PlasmaQuick::ConfigModel Class
class PlasmaQuick::ConfigModelHeader: | #include <ConfigModel> |
CMake: | find_package(PlasmaQuick REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Plasma::PlasmaQuick) |
Inherits: | QAbstractListModel |
Public Functions
void | appendCategory(const QString &iconName, const QString &name, const QString &path, const QString &pluginName) |
QQmlListProperty<PlasmaQuick::ConfigCategory> | categories() |
void | clear() |
int | count() |
QVariant | get(int row) const |
void | countChanged() |
Detailed Description
This model contains all the possible config categories for a dialog, such as categories of the config dialog for an Applet TODO: it should probably become an import instead of a library?
<b>Import Statement</b> @code import org.kde.plasma.configuration @endcode @version 2.0
Member Function Documentation
void ConfigModel::appendCategory(const QString &iconName, const QString &name, const QString &path, const QString &pluginName)
add a new category in the model @param ConfigCategory the new category
QQmlListProperty<PlasmaQuick::ConfigCategory> ConfigModel::categories()
@return the categories of the model
Note: Getter function for property categories.
void ConfigModel::clear()
clears the model
void ConfigModel::countChanged()
emitted when the count is changed
Note: Notifier signal for property count.
QVariant ConfigModel::get(int row) const
@param row the row for which the data will be returned @return the data of the specified row
Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.