KRecentDirs Namespace

Header: #include <KRecentDirs>
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::KIOCore)


void add(const QString &fileClass, const QString &directory)
QString dir(const QString &fileClass)
QStringList list(const QString &fileClass)

Detailed Description

The goal of this namespace is to make sure that, when the user needs to specify a file via the file selection dialog, this dialog will start in the directory most likely to contain the desired files.

This works as follows: Each time the file selection dialog is shown, the programmer can specify a "file-class". The file-dialog will then start with the directory associated with this file-class. When the dialog closes, the directory currently shown in the file-dialog will be associated with the file-class.

A file-class can either start with ':' or with '::'. If it starts with a single ':' the file-class is specific to the current application. If the file-class starts with '::' it is global to all applications.

Function Documentation

void KRecentDirs::add(const QString &fileClass, const QString &directory)

Associates @p directory with @p fileClass

QString KRecentDirs::dir(const QString &fileClass)

Returns the most recently used directory associated with this file-class.

QStringList KRecentDirs::list(const QString &fileClass)

Returns a list of directories associated with this file-class. The most recently used directory is at the front of the list.