KParts::PartLoader Namespace

namespace KParts::PartLoader

Helper methods for locating and loading parts. More...

Header: #include <KParts/PartLoader>
CMake: find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Parts)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::Parts)
Since: KParts 5.69


(since 5.100) KPluginFactory::Result<T> instantiatePart(const KPluginMetaData &data, QWidget *parentWidget = nullptr, QObject *parent = nullptr, const QVariantList &args = {})
(since 5.100) KPluginFactory::Result<T> instantiatePartForMimeType(const QString &mimeType, QWidget *parentWidget = nullptr, QObject *parent = nullptr, const QVariantList &args = {})
(since KParts 6.4) KParts::PartCapabilities partCapabilities(const KPluginMetaData &data)
(since 5.69) QList<KPluginMetaData> partsForMimeType(const QString &mimeType)

Detailed Description

This is based upon KPluginFactory, but it takes care of querying by mimetype, sorting the available parts by builtin preference and by user preference.

Function Documentation

[since 5.100] template <typename T> KPluginFactory::Result<T> PartLoader::instantiatePart(const KPluginMetaData &data, QWidget *parentWidget = nullptr, QObject *parent = nullptr, const QVariantList &args = {})

Attempts to create a KPart from the given metadata.

if (auto result = KParts::PartLoader::instantiatePart<MyPart>(metaData, parentWidget, parent, args)) {
    // result.plugin is valid and can be accessed
} else {
    // result contains information about the error

data KPluginMetaData from which the plugin should be loaded

parentWidget The parent widget

parent The parent object

args A list of arguments to be passed to the part

Returns a Result object which contains the plugin instance and potentially error information

This function was introduced in 5.100.

[since 5.100] template <typename T> KPluginFactory::Result<T> PartLoader::instantiatePartForMimeType(const QString &mimeType, QWidget *parentWidget = nullptr, QObject *parent = nullptr, const QVariantList &args = {})

Use this method to create a KParts part. It will try to create an object which inherits T.

if (auto result = KParts::PartLoader::instantiatePartForMimeType<KParts::ReadOnlyPart>(mimeType, parentWidget, parent, args)) {
    // result.plugin is valid and can be accessed
} else {
    // result contains information about the error

T The interface for which an object should be created. The object will inherit T.

mimeType The mimetype for which we need a KParts.

parentWidget The parent widget for the part's widget.

parent The parent of the part.

Returns a Result object which contains the plugin instance and potentially error information

This function was introduced in 5.100.

[since KParts 6.4] KParts::PartCapabilities PartLoader::partCapabilities(const KPluginMetaData &data)

Parses the associated capabilities from the KPart. This parses the deprecated "ServiceTypes" array of the "KPlugin" object

This function was introduced in KParts 6.4.

[since 5.69] QList<KPluginMetaData> PartLoader::partsForMimeType(const QString &mimeType)

Locate all available KParts using KPluginMetaData::findPlugins for a mimetype. Returns a list of plugin metadata, sorted by preference. This takes care both of the builtin preference (set by developers) and of user preference (stored in mimeapps.list).

To load a part from one of the KPluginMetaData instances returned here, use instantiatePart()

This function was introduced in 5.69.