KStringHandler Namespace
This namespace contains utility functions for handling strings. More...
Header: | #include <KStringHandler> |
CMake: | find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS CoreAddons) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::CoreAddons) |
QString | capwords(const QString &text) |
QStringList | capwords(const QStringList &list) |
QString | csqueeze(const QString &str, int maxlen = 40) |
(since 5.41) int | logicalLength(const QString &text) |
QString | lsqueeze(const QString &str, int maxlen = 40) |
QString | obscure(const QString &str) |
QStringList | perlSplit(const QChar &sep, const QString &s, int max = 0) |
(since 5.67) QStringList | perlSplit(const QRegularExpression &sep, const QString &s, int max = 0) |
QStringList | perlSplit(const QString &sep, const QString &s, int max = 0) |
(since 5.87) QStringList | perlSplit(const QStringView sep, const QStringView str, int max) |
(since 4.4) QString | preProcessWrap(const QString &text) |
QString | rsqueeze(const QString &str, int maxlen = 40) |
QString | tagUrls(const QString &text) |
Detailed Description
The functions here are intended to provide an easy way to cut/slice/splice words inside sentences in whatever order desired. While the main focus of KStringHandler is words (ie characters separated by spaces/tabs), the two core functions here (split() and join()) will allow you to use any character as a separator This will make it easy to redefine what a 'word' means in the future if needed.
The function names and calling styles are based on python and mIRC's scripting support.
The ranges are a fairly powerful way of getting/stripping words from a string. These ranges function, for the large part, as they would in python. See the word(const QString&, int) and remword(const QString&, int) functions for more detail.
The methods here are completely stateless. All strings are cut on the fly and returned as new qstrings/qstringlists.
See also KShell.
Function Documentation
QString KStringHandler::capwords(const QString &text)
Capitalizes each word in the string "hello there" becomes "Hello There" (string)
text the text to capitalize
Returns the resulting string
QStringList KStringHandler::capwords(const QStringList &list)
Capitalizes each word in the list [hello, there] becomes [Hello, There] (list)
list the list to capitalize
Returns the resulting list
QString KStringHandler::csqueeze(const QString &str, int maxlen = 40)
Substitute characters at the middle of a string by "...".
str is the string to modify
maxlen is the maximum length the modified string will have
If the original string is shorter than "maxlen", it is returned verbatim
Returns the modified string
[since 5.41]
int KStringHandler::logicalLength(const QString &text)
Returns the length that reflects the density of information in the text. In general the character from CJK languages are assigned with weight 2, while other Latin characters are assigned with 1.
This function was introduced in 5.41.
QString KStringHandler::lsqueeze(const QString &str, int maxlen = 40)
Substitute characters at the beginning of a string by "...".
str is the string to modify
maxlen is the maximum length the modified string will have
If the original string is shorter than "maxlen", it is returned verbatim
Returns the modified string
QString KStringHandler::obscure(const QString &str)
Obscure string by using a simple symmetric encryption. Applying the function to a string obscured by this function will result in the original string.
The function can be used to obscure passwords stored to configuration files. Note that this won't give you any more security than preventing that the password is directly copied and pasted.
str string to be obscured
Returns obscured string
QStringList KStringHandler::perlSplit(const QChar &sep, const QString &s, int max = 0)
Split a QString into a QStringList in a similar fashion to the static QStringList function in Qt, except you can specify a maximum number of tokens. If max is specified (!= 0) then only that number of tokens will be extracted. The final token will be the remainder of the string.
perlSplit(' ', "kparts reaches the parts other parts can't", 3) QStringList contains: "kparts", "reaches", "the parts other parts can't"
sep is the character to use to delimit s.
s is the input string
max is the maximum number of extractions to perform, or 0.
Returns a QStringList containing tokens extracted from s.
[since 5.67]
QStringList KStringHandler::perlSplit(const QRegularExpression &sep, const QString &s, int max = 0)
Split a QString into a QStringList in a similar fashion to the static QStringList function in Qt, except you can specify a maximum number of tokens. If max is specified (!= 0) then only that number of tokens will be extracted. The final token will be the remainder of the string.
perlSplit(QRegularExpression("[! ]"), "Split me up ! I'm bored ! OK ?", 3) QStringList contains: "Split", "me", "up ! I'm bored ! OK ?"
sep is the regular expression to use to delimit s.
s is the input string
max is the maximum number of extractions to perform, or 0.
Returns a QStringList containing tokens extracted from s.
This function was introduced in 5.67.
QStringList KStringHandler::perlSplit(const QString &sep, const QString &s, int max = 0)
Split a QString into a QStringList in a similar fashion to the static QStringList function in Qt, except you can specify a maximum number of tokens. If max is specified (!= 0) then only that number of tokens will be extracted. The final token will be the remainder of the string.
perlSplit("__", "some__string__for__you__here", 4) QStringList contains: "some", "string", "for", "you__here"
sep is the string to use to delimit s.
s is the input string
max is the maximum number of extractions to perform, or 0.
Returns A QStringList containing tokens extracted from s.
[since 5.87]
QStringList KStringHandler::perlSplit(const QStringView sep, const QStringView str, int max)
Split a string into a QStringList in a similar fashion to the static QStringList function in Qt, except you can specify a maximum number of tokens. If max is specified (!= 0) then only that number of tokens will be extracted. The final token will be the remainder of the string.
perlSplit("__", "some__string__for__you__here", 4) QStringList contains: "some", "string", "for", "you__here"
sep is the string to use to delimit str
str the string to split
max the maximum number of extractions to perform, or 0
Returns a QStringList containing tokens extracted from str
This function was introduced in 5.87.
[since 4.4]
QString KStringHandler::preProcessWrap(const QString &text)
Preprocesses the given string in order to provide additional line breaking opportunities for QTextLayout.
This is done by inserting ZWSP (Zero-width space) characters in the string at points that wouldn't normally be considered word boundaries by QTextLayout, but where wrapping the text will produce good results.
Examples of such points includes after punctuation signs, underscores and dashes, that aren't followed by spaces.
This function was introduced in 4.4.
QString KStringHandler::rsqueeze(const QString &str, int maxlen = 40)
Substitute characters at the end of a string by "...".
str is the string to modify
maxlen is the maximum length the modified string will have
If the original string is shorter than "maxlen", it is returned verbatim
Returns the modified string
QString KStringHandler::tagUrls(const QString &text)
This method auto-detects URLs in strings, and adds HTML markup to them so that richtext or HTML-enabled widgets will display the URL correctly.
text the string which may contain URLs
Returns the resulting text