KOpenWithDialog Class

Header: #include <KOpenWithDialog>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS KIOWidgets)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::KIOWidgets)

Public Functions

KOpenWithDialog(QWidget *parent = nullptr)
KOpenWithDialog(const QList<QUrl> &urls, QWidget *parent = nullptr)
KOpenWithDialog(const QString &mimeType, const QString &value, QWidget *parent = nullptr)
KOpenWithDialog(const QList<QUrl> &urls, const QString &text, const QString &value, QWidget *parent = nullptr)
KOpenWithDialog(const QList<QUrl> &urls, const QString &mimeType, const QString &text, const QString &value, QWidget *parent = nullptr)
virtual ~KOpenWithDialog() override
void hideNoCloseOnExit()
void hideRunInTerminal()
KService::Ptr service() const
void setSaveNewApplications(bool b)
QString text() const

Protected Slots

virtual void accept() override

Detailed Description

@class KOpenWithDialog kopenwithdialog.h <KOpenWithDialog>

"Open With" dialog box.

@note To let the user choose an application and run it immediately, use simpler KRun::displayOpenWithDialog().

If the Kiosk "shell_access" action is not authorized (see KAuthorized::authorize()), arbitrary commands are not allowed; instead, the user must browse to and choose an executable.

@author David Faure <faure@kde.org>

Member Function Documentation

KOpenWithDialog::KOpenWithDialog(QWidget *parent = nullptr)

Create a dialog to select an application Note that this dialog doesn't apply to URLs.

@param parent parent widget

[explicit] KOpenWithDialog::KOpenWithDialog(const QList<QUrl> &urls, QWidget *parent = nullptr)

Create a dialog that asks for a application to open a given URL(s) with.

@param urls the URLs that should be opened. The list can be empty, if the dialog is used to choose an application but not for some particular URLs. @param parent parent widget

KOpenWithDialog::KOpenWithDialog(const QString &mimeType, const QString &value, QWidget *parent = nullptr)

Create a dialog to select a service for a given MIME type. Note that this dialog doesn't apply to URLs.

@param mimeType the MIME type we want to choose an application for. @param value is the initial value of the line @param parent parent widget

KOpenWithDialog::KOpenWithDialog(const QList<QUrl> &urls, const QString &text, const QString &value, QWidget *parent = nullptr)

Create a dialog that asks for a application to open a given URL(s) with.

@param urls is the URL that should be opened @param text appears as a label on top of the entry box. Leave empty for default text (since 5.20). @param value is the initial value of the line @param parent parent widget

KOpenWithDialog::KOpenWithDialog(const QList<QUrl> &urls, const QString &mimeType, const QString &text, const QString &value, QWidget *parent = nullptr)

Create a dialog that asks for a application for opening a given URL (or more than one), when we already know the MIME type of the URL(s).

@param urls is the URLs that should be opened @param mimeType the MIME type of the URL @param text appears as a label on top of the entry box. @param value is the initial value of the line @param parent parent widget @since 5.71

[override virtual noexcept] KOpenWithDialog::~KOpenWithDialog()


[override virtual protected slot] void KOpenWithDialog::accept()

Reimplemented from QDialog::accept()

void KOpenWithDialog::hideNoCloseOnExit()

Hide the "Do not &close when command exits" Checkbox

void KOpenWithDialog::hideRunInTerminal()

Hide the "Run in &terminal" Checkbox

KService::Ptr KOpenWithDialog::service() const

@return the chosen service in the application tree Can be null, if the user typed some text and didn't select a service.

void KOpenWithDialog::setSaveNewApplications(bool b)

Set whether a new .desktop file should be created if the user selects an application for which no corresponding .desktop file can be found.

Regardless of this setting a new .desktop file may still be created if the user has chosen to remember the file association.

The default is false: no .desktop files are created.

QString KOpenWithDialog::text() const

@return the text the user entered