KShortcutsDialog Class

Header: #include <KShortcutsDialog>

Public Functions

KShortcutsDialog(QWidget *parent)
KShortcutsDialog(KShortcutsEditor::ActionTypes actionTypes = KShortcutsEditor::AllActions, KShortcutsEditor::LetterShortcuts allowLetterShortcuts = KShortcutsEditor::LetterShortcutsAllowed, QWidget *parent = nullptr)
virtual ~KShortcutsDialog() override
QList<KActionCollection *> actionCollections() const
void addActionToSchemesMoreButton(QAction *action)
void addCollection(KActionCollection *collection, const QString &title = {})
void exportConfiguration(const QString &path) const
void importConfiguration(const QString &path)
void refreshSchemes()

Reimplemented Public Functions

virtual QSize sizeHint() const override

Public Slots

virtual void accept() override


void saved()

Static Public Members

void showDialog(KActionCollection *collection, KShortcutsEditor::LetterShortcuts allowLetterShortcuts = KShortcutsEditor::LetterShortcutsAllowed, QWidget *parent = nullptr)

Detailed Description

@class KShortcutsDialog kshortcutsdialog.h KShortcutsDialog

@short Dialog for configuration of KActionCollection and KGlobalAccel.

This dialog can be used to configure keyboard shortcuts associated with actions in KActionCollection and KGlobalAccel. It integrates the KShortcutsEditor widget and offers various functionalities related to keyboard shortcuts (e.g. reset all shortcuts to defaults, manage shortcuts schemes ...etc).

Several static methods are supplied, which provide a convenient interface to the dialog. The most common, and most encouraged, use is with a KActionCollection.

@code KShortcutsDialog::configure(actionCollection(), KShortcutsEditor::LetterShortcutsAllowed, parent);

// Alternatively, since 5.84, you can use: KShortcutsDialog::showDialog(actionCollection(), KShortcutsEditor::LetterShortcutsAllowed, parent); @endcode

By default this dialog is modal (since 4.3). If you don't want that, call @c setModal(false) and then the non-static configure() method to show the dialog.

If you need to run some extra code when the dialog is closed, connect to the signals emitted by @c QDialog (accepted(), rejected(), finished() ...etc.). However, note that if that extra code depends on the changed settings having already been saved, connect to the @c saved() signal instead to be on the safe side (if you connect to e.g. @c QDialog::accepted() your function might be called before the changes have actually been saved).

@note Starting from 5.95, if there are no Global shortcuts in any of the action collections shown in the dialog, the relevant columns ("Global" and "Global Alternate") will be hidden.

Example: @code // Create the dialog; alternatively you can use the other constructor if e.g. // you need to only show certain action types, or disallow single letter shortcuts KShortcutsDialog *dlg = new KShortcutsDialog(parent);

// Set the Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose attribute, so that the dialog is automatically // deleted after it's closed dlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);

// Add an action collection (otherwise the dialog would be empty) dlg->addCollection(actionCollection());

// Run some extra code after the settings are saved connect(dlg, &KShortcutsDialog::saved, this, &ClassFoo::doExtraStuff);

// Called with "true" so that the changes are saved if the dialog is accepted, // see the configure(bool) method for more details dlg->configure(true); @endcode

@image html kshortcutsdialog.png "KShortcutsDialog"

@author Nicolas Hadacek <hadacek@via.ecp.fr> @author Hamish Rodda <rodda@kde.org> (KDE 4 porting) @author Michael Jansen <kde@michael-jansen.biz>

Member Function Documentation

[explicit] KShortcutsDialog::KShortcutsDialog(QWidget *parent)

Constructs a KShortcutsDialog as a child of @p parent, with the default settings (@ref KShortcutsEditor::AllActions and @ref KShortcutsEditor::LetterShortcutsAllowed).

Typically a @ref KActionCollection is added by using @ref addCollection().

@param parent the parent widget of the dialog, if not @c nullptr will be used by the window manager to place the dialog relative to it

@since 5.85

[explicit] KShortcutsDialog::KShortcutsDialog(KShortcutsEditor::ActionTypes actionTypes = KShortcutsEditor::AllActions, KShortcutsEditor::LetterShortcuts allowLetterShortcuts = KShortcutsEditor::LetterShortcutsAllowed, QWidget *parent = nullptr)

Constructs a KShortcutsDialog as a child of @p parent.

@param actionTypes sets the action types to be shown in the dialog, this is an OR'ed combination of @c KShortcutsEditor::ActionTypes; the default is @c KShortcutsEditor::AllActions @param allowLetterShortcuts set to false if unmodified alphanumeric keys ('A', '1', etc.) are not permissible shortcuts; @see @c KShortcutsEditor::LetterShortcuts @param parent parent widget of the dialog, if not @c nullptr will be used by the window manager to place the dialog relative to it

[override virtual noexcept] KShortcutsDialog::~KShortcutsDialog()

Destructor. Deletes all resources used by a KShortcutsDialog object.

[override virtual slot] void KShortcutsDialog::accept()


QList<KActionCollection *> KShortcutsDialog::actionCollections() const

@return the list of action collections that are available for configuration in the dialog.

void KShortcutsDialog::addActionToSchemesMoreButton(QAction *action)

This adds a @c QAction to the "More Actions" menu

This is useful to add for example an action to download more keyboard schemes via KNewStuff

@since 5.97

void KShortcutsDialog::addCollection(KActionCollection *collection, const QString &title = {})

Add all actions of the collection to the ones displayed and configured by the dialog.

@param title the title associated with the collection (if null, the KAboutData::progName() of the collection's componentData is used)

void KShortcutsDialog::exportConfiguration(const QString &path) const

Exports a shortcuts set up from @p path

@since 5.15

void KShortcutsDialog::importConfiguration(const QString &path)

Imports a shortcuts set up from @p path

@since 5.15

void KShortcutsDialog::refreshSchemes()

Reloads the list of schemes in the "Manage Schemes" section

This is useful if the available scheme files changed for some reason eg. because KNewStuff was used

@since 5.97

[signal] void KShortcutsDialog::saved()

Emitted after the dialog is accepted (by clicking the OK button) and settings are saved. Connect to this signal if you need to run some extra code after the settings are saved.

[static] void KShortcutsDialog::showDialog(KActionCollection *collection, KShortcutsEditor::LetterShortcuts allowLetterShortcuts = KShortcutsEditor::LetterShortcutsAllowed, QWidget *parent = nullptr)

This static method shows a modal dialog that can be used to configure the shortcuts associated with each action in @p collection. The new shortcut settings will be saved and applied if the dialog is accepted.

The dialog is opened by using @c QDialog::show(), and it will be deleted automatically when it's closed.

Example: @code // Typical usage is with a KActionCollection: KShortcutsDialog::showDialog(actionCollection(), KShortcutsEditor::LetterShortcutsAllowed, parent); @endcode

@param collection the KActionCollection to configure @param allowLetterShortcuts set to @c KShortcutsEditor::LetterShortcutsDisallowed if unmodified alphanumeric keys ('A', '1', etc.) are not permissible shortcuts @param parent the parent widget of the dialog, if not @c nullptr it will be used by the window manager to place the dialog relative to it

@since 5.84

[override virtual] QSize KShortcutsDialog::sizeHint() const

@see QWidget::sizeHint()