KNumberModel Class

Creates a model of entries from N to M with rows at a given interval. More...

Header: #include <KNumberModel>
CMake: find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS ItemModels)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::ItemModels)
Since: KDE Frameworks 5.65
Inherits: QAbstractListModel


Public Functions

QLocale::NumberOptions formattingOptions() const
qreal maximumValue() const
qreal minimumValue() const
void setFormattingOptions(QLocale::NumberOptions options)
void setMaximumValue(qreal maximumValue)
void setMinimumValue(qreal minimumValue)
void setStepSize(qreal stepSize)
qreal stepSize() const
qreal value(const QModelIndex &index) const


Detailed Description

The model contains two roles:

  • display - the number represented as a string
  • value - the actual value as a number

Property Documentation

formattingOptions : QLocale::NumberOptions

Defines the string representation of the number, e.g. "1,000" or "1000".

Default is QLocale::Default.

Access functions:

QLocale::NumberOptions formattingOptions() const
void setFormattingOptions(QLocale::NumberOptions options)

Notifier signal:

void formattingOptionsChanged()

maximumValue : qreal

The maximum value for the model

The default value is 1.0.

Note: If maximumValue is a multiple of stepSize added to minimumValue it will be included. Otherwise it will not be reached. E.g. in a model with a minimumValue of 0.0, a maximumValue of 1.0 and a stepSize of 0.3, the final row will be 0.9.

Access functions:

qreal maximumValue() const
void setMaximumValue(qreal maximumValue)

Notifier signal:

void maximumValueChanged()

minimumValue : qreal

The minimum value for the model

The default value is 1.0.

Access functions:

qreal minimumValue() const
void setMinimumValue(qreal minimumValue)

Notifier signal:

void minimumValueChanged()

stepSize : qreal

Step between listed entries

The default value is 1.0.

Access functions:

qreal stepSize() const
void setStepSize(qreal stepSize)

Notifier signal:

void stepSizeChanged()

Member Function Documentation

qreal KNumberModel::value(const QModelIndex &index) const

Returns the value represented at the given index.