KXMLGUIClient Class

Header: #include <KXMLGUIClient>
Inherited By:


Public Functions

KXMLGUIClient(KXMLGUIClient *parent)
virtual ~KXMLGUIClient()
virtual QAction *action(const QDomElement &element) const
QAction *action(const QString &name) const
virtual KActionCollection *actionCollection() const
QList<KXMLGUIClient *> childClients()
KXMLGUIBuilder *clientBuilder() const
virtual QString componentName() const
virtual QDomDocument domDocument() const
KXMLGUIFactory *factory() const
void insertChildClient(KXMLGUIClient *child)
KXMLGUIClient *parentClient() const
void plugActionList(const QString &name, const QList<QAction *> &actionList)
void reloadXML()
void removeChildClient(KXMLGUIClient *child)
void replaceXMLFile(const QString &xmlfile, const QString &localxmlfile, bool merge = false)
void setClientBuilder(KXMLGUIBuilder *builder)
void setFactory(KXMLGUIFactory *factory)
void setXMLGUIBuildDocument(const QDomDocument &doc)
void unplugActionList(const QString &name)
virtual QString xmlFile() const
QDomDocument xmlguiBuildDocument() const

Static Public Members

QString findVersionNumber(const QString &xml)

Protected Functions

void loadStandardsXmlFile()
virtual void setComponentName(const QString &componentName, const QString &componentDisplayName)
virtual void setDOMDocument(const QDomDocument &document, bool merge = false)
virtual void setLocalXMLFile(const QString &file)
virtual void setXML(const QString &document, bool merge = false)
virtual void setXMLFile(const QString &file, bool merge = false, bool setXMLDoc = true)
virtual void stateChanged(const QString &newstate, KXMLGUIClient::ReverseStateChange reverse = StateNoReverse)

Static Protected Members

Detailed Description

A KXMLGUIClient can be used with KXMLGUIFactory to create a GUI from actions and an XML document, and can be dynamically merged with other KXMLGUIClients.

Member Function Documentation


Constructs a KXMLGUIClient which can be used with a KXMLGUIFactory to create a GUI from actions and an XML document, and which can be dynamically merged with other KXMLGUIClients.

[explicit] KXMLGUIClient::KXMLGUIClient(KXMLGUIClient *parent)

Constructs a KXMLGUIClient which can be used with a KXMLGUIFactory to create a GUI from actions and an XML document, and which can be dynamically merged with other KXMLGUIClients.

This constructor takes an additional @p parent argument, which makes the client a child client of the parent.

Child clients are automatically added to the GUI if the parent is added.

[virtual noexcept] KXMLGUIClient::~KXMLGUIClient()

Destructs the KXMLGUIClient.

If the client was in a factory, the factory is NOT informed about the client being removed. This is a feature, it makes window destruction fast (the xmlgui is not updated for every client being deleted), but if you want to simply remove one client and to keep using the window, make sure to call factory->removeClient(client) before deleting the client.

[virtual] QAction *KXMLGUIClient::action(const QDomElement &element) const

Retrieves an action for a given QDomElement. The default implementation uses the "name" attribute to query the action object via the other action() method.

QAction *KXMLGUIClient::action(const QString &name) const

Retrieves an action of the client by name. If not found, it looks in its child clients. This method is provided for convenience, as it uses actionCollection() to get the action object.

@since 6.0

[virtual] KActionCollection *KXMLGUIClient::actionCollection() const

Retrieves the entire action collection for the GUI client.

QList<KXMLGUIClient *> KXMLGUIClient::childClients()

Retrieves a list of all child clients.

KXMLGUIBuilder *KXMLGUIClient::clientBuilder() const

Retrieves the client's GUI builder or nullptr if no client specific builder has been assigned via setClientBuilder()

See also setClientBuilder().

[virtual] QString KXMLGUIClient::componentName() const

@return The component name for this GUI client.

See also setComponentName().

[virtual] QDomDocument KXMLGUIClient::domDocument() const

@return The parsed XML in a QDomDocument, set by setXMLFile() or setXML(). This document describes the layout of the GUI.

KXMLGUIFactory *KXMLGUIClient::factory() const

Retrieves a pointer to the KXMLGUIFactory this client is associated with (will return nullptr if the client's GUI has not been built by a KXMLGUIFactory.

See also setFactory().

[static] QString KXMLGUIClient::findVersionNumber(const QString &xml)

Returns the version number of the given xml data (belonging to an xml rc file)

@since 5.73

void KXMLGUIClient::insertChildClient(KXMLGUIClient *child)

Use this method to make a client a child client of another client. Usually you don't need to call this method, as it is called automatically when using the second constructor, which takes a parent argument.

[protected] void KXMLGUIClient::loadStandardsXmlFile()

Load the ui_standards.rc file. Usually followed by setXMLFile(xmlFile, true), for merging. @since 4.6

KXMLGUIClient *KXMLGUIClient::parentClient() const

KXMLGUIClients can form a simple child/parent object tree. This method returns a pointer to the parent client or nullptr if it has no parent client assigned.

void KXMLGUIClient::plugActionList(const QString &name, const QList<QAction *> &actionList)

ActionLists are a way for XMLGUI to support dynamic lists of actions. E.g. if you are writing a file manager, and there is a menu file whose contents depend on the mimetype of the file that is selected, then you can achieve this using ActionLists. It works as follows: In your xxxui.rc file ( the one that you set in setXMLFile() / pass to setupGUI() ), you put a tag <tt><ActionList name="xxx"></tt>.


<gui name="xxx_part" version="1">
  <Menu name="file">
    ...  <!-- some useful actions-->
    <ActionList name="xxx_file_actionlist" />
    ...  <!-- even more useful actions-->

This tag will get expanded to a list of actions. In the example above ( a file manager with a dynamic file menu ), you would call

QList<QAction*> file_actions;
for( ... )
  if( ... )
    file_actions.append( cool_action );
unplugActionList( "xxx_file_actionlist" );
plugActionList( "xxx_file_actionlist", file_actions );

every time a file is selected, unselected or ...

Note: You should not call KXmlGuiWindow::createGUI() after calling this function. In fact, that would remove the newly added actionlists again...

Note: Forgetting to call unplugActionList() before plugActionList() would leave the previous actions in the menu too.. \see unplugActionList()

void KXMLGUIClient::reloadXML()

Forces this client to re-read its XML resource file. This is intended to be used when you know that the resource file has changed and you will soon be rebuilding the GUI. This will only have an effect if the client is then removed and re-added to the factory.

This method is only for child clients, do not call it for a mainwindow! For a mainwindow, use loadStandardsXmlFile + setXmlFile(xmlFile()) instead.

void KXMLGUIClient::removeChildClient(KXMLGUIClient *child)

Removes the given @p child from the client's children list.

void KXMLGUIClient::replaceXMLFile(const QString &xmlfile, const QString &localxmlfile, bool merge = false)

Sets a new xmlFile() and localXMLFile(). The purpose of this public method is to allow non-inherited objects to replace the ui definition of an embedded client with a customized version. It corresponds to the usual calls to setXMLFile() and setLocalXMLFile().

@param xmlfile The xml file to use. Contrary to setXMLFile(), this must be an absolute file path. @param localxmlfile The local xml file to set. This should be the full path to a writeable file, usually using QStandardPaths::writableLocation. You can set this to QString(), but no user changes to shortcuts / toolbars will be possible in this case. @param merge Whether to merge with the global document

@note If in any doubt whether you need this or not, use setXMLFile() and setLocalXMLFile(), instead of this function. @note Just like setXMLFile(), this function has to be called before the client is added to a KXMLGUIFactory in order to have an effect.

@see setLocalXMLFile() @since 4.4

void KXMLGUIClient::setClientBuilder(KXMLGUIBuilder *builder)

A client can have an own KXMLGUIBuilder. Use this method to assign your builder instance to the client (so that the KXMLGUIFactory can use it when building the client's GUI)

Client specific guibuilders are useful if you want to create custom container widgets for your GUI.

See also clientBuilder().

[virtual protected] void KXMLGUIClient::setComponentName(const QString &componentName, const QString &componentDisplayName)

Sets the component name for this part.

Call this first in the inherited class constructor. (At least before setXMLFile().) @param componentName the name of the directory where the XMLGUI files will be found @param componentDisplayName a user-visible name (e.g. for the toolbar editor)

See also componentName().

[virtual protected] void KXMLGUIClient::setDOMDocument(const QDomDocument &document, bool merge = false)

Sets the Document for the part, describing the layout of the GUI.

Call this in the Part-inherited class constructor if you don't call setXMLFile() or setXML().

@warning Using this method is not recommended. Many code paths lead to reloading from the XML file on disk. And editing toolbars requires that the result is written to disk anyway, and loaded from there the next time.

For application-specific changes to a client's XML, it is a better idea to save the modified dom document to an app/default-client.xml and define a local-xml-file to something specific like app/local-client.xml, using replaceXMLFile(). See kdepimlibs/kontactinterface/plugin.cpp for an example.

void KXMLGUIClient::setFactory(KXMLGUIFactory *factory)

This method is called by the KXMLGUIFactory as soon as the client is added to the KXMLGUIFactory's GUI.

See also factory().

[virtual protected] void KXMLGUIClient::setLocalXMLFile(const QString &file)

Set the full path to the "local" xml file, the one used for saving toolbar and shortcut changes. You normally don't need to call this, if you pass a simple filename to setXMLFile.

[virtual protected] void KXMLGUIClient::setXML(const QString &document, bool merge = false)

Sets the XML for the part.

Call this in the Part-inherited class constructor if you don't call setXMLFile().

[virtual protected] void KXMLGUIClient::setXMLFile(const QString &file, bool merge = false, bool setXMLDoc = true)

Sets the name of the rc file containing the XML for the part.

Call this in the inherited class constructor, for parts and plugins. @note For mainwindows, don't call this, pass the name of the xml file to KXmlGuiWindow::setupGUI() or KXmlGuiWindow::createGUI().

@param file Either an absolute path for the file, or simply the filename. See below for details. If you pass an absolute path here, make sure to also call setLocalXMLFile, otherwise toolbar editing won't work. @param merge Whether to merge with the global document. @param setXMLDoc Specify whether to call setXML. Default is true.

The preferred way to call this method is with a simple filename for the @p file argument.

Since KF 5.1, the file will then be assumed to be installed in DATADIR/kxmlgui5/, under a directory named after the component name. You should use ${KDE_INSTALL_KXMLGUIDIR}/componentname in your CMakeLists.txt file, to install the .rc file(s).

Since KF 5.4, the file will then be assumed to be installed in a Qt resource in :/kxmlgui5/, under a directory named after the component name.

void KXMLGUIClient::setXMLGUIBuildDocument(const QDomDocument &doc)


[static protected] QString KXMLGUIClient::standardsXmlFileLocation()

Return the full path to the ui_standards.rc, might return a resource path. @return full path to ui_standards.rc, always non-empty. @since 5.16

[virtual protected] void KXMLGUIClient::stateChanged(const QString &newstate, KXMLGUIClient::ReverseStateChange reverse = StateNoReverse)

Actions can collectively be assigned a "State". To accomplish this the respective actions are tagged as <enable> or <disable> in a <State> </State> group of the XMLfile. During program execution the programmer can call stateChanged() to set actions to a defined state.

@param newstate Name of a State in the XMLfile. @param reverse If the flag reverse is set to StateReverse, the State is reversed. (actions to be enabled will be disabled and action to be disabled will be enabled) Default is reverse=false.

void KXMLGUIClient::unplugActionList(const QString &name)

Unplugs the action list \p name from the XMLGUI. Calling this removes the specified action list, i.e. this is the complement to plugActionList(). See plugActionList() for a more detailed example. \see plugActionList()

[virtual] QString KXMLGUIClient::xmlFile() const

This will return the name of the XML file as set by setXMLFile(). If setXML() is used directly, then this will return an empty string.

The filename that this returns is obvious for components as each component has exactly one XML file. In non-components, however, there are usually two: the global file and the local file. This function doesn't really care about that, though. It will always return the last XML file set. This, in almost all cases, will be the local XML file.

@return The name of the XML file or QString()

QDomDocument KXMLGUIClient::xmlguiBuildDocument() const
