KTreeWidgetSearchLineWidget Class

Creates a widget featuring a KTreeWidgetSearchLine, a label with the text "Search" and a button to clear the search. More...

Header: #include <KTreeWidgetSearchLineWidget>
CMake: find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS ItemViews)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::ItemViews)
Inherits: QWidget

Public Functions

KTreeWidgetSearchLineWidget(QWidget *parent = nullptr, QTreeWidget *treeWidget = nullptr)
KTreeWidgetSearchLine *searchLine() const

Protected Functions

virtual KTreeWidgetSearchLine *createSearchLine(QTreeWidget *treeWidget) const

Protected Slots

virtual void createWidgets()

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation

[explicit] KTreeWidgetSearchLineWidget::KTreeWidgetSearchLineWidget(QWidget *parent = nullptr, QTreeWidget *treeWidget = nullptr)

Creates a KTreeWidgetSearchLineWidget for treeWidget with parent as the parent.

[virtual protected] KTreeWidgetSearchLine *KTreeWidgetSearchLineWidget::createSearchLine(QTreeWidget *treeWidget) const

Creates the search line. This can be useful to reimplement in cases where a KTreeWidgetSearchLine subclass is used.

It is const because it is be called from searchLine(), which to the user doesn't conceptually alter the widget.

[virtual protected slot] void KTreeWidgetSearchLineWidget::createWidgets()

Creates the widgets inside of the widget. This is called from the constructor via a single shot timer so that it it guaranteed to run after construction is complete. This makes it suitable for overriding in subclasses.

KTreeWidgetSearchLine *KTreeWidgetSearchLineWidget::searchLine() const

Returns a pointer to the search line.