KMountPoint Class

The KMountPoint class provides information about mounted and unmounted disks. More...

Header: #include <KMountPoint>
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::KIOCore)
Inherits: QSharedData

Public Types

class List
enum DetailsNeededFlag { BasicInfoNeeded, NeedMountOptions, NeedRealDeviceName }
flags DetailsNeededFlags
enum FileSystemFlag { SupportsChmod, SupportsChown, SupportsUTime, SupportsSymlinks, CaseInsensitive }

Public Functions

(since 5.86) dev_t deviceId() const
(since 5.86) bool isOnNetwork() const
QStringList mountOptions() const
QString mountPoint() const
QString mountType() const
QString mountedFrom() const
bool probablySlow() const
QString realDeviceName() const
bool testFileSystemFlag(KMountPoint::FileSystemFlag flag) const

Static Public Members

KMountPoint::List currentMountPoints(KMountPoint::DetailsNeededFlags infoNeeded = BasicInfoNeeded)
KMountPoint::List possibleMountPoints(KMountPoint::DetailsNeededFlags infoNeeded = BasicInfoNeeded)

Detailed Description

It provides a system independent interface to fstab.

Member Type Documentation

enum KMountPoint::DetailsNeededFlag
flags KMountPoint::DetailsNeededFlags

Flags that specify which additional details should be fetched for each mountpoint.

KMountPoint::BasicInfoNeeded0Only the basic details: mountedFrom, mountPoint, mountType.
KMountPoint::NeedMountOptions1Also fetch the options used when mounting, see KMountPoint::mountOptions().
KMountPoint::NeedRealDeviceName2Also fetch the device name (with symlinks resolved), see KMountPoint::realDeviceName().

The DetailsNeededFlags type is a typedef for QFlags<DetailsNeededFlag>. It stores an OR combination of DetailsNeededFlag values.

enum KMountPoint::FileSystemFlag


Member Function Documentation

[static] KMountPoint::List KMountPoint::currentMountPoints(KMountPoint::DetailsNeededFlags infoNeeded = BasicInfoNeeded)

Returns a list of all current mountpoints.

infoNeeded Flags that specify which additional information should be fetched.

Note: This method will return an empty list on Android

[since 5.86] dev_t KMountPoint::deviceId() const

Returns the device ID (dev_t, major, minor) of this mount point. This ID is unique per device (including network mounts).

This function was introduced in 5.86.

[since 5.86] bool KMountPoint::isOnNetwork() const

Returns true if this mount point represents a network filesystem (e.g. NFS, CIFS, etc.), otherwise returns false.

This function was introduced in 5.86.

QStringList KMountPoint::mountOptions() const

Options used to mount the filesystem. Only available if the NeedMountOptions flag was set.

QString KMountPoint::mountPoint() const

Path where the filesystem is mounted (if you used currentMountPoints()), or can be mounted (if you used possibleMountPoints()).

QString KMountPoint::mountType() const

Type of filesystem

QString KMountPoint::mountedFrom() const

Where this filesystem gets mounted from. This can refer to a device, a remote server or something else.

[static] KMountPoint::List KMountPoint::possibleMountPoints(KMountPoint::DetailsNeededFlags infoNeeded = BasicInfoNeeded)

This function gives a list of all possible mountpoints. (fstab)

infoNeeded Flags that specify which additional information should be fetched.

bool KMountPoint::probablySlow() const

Returns true if the filesystem is "probably" slow, e.g. a network mount, false otherwise.

QString KMountPoint::realDeviceName() const

Canonical name of the device where the filesystem got mounted from. (Or empty, if not a device) Only available when the NeedRealDeviceName flag was set.

bool KMountPoint::testFileSystemFlag(KMountPoint::FileSystemFlag flag) const

Checks the capabilities of the filesystem.

flag the flag to check

Returns true if the filesystem has that flag, false if not

The available flags are:

  • SupportsChmod: returns true if the filesystem supports chmod (e.g. msdos filesystems return false)
  • SupportsChown: returns true if the filesystem supports chown (e.g. msdos filesystems return false)
  • SupportsUtime: returns true if the filesystems supports utime (e.g. msdos filesystems return false)
  • SupportsSymlinks: returns true if the filesystems supports symlinks (e.g. msdos filesystems return false)
  • CaseInsensitive: returns true if the filesystem treats "foo" and "FOO" as being the same file (true for msdos filesystems)