Plasma::Applet Class
The base Applet class. More...
Header: | #include <Plasma/Applet> |
CMake: | find_package(Plasma REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Plasma::Plasma) |
Inherits: | QObject |
Inherited By: |
Public Types
enum | Constraint { NoConstraint, FormFactorConstraint, LocationConstraint, ScreenConstraint, ImmutableConstraint, …, AllConstraints } |
enum | ConstraintHint { NoHint, CanFillArea, MarginAreasSeparator } |
flags | ConstraintHints |
flags | Constraints |
Public Functions
(since 5.86) | Applet(QObject *parentObject, const KPluginMetaData &data, const QVariantList &args) |
(since 5.65) Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints | backgroundHints() const |
KConfigGroup | config() const |
KConfigLoader * | configScheme() const |
KConfigPropertyMap * | configuration() |
bool | configurationRequired() const |
(since 5.20) QString | configurationRequiredReason() const |
Plasma::Applet::ConstraintHints | constraintHints() const |
Plasma::Containment * | containment() const |
(since 5.77) Plasma::Types::ContainmentDisplayHints | containmentDisplayHints() const |
virtual QList<QAction *> | contextualActions() |
bool | destroyed() const |
(since 5.65) Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints | effectiveBackgroundHints() const |
bool | failedToLaunch() const |
Plasma::Types::FormFactor | formFactor() const |
KConfigGroup | globalConfig() const |
QKeySequence | globalShortcut() const |
bool | hasConfigurationInterface() const |
QString | icon() const |
uint | id() const |
Plasma::Types::ImmutabilityType | immutability() const |
bool | immutable() const |
QAction * | internalAction(const QString &name) const |
QList<QAction *> | internalActions() const |
(since 5.21) bool | isBusy() const |
bool | isContainment() const |
(since 4.5) bool | isUserConfiguring() const |
(since 5.0) QString | launchErrorMessage() const |
Plasma::Types::Location | location() const |
(since 5.27) KPluginMetaData | pluginMetaData() const |
QString | pluginName() const |
QQmlListProperty<QAction> | qmlContextualActions() |
void | removeInternalAction(const QString &name) |
virtual void | restore(KConfigGroup &group) |
virtual void | save(KConfigGroup &group) const |
(since 5.65) void | setBackgroundHints(Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints hint) |
(since 5.21) void | setBusy(bool busy) |
void | setConfigurationRequired(bool needsConfiguring, const QString &reason = QString()) |
void | setConstraintHints(Plasma::Applet::ConstraintHints constraintHints) |
void | setGlobalShortcut(const QKeySequence &shortcut = QKeySequence()) |
void | setHasConfigurationInterface(bool hasInterface) |
void | setIcon(const QString &icon) |
void | setInternalAction(const QString &name, QAction *action) |
(since 5.0) void | setTitle(const QString &title) |
(since 5.65) void | setUserBackgroundHints(Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints hint) |
void | setUserConfiguring(bool configuring) |
QVariantList | startupArguments() const |
(since 4.4) Plasma::Types::ItemStatus | status() const |
(since 5.0) QString | title() const |
(since 6.1) QString | translationDomain() const |
void | updateConstraints(Plasma::Applet::Constraints constraints = AllConstraints) |
(since 5.65) Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints | userBackgroundHints() const |
Public Slots
virtual void | configChanged() |
void | destroy() |
void | flushPendingConstraintsEvents() |
virtual void | init() |
void | setImmutability(const Plasma::Types::ImmutabilityType immutable) |
(since 5.0) void | setLaunchErrorMessage(const QString &reason = QString()) |
(since 4.4) void | setStatus(const Plasma::Types::ItemStatus stat) |
void | activated() |
void | appletDeleted(Plasma::Applet *applet) |
(since 5.65) void | backgroundHintsChanged() |
(since 5.21) void | busyChanged(bool busy) |
void | configNeedsSaving() |
(since 5.20) void | configurationRequiredChanged(bool needsConfig, const QString &reason) |
void | constraintHintsChanged(Plasma::Applet::ConstraintHints constraintHints) |
void | containmentChanged(Plasma::Containment *containment) |
void | containmentDisplayHintsChanged(Plasma::Types::ContainmentDisplayHints hints) |
void | contextualActionsAboutToShow() |
void | contextualActionsChanged(const QList<QAction *> &actions) |
(since 5.4) void | destroyedChanged(bool destroyed) |
(since 5.65) void | effectiveBackgroundHintsChanged() |
void | formFactorChanged(Plasma::Types::FormFactor formFactor) |
void | globalShortcutChanged(const QKeySequence &sequence) |
(since 6.0) void | hasConfigurationInterfaceChanged(bool hasConfiguration) |
(since 5.20) void | iconChanged(const QString &icon) |
(since 4.4) void | immutabilityChanged(Plasma::Types::ImmutabilityType immutable) |
void | internalActionsChanged(const QList<QAction *> &actions) |
void | locationChanged(Plasma::Types::Location location) |
(since 6.3) void | secondaryActivated() |
(since 4.4) void | statusChanged(Plasma::Types::ItemStatus status) |
(since 5.20) void | titleChanged(const QString &title) |
(since 5.65) void | userBackgroundHintsChanged() |
void | userConfiguringChanged(bool configuring) |
Protected Functions
virtual void | constraintsEvent(Plasma::Applet::Constraints constraints) |
virtual void | saveState(KConfigGroup &config) const |
Detailed Description
Applet provides several important roles for add-ons widgets in Plasma.
First, it is the base class for the plugin system and therefore is the interface to applets for host applications. Background painting (allowing for consistent and complex look and feel in just one line of code for applets), loading and starting of scripting support for each applet, providing access to the associated plasmoid package (if any) and access to configuration data.
See for tutorials on writing Applets using this class.
Member Type Documentation
enum Applet::Constraint
flags Applet::Constraints
The Constraint enumeration lists the various constraints that Plasma objects have managed for them and which they may wish to react to, for instance in Applet::constraintsUpdated
Constant | Value | Description |
Plasma::Applet::NoConstraint | 0 | No constraint; never passed in to Applet::constraintsEvent on its own |
Plasma::Applet::FormFactorConstraint | 1 | The FormFactor for an object |
Plasma::Applet::LocationConstraint | 2 | The Location of an object |
Plasma::Applet::ScreenConstraint | 4 | Which screen an object is on |
Plasma::Applet::ImmutableConstraint | 8 | The immutability (locked) nature of the applet changed |
Plasma::Applet::StartupCompletedConstraint | 16 | Application startup has completed |
Plasma::Applet::UiReadyConstraint | 32 | The ui has been completely loaded |
Plasma::Applet::AllConstraints | FormFactorConstraint | LocationConstraint | ScreenConstraint | ImmutableConstraint |
The Constraints type is a typedef for QFlags<Constraint>. It stores an OR combination of Constraint values.
enum Applet::ConstraintHint
flags Applet::ConstraintHints
This enumeration lists the various hints that an applet can pass to its constraint regarding the way that it is represented
Constant | Value | Description |
Plasma::Applet::NoHint | 0 | |
Plasma::Applet::CanFillArea | 1 | The CompactRepresentation can fill the area and ignore constraint margins |
Plasma::Applet::MarginAreasSeparator | CanFillArea | 2 | The applet acts as a separator between the standard and slim panel margin areas |
The ConstraintHints type is a typedef for QFlags<ConstraintHint>. It stores an OR combination of ConstraintHint values.
Property Documentation
backgroundHints : Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints
How the applet wants its background to be drawn. The containment may chose to ignore this hint.
Access functions:
Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints | backgroundHints() const |
void | setBackgroundHints(Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints hint) |
Notifier signal:
void | backgroundHintsChanged() |
busy : bool
True if the applet should show a busy status, for instance doing some network operation
Access functions:
Notifier signal:
void | busyChanged(bool busy) |
configuration : KConfigPropertyMap* const
A KConfigPropertyMap instance that represents the configuration which is usable from QML to read and write settings like any JavaScript Object
Access functions:
KConfigPropertyMap * | configuration() |
configurationRequired : bool
If true the applet requires manual configuration from the user
Access functions:
bool | configurationRequired() const |
void | setConfigurationRequired(bool needsConfiguring, const QString &reason = QString()) |
Notifier signal:
void | configurationRequiredChanged(bool needsConfig, const QString &reason) |
constraintHints : Applet::ConstraintHints
The hints that the applet gives to its constraint, such as asking to fill all the available space ignoring margins.
Access functions:
Plasma::Applet::ConstraintHints | constraintHints() const |
void | setConstraintHints(Plasma::Applet::ConstraintHints constraintHints) |
Notifier signal:
void | constraintHintsChanged(Plasma::Applet::ConstraintHints constraintHints) |
containment : Plasma::Containment* const
The Containment managing this applet
Access functions:
Plasma::Containment * | containment() const |
Notifier signal:
void | containmentChanged(Plasma::Containment *containment) |
containmentDisplayHints : const Plasma::Types::ContainmentDisplayHints
Display hints that come from the containment that suggest the applet how to look and behave. TODO: only in containment?
Access functions:
Plasma::Types::ContainmentDisplayHints | containmentDisplayHints() const |
Notifier signal:
void | containmentDisplayHintsChanged(Plasma::Types::ContainmentDisplayHints hints) |
contextualActions : const QQmlListProperty<QAction>
Actions to be added in the plasmoid context menu. To instantiate QActions in a declarative way, PlasmaCore.Action {} can be used
Access functions:
QQmlListProperty<QAction> | qmlContextualActions() |
Notifier signal:
void | contextualActionsChanged(const QList<QAction *> &actions) |
effectiveBackgroundHints : const Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints
The effective background hints the applet has, internally decided how to mix with userBackgroundHints
Access functions:
Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints | effectiveBackgroundHints() const |
Notifier signal:
formFactor : const Plasma::Types::FormFactor
The current form factor the applet is being displayed in.
Access functions:
Plasma::Types::FormFactor | formFactor() const |
Notifier signal:
void | formFactorChanged(Plasma::Types::FormFactor formFactor) |
globalShortcut : QKeySequence
The global shortcut to activate the plasmoid
This is typically only used by the default configuration module
Access functions:
QKeySequence | globalShortcut() const |
void | setGlobalShortcut(const QKeySequence &shortcut = QKeySequence()) |
Notifier signal:
void | globalShortcutChanged(const QKeySequence &sequence) |
hasConfigurationInterface : bool
True if this applet will provide a UI for its configuration
Access functions:
bool | hasConfigurationInterface() const |
void | setHasConfigurationInterface(bool hasInterface) |
Notifier signal:
void | hasConfigurationInterfaceChanged(bool hasConfiguration) |
icon : QString
Icon to represent the plasmoid
Access functions:
Notifier signal:
void | iconChanged(const QString &icon) |
id : const uint
Applet id: is unique in the whole Plasma session and will never change across restarts
Access functions:
uint | id() const |
immutability : Plasma::Types::ImmutabilityType
The immutability of the Corona. Tells the applet whether it should allow for any modification by the user.
Access functions:
Plasma::Types::ImmutabilityType | immutability() const |
void | setImmutability(const Plasma::Types::ImmutabilityType immutable) |
Notifier signal:
void | immutabilityChanged(Plasma::Types::ImmutabilityType immutable) |
immutable : const bool
Whether the Corona is immutable. The plasmoid implementation should avoid allowing "dangerous" modifications from the user when in an immutable mode
This is true when immutability is not Mutable
Access functions:
bool | immutable() const |
Notifier signal:
void | immutabilityChanged(Plasma::Types::ImmutabilityType immutable) |
isContainment : const bool
True if this applet is a Containment and is acting as one, such as a desktop or a panel
Access functions:
bool | isContainment() const |
location : const Plasma::Types::Location
The location of the scene which is displaying applet.
Access functions:
Plasma::Types::Location | location() const |
Notifier signal:
void | locationChanged(Plasma::Types::Location location) |
metaData : const KPluginMetaData
The metadata of the applet.
Access functions:
KPluginMetaData | pluginMetaData() const |
pluginName : const QString
Plugin name for the applet
Access functions:
QString | pluginName() const |
status : Plasma::Types::ItemStatus
Status of the plasmoid: useful to instruct the shell if this plasmoid is requesting attention, if is accepting input, or if is in an idle, inactive state
Access functions:
Notifier signal:
void | statusChanged(Plasma::Types::ItemStatus status) |
title : QString
User friendly title for the plasmoid: it's the localized applet name by default
Access functions:
Notifier signal:
void | titleChanged(const QString &title) |
userBackgroundHints : Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints
The containment (and/or the user) may decide to use another kind of background instead (if supported by the applet)
Access functions:
Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints | userBackgroundHints() const |
void | setUserBackgroundHints(Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints hint) |
Notifier signal:
void | userBackgroundHintsChanged() |
userConfiguring : const bool
True when the user is configuring, for instance when the configuration dialog is open.
Access functions:
bool | isUserConfiguring() const |
Notifier signal:
void | userConfiguringChanged(bool configuring) |
Member Function Documentation
[since 5.86]
Applet::Applet(QObject *parentObject, const KPluginMetaData &data, const QVariantList &args)
This constructor can be used with the KCoreAddons plugin loading system. The argument list is expected to have contain the KPackage of the applet, the meta data file path (for compatibility) and an applet ID which must be a base 10 number.
parent a QObject parent; you probably want to pass in 0
data, KPluginMetaData used to create this plugin
args a list of strings containing the applet id
This function was introduced in 5.86.
void Applet::activated()
Emitted when activation is requested due to, for example, a global keyboard shortcut. By default the widget is given focus.
void Applet::appletDeleted(Plasma::Applet *applet)
Emitted when the applet is deleted
[since 5.65]
Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints Applet::backgroundHints() const
How the applet wants its background to be drawn. The containment may chose to ignore this hint.
Note: Getter function for property backgroundHints.
This function was introduced in 5.65.
See also setBackgroundHints().
[signal, since 5.65]
void Applet::backgroundHintsChanged()
Emitted when the background hints have changed
Note: Notifier signal for property backgroundHints.
This function was introduced in 5.65.
[signal, since 5.21]
void Applet::busyChanged(bool busy)
Emitted when the busy status has changed
Note: Notifier signal for property busy.
This function was introduced in 5.21.
KConfigGroup Applet::config() const
Returns the KConfigGroup to access the applets configuration.
This config object will write to an instance specific config file named <appletname><instanceid>rc in the Plasma appdata directory.
[virtual slot]
void Applet::configChanged()
Called when applet configuration values have changed.
void Applet::configNeedsSaving()
Emitted when an applet has changed values in its configuration and wishes for them to be saved at the next save point. As this implies disk activity, this signal should be used with care.
Note: This does not need to be emitted from saveState by individual applets.
KConfigLoader *Applet::configScheme() const
Returns the config skeleton object from this applet's package, if any.
Returns config skeleton object, or 0 if none
KConfigPropertyMap *Applet::configuration()
Returns a KConfigPropertyMap instance that represents the configuration which is usable from QML to read and write settings like any JavaScript Object
Note: Getter function for property configuration.
bool Applet::configurationRequired() const
Returns true if the applet currently needs to be configured, otherwise, false
Note: Getter function for property configurationRequired.
See also setConfigurationRequired().
[signal, since 5.20]
void Applet::configurationRequiredChanged(bool needsConfig, const QString &reason)
Emitted when setConfigurationRequired was called
Note: Notifier signal for property configurationRequired.
This function was introduced in 5.20.
See also setConfigurationRequired.
[since 5.20]
QString Applet::configurationRequiredReason() const
Returns A translated message for the user explaining that the applet needs configuring; this should note what needs to be configured
This function was introduced in 5.20.
See also setConfigurationRequired.
Plasma::Applet::ConstraintHints Applet::constraintHints() const
Returns The constraint hints such as CanFillArea or MarginAreasSeparator, they can be in bitwise OR
Note: Getter function for property constraintHints.
See also setConstraintHints().
void Applet::constraintHintsChanged(Plasma::Applet::ConstraintHints constraintHints)
Emitted when the constraint hints changed
Note: Notifier signal for property constraintHints.
See also setConstraintHints.
[virtual protected]
void Applet::constraintsEvent(Plasma::Applet::Constraints constraints)
Called when any of the constraints for the applet have been updated. These constraints range from notifying when the applet has officially "started up" to when geometry changes to when the form factor changes.
Each constraint that has been changed is passed in the constraints flag. All of the constraints and how they work is documented in the
On applet creation, this is always called prior to painting and can be used as an opportunity to layout the widget, calculate sizings, etc.
Do not call update() from this method; an update() will be triggered at the appropriate time for the applet.
constraints the type of constraints that were updated
See also Plasma::Constraints.
Plasma::Containment *Applet::containment() const
Returns the Containment, if any, this applet belongs to
Note: Getter function for property containment.
void Applet::containmentChanged(Plasma::Containment *containment)
Emitted when the containment changes
Note: Notifier signal for property containment.
[since 5.77]
Plasma::Types::ContainmentDisplayHints Applet::containmentDisplayHints() const
Returns Display hints that come from the containment that suggest the applet how to look and behave.
Note: Getter function for property containmentDisplayHints.
This function was introduced in 5.77.
void Applet::containmentDisplayHintsChanged(Plasma::Types::ContainmentDisplayHints hints)
Emitted when the containment display hints change
Note: Notifier signal for property containmentDisplayHints.
QList<QAction *> Applet::contextualActions()
Returns a list of context-related QAction instances.
This is used e.g. within the DesktopView to display a contextmenu.
Returns A list of actions. The default implementation returns an empty list.
void Applet::contextualActionsAboutToShow()
Emitted just before the contextual actions are about to show For instance just before the context menu containing the actions added with setAction() is shown
void Applet::contextualActionsChanged(const QList<QAction *> &actions)
Emitted when the list of contextual actions has changed
Note: Notifier signal for property contextualActions.
void Applet::destroy()
Destroys the applet; it will be removed nicely and deleted. Its configuration will also be deleted. If you want to remove the Applet configuration, use this, don't just delete the Applet *
bool Applet::destroyed() const
Returns true if destroy() was called; useful for Applets which should avoid certain tasks if they are about to be deleted permanently
[signal, since 5.4]
void Applet::destroyedChanged(bool destroyed)
Emitted when the applet has been scheduled for destruction or the destruction has been undone
This function was introduced in 5.4.
[since 5.65]
Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints Applet::effectiveBackgroundHints() const
The effective background hints the applet will have: it will follow userBackgroundHints only if backgroundHints has the Plasma::Types::ConfigurableBackground flag set
Note: Getter function for property effectiveBackgroundHints.
This function was introduced in 5.65.
[signal, since 5.65]
void Applet::effectiveBackgroundHintsChanged()
Emitted when the effective background hints have changed
Note: Notifier signal for property effectiveBackgroundHints.
This function was introduced in 5.65.
bool Applet::failedToLaunch() const
If for some reason, the applet fails to get up on its feet (the library couldn't be loaded, necessary hardware support wasn't found, etc..) this method returns true.
void Applet::flushPendingConstraintsEvents()
Sends all pending constraints updates to the applet. Will usually be called automatically, but can also be called manually if needed.
Plasma::Types::FormFactor Applet::formFactor() const
Returns the current form factor the applet is being displayed in.
Note: Getter function for property formFactor.
void Applet::formFactorChanged(Plasma::Types::FormFactor formFactor)
Emitted when the formfactor changes
Note: Notifier signal for property formFactor.
KConfigGroup Applet::globalConfig() const
Returns a KConfigGroup object to be shared by all applets of this type.
This config object will write to an applet-specific config object named plasma_<appletname>rc in the local config directory.
QKeySequence Applet::globalShortcut() const
Returns the global shortcut associated with this widget, or an empty shortcut if no global shortcut is associated.
Note: Getter function for property globalShortcut.
See also setGlobalShortcut().
void Applet::globalShortcutChanged(const QKeySequence &sequence)
Emitted when the global shortcut to activate this applet has chanaged
Note: Notifier signal for property globalShortcut.
bool Applet::hasConfigurationInterface() const
Returns true if this plasmoid provides a GUI configuration
Note: Getter function for property hasConfigurationInterface.
See also setHasConfigurationInterface().
[signal, since 6.0]
void Applet::hasConfigurationInterfaceChanged(bool hasConfiguration)
Emitted when the applet gains or loses the ability to show a configuration interface
Note: Notifier signal for property hasConfigurationInterface.
This function was introduced in 6.0.
See also hasConfigurationInterface.
QString Applet::icon() const
Returns The icon name related to this applet By default is the one in the plasmoid desktop file
Note: Getter function for property icon.
See also setIcon().
[signal, since 5.20]
void Applet::iconChanged(const QString &icon)
Emitted when the icon name for the applet has changed
Note: Notifier signal for property icon.
This function was introduced in 5.20.
uint Applet::id() const
Returns the id of this applet
Note: Getter function for property id.
Plasma::Types::ImmutabilityType Applet::immutability() const
Returns The type of immutability of this applet
Note: Getter function for property immutability.
See also setImmutability().
[signal, since 4.4]
void Applet::immutabilityChanged(Plasma::Types::ImmutabilityType immutable)
Emitted when the immutability changes
Note: Notifier signal for property immutability. Notifier signal for property immutable.
This function was introduced in 4.4.
bool Applet::immutable() const
Returns true if immutability() is not Types::Mutable
Note: Getter function for property immutable.
[virtual slot]
void Applet::init()
This method is called once the applet is loaded and added to a Corona. If the applet requires a Scene or has an particularly intensive set of initialization routines to go through, consider implementing it in this method instead of the constructor.
Note: paintInterface may get called before init() depending on initialization order. Painting is managed by the canvas (QGraphisScene), and may schedule a paint event prior to init() being called.
QAction *Applet::internalAction(const QString &name) const
Returnss the internal action with the given name if available
name the unique name of the action we want
Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.
See also setInternalAction().
QList<QAction *> Applet::internalActions() const
Returnss All the internal actions such as configure, remove, alternatives etc
void Applet::internalActionsChanged(const QList<QAction *> &actions)
Emitted when the list of internal actions has changed
[since 5.21]
bool Applet::isBusy() const
Returns true if the applet should show a busy status, for instance doing some network operation
Note: Getter function for property busy.
This function was introduced in 5.21.
bool Applet::isContainment() const
Returns true if this Applet is currently being used as a Containment, false otherwise
Note: Getter function for property isContainment.
[since 4.5]
bool Applet::isUserConfiguring() const
Returns true when the configuration interface is being shown
Note: Getter function for property userConfiguring.
This function was introduced in 4.5.
[since 5.0]
QString Applet::launchErrorMessage() const
If for some reason, the applet fails to get up on its feet (the library couldn't be loaded, necessary hardware support wasn't found, etc..) this method returns the reason why, in an user-readable way.
This function was introduced in 5.0.
See also setLaunchErrorMessage().
Plasma::Types::Location Applet::location() const
Returns the location of the scene which is displaying applet.
Note: Getter function for property location.
void Applet::locationChanged(Plasma::Types::Location location)
Emitted when the location changes
Note: Notifier signal for property location.
[since 5.27]
KPluginMetaData Applet::pluginMetaData() const
Returns metadata information about this plugin
Note: Getter function for property metaData.
This function was introduced in 5.27.
QString Applet::pluginName() const
Returns the plugin name form KPluginMetaData
Note: Getter function for property pluginName.
void Applet::removeInternalAction(const QString &name)
Removes an action from the internal actions
name the action to be removed
Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.
void Applet::restore(KConfigGroup &group)
Restores state information about this applet saved previously in save(KConfigGroup&).
This method does not need to be reimplemented by Applet subclasses, but can be useful for Applet specializations (such as Containment) to do so.
void Applet::save(KConfigGroup &group) const
Saves state information about this applet that will be accessed when next instantiated in the restore(KConfigGroup&) method.
This method does not need to be reimplemented by Applet subclasses, but can be useful for Applet specializations (such as Containment) to do so.
Applet subclasses may instead want to reimplement saveState().
[virtual protected]
void Applet::saveState(KConfigGroup &config) const
When called, the Applet should write any information needed as part of the Applet's running state to the configuration object in config() and/or globalConfig().
Applets that always sync their settings/state with the config objects when these settings/states change do not need to reimplement this method.
[signal, since 6.3]
void Applet::secondaryActivated()
Emitted when activation is requested due to, for example, middle click.
This function was introduced in 6.3.
[since 5.65]
void Applet::setBackgroundHints(Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints hint)
Sets the applet background hints. Only Applet implementations should write this property
Note: Setter function for property backgroundHints.
This function was introduced in 5.65.
See also backgroundHints().
[since 5.21]
void Applet::setBusy(bool busy)
Sets the Applet to have a busy status hint, for instance the applet doing some network operation. The graphical representation of the busy status depends completely from the visualization.
busy true if the applet is busy
Note: Setter function for property busy.
This function was introduced in 5.21.
See also isBusy().
void Applet::setConfigurationRequired(bool needsConfiguring, const QString &reason = QString())
When the applet needs to be configured before being usable, this method can be called to show a standard interface prompting the user to configure the applet
needsConfiguring true if the applet needs to be configured, or false if it doesn't
reason a translated message for the user explaining that the applet needs configuring; this should note what needs to be configured
Note: Setter function for property configurationRequired.
See also configurationRequired().
void Applet::setConstraintHints(Plasma::Applet::ConstraintHints constraintHints)
Sets the constraint hits which give a more granular control over sizing in constrained layouts such as panels
constraintHints such as CanFillArea or MarginAreasSeparator, they can be in bitwise OR
Note: Setter function for property constraintHints.
See also constraintHints().
void Applet::setGlobalShortcut(const QKeySequence &shortcut = QKeySequence())
Sets the global shortcut to associate with this widget.
Note: Setter function for property globalShortcut.
See also globalShortcut().
void Applet::setHasConfigurationInterface(bool hasInterface)
Sets whether or not this applet provides a user interface for configuring the applet.
It defaults to false, and if true is passed in you should also reimplement createConfigurationInterface()
hasInterface whether or not there is a user interface available
Note: Setter function for property hasConfigurationInterface.
See also hasConfigurationInterface().
void Applet::setIcon(const QString &icon)
Sets an icon name for this applet icon Freedesktop compatible icon name
Note: Setter function for property icon.
See also icon().
void Applet::setImmutability(const Plasma::Types::ImmutabilityType immutable)
Sets the immutability type for this applet (not immutable, user immutable or system immutable)
immutable the new immutability type of this applet
Note: Setter function for property immutability.
See also immutability().
void Applet::setInternalAction(const QString &name, QAction *action)
Add a new internal action. if an internal action with the same name already exists, it will be replaced with this new one. Those are usually actions defined by the system, such as "configure" and "remove"
name The unique name for the action
action The new QAction to be added
Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.
See also internalAction().
[slot, since 5.0]
void Applet::setLaunchErrorMessage(const QString &reason = QString())
Call this method when the applet fails to launch properly. An optional reason can be provided.
Not that all children items will be deleted when this method is called. If you have pointers to these items, you will need to reset them after calling this method.
failed true when the applet failed, false when it succeeded
reason an optional reason to show the user why the applet failed to launch
This function was introduced in 5.0.
See also launchErrorMessage().
[slot, since 4.4]
void Applet::setStatus(const Plasma::Types::ItemStatus stat)
sets the status for this applet
Note: Setter function for property status.
This function was introduced in 4.4.
See also status().
[since 5.0]
void Applet::setTitle(const QString &title)
Sets a custom title for this instance of the applet. E.g. a clock might use the timezone as its name rather than the .desktop file
title the user-visible title for the applet.
Note: Setter function for property title.
This function was introduced in 5.0.
See also title().
[since 5.65]
void Applet::setUserBackgroundHints(Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints hint)
Sets the hints the user wished the background style for the applet to be.
Note: Setter function for property userBackgroundHints.
This function was introduced in 5.65.
See also userBackgroundHints().
void Applet::setUserConfiguring(bool configuring)
Tells the applet the user is configuring
configuring true if the configuration ui is showing
See also isUserConfiguring().
QVariantList Applet::startupArguments() const
Returns the arguments this applet was started with.
Some applets support arguments, for instance the notes applet supports to be instantiated with a given text already passed as paramenter
[since 4.4]
Plasma::Types::ItemStatus Applet::status() const
Returns the status of the applet
Note: Getter function for property status.
This function was introduced in 4.4.
See also setStatus().
[signal, since 4.4]
void Applet::statusChanged(Plasma::Types::ItemStatus status)
Emitted when the applet status changes
Note: Notifier signal for property status.
This function was introduced in 4.4.
[since 5.0]
QString Applet::title() const
Returns the user-visible title for the applet, as specified in the Name field of the .desktop file. Can be changed with setTitle
Returns the user-visible title for the applet.
Note: Getter function for property title.
This function was introduced in 5.0.
See also setTitle().
[signal, since 5.20]
void Applet::titleChanged(const QString &title)
Emitted when the title has changed
Note: Notifier signal for property title.
This function was introduced in 5.20.
[since 6.1]
QString Applet::translationDomain() const
The translation domain for this applet
This function was introduced in 6.1.
void Applet::updateConstraints(Plasma::Applet::Constraints constraints = AllConstraints)
Called when any of the geometry constraints have been updated. This method calls constraintsEvent, which may be reimplemented, once the Applet has been prepared for updating the constraints.
constraints the type of constraints that were updated
[since 5.65]
Plasma::Types::BackgroundHints Applet::userBackgroundHints() const
The containment (and/or the user) may decide to use another kind of background instead if supported by the applet. In order for an applet to support user configuration of the background, it needs to have the Plasma::Types::ConfigurableBackground flag set in its backgroundHints
Note: Getter function for property userBackgroundHints.
This function was introduced in 5.65.
See also setUserBackgroundHints().
[signal, since 5.65]
void Applet::userBackgroundHintsChanged()
Emitted when the user background hints have changed
Note: Notifier signal for property userBackgroundHints.
This function was introduced in 5.65.
void Applet::userConfiguringChanged(bool configuring)
emitted when the config ui appears or disappears
Note: Notifier signal for property userConfiguring.