KWidgetItemDelegate Class

This class allows to create item delegates embedding simple widgets to interact with items. More...

Header: #include <KWidgetItemDelegate>
CMake: find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS ItemViews)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::ItemViews)
Since: 4.1
Inherits: QAbstractItemDelegate

Public Functions

KWidgetItemDelegate(QAbstractItemView *itemView, QObject *parent = nullptr)
QPersistentModelIndex focusedIndex() const
QAbstractItemView *itemView() const
void resetModel()

Protected Functions

QList<QEvent::Type> blockedEventTypes(QWidget *widget) const
virtual QList<QWidget *> createItemWidgets(const QModelIndex &index) const = 0
void setBlockedEventTypes(QWidget *widget, const QList<QEvent::Type> &types) const
virtual void updateItemWidgets(const QList<QWidget *> &widgets, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QPersistentModelIndex &index) const = 0

Detailed Description

For instance you can add push buttons, line edits, etc. to your delegate and use them to modify the state of your model.

Porting from KF5 to KF6:

The signature of the virtual method KWidgetItemDelegate::updateItemWidgets(const QList<QWidget *>, const QStyleOptionViewItem &, const QPersistentModelIndex &) const was changed to ; KWidgetItemDelegate::updateItemWidgets(const QList<QWidget *> &, const QStyleOptionViewItem &, const QPersistentModelIndex &) const.

Member Function Documentation

[explicit] KWidgetItemDelegate::KWidgetItemDelegate(QAbstractItemView *itemView, QObject *parent = nullptr)

Creates a new ItemDelegate to be used with a given itemview.

itemView the item view the new delegate will monitor

parent the parent of this delegate

[protected] QList<QEvent::Type> KWidgetItemDelegate::blockedEventTypes(QWidget *widget) const

Retrieves the list of blocked event types for the given widget.

widget the specified widget.

Returns the list of blocked event types, can be empty if no events are blocked.

See also setBlockedEventTypes().

[pure virtual protected] QList<QWidget *> KWidgetItemDelegate::createItemWidgets(const QModelIndex &index) const

Creates the list of widgets needed for an item.

Note: No initialization of the widgets is supposed to happen here. The widgets will be initialized based on needs for a given item.

Note: If you want to connect some widget signals to any slot, you should do it here.

index the index to create widgets for

Returns the list of newly created widgets which will be used to interact with an item.

See also updateItemWidgets().

QPersistentModelIndex KWidgetItemDelegate::focusedIndex() const

Retrieves the currently focused index. An invalid index if none is focused.

QAbstractItemView *KWidgetItemDelegate::itemView() const

Retrieves the item view this delegate is monitoring.

void KWidgetItemDelegate::resetModel()

trigger a modelReset

[protected] void KWidgetItemDelegate::setBlockedEventTypes(QWidget *widget, const QList<QEvent::Type> &types) const

Sets the list of event types that a widget will block.

Blocked events are not passed to the view. This way you can prevent an item from being selected when a button is clicked for instance.

widget the widget which must block events

types the list of event types the widget must block

See also blockedEventTypes().

[pure virtual protected] void KWidgetItemDelegate::updateItemWidgets(const QList<QWidget *> &widgets, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QPersistentModelIndex &index) const

Updates a list of widgets for its use inside of the delegate (painting or event handling).

Note: All the positioning and sizing should be done in item coordinates.

Warning: Do not make widget connections in here, since this method will be called very regularly.

widgets the widgets to update

option the current set of style options for the view.

index the model index of the item currently manipulated.