KNotifyConfig Class

Represent the configuration for an event. More...

Header: #include <KNotifyConfig>
CMake: find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Notifications)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::Notifications)

Public Functions

KNotifyConfig(const QString &applicationName, const QString &eventId)
QString applicationName() const
QString eventId() const
bool isValid() const
QString readEntry(const QString &key) const
QString readGlobalEntry(const QString &key) const
QString readPathEntry(const QString &key) const

Static Public Members

void reparseConfiguration()
void reparseSingleConfiguration(const QString &app)

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation

KNotifyConfig::KNotifyConfig(const QString &applicationName, const QString &eventId)

Creates a notify config for the given application name and event id

applicationName The application name, typically the name of the notifyrc file without its extension.

eventId The notification event ID, i.e. the part after Event/ in its notifyrc file.

QString KNotifyConfig::applicationName() const

the name of the application that triggered the notification

QString KNotifyConfig::eventId() const

the name of the notification

bool KNotifyConfig::isValid() const

Whether there exists an event with the given id under the given application name.

QString KNotifyConfig::readEntry(const QString &key) const

Returns entry from the relevant Event/ notifyrc config group

This will return the configuration from the user for the given key. It first look into the user config file, and then in the global config file.

Returns a null string if the entry doesn't exist

QString KNotifyConfig::readGlobalEntry(const QString &key) const

Returns entry from the relevant Global notifyrc config group

This will return the configuration from the user for the given key. It first look into the user config file, and then in the global config file.

Returns a null string if the entry doesn't exist

QString KNotifyConfig::readPathEntry(const QString &key) const

Returns path entry from the relevant Event/ notifyrc config group

This will return the configuration from the user for the given key and interpret it as a path.

[static] void KNotifyConfig::reparseConfiguration()

reparse the cached configs. to be used when the config may have changed

[static] void KNotifyConfig::reparseSingleConfiguration(const QString &app)