the size that the popup will have, which influences the final position

[signal] void Dialog::windowDeactivated()

Emitted when the @see hideOnWindowDeactivate property is @c true and this dialog lost focus to a window that is neither a parent dialog to nor a child dialog of this dialog.