KLocalization Namespace

Namespace containing helpers for localization. More...

Header: #include <KLocalization>
CMake: find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS I18n)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::I18n)
Since: 6.5


(since 6.5) void retranslateSpinBoxFormatString(T *spinBox)
(since 6.8) KLocalizedQmlContext *setupLocalizedContext(QQmlEngine *engine)
(since 6.5) void setupSpinBoxFormatString(T *spinBox, const KLocalizedString &formatString)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

[since 6.5] template <typename T> void KLocalization::retranslateSpinBoxFormatString(T *spinBox)

Retranslates a previously set up format string to the current language and updates the spin box.

The format string is initially set up by setupSpinBoxFormatString(). This function updates the prefix and suffix of a spin box to reflect the current language settings. It is useful for responding to language changes, such as those triggered by QEvent::LanguageChange.

T The type of the spin box, which must be either QSpinBox or QDoubleSpinBox.

spinBox Pointer to the spin box.

The prefix and suffix of the spin box are updated to reflect the current language.

This function was introduced in 6.5.

See also setupSpinBoxFormatString.

[since 6.5] template <typename T> void KLocalization::setupSpinBoxFormatString(T *spinBox, const KLocalizedString &formatString)

Sets up a format string for internationalizing spin boxes.

This function allows the customization of prefix and suffix for spin boxes (QSpinBox and QDoubleSpinBox), considering internationalization needs.

Spin boxes display a number and possibly a prefix and/or suffix. However, in some languages, the position of the prefix and suffix may be reversed compared to English. Example: In English, you write 50%, but in Turkish, you write %50. Qt does not offer an out-of-the-box solution for this. This helper now provides complete internationalization for prefixes and suffixes of spin boxes.

For QSpinBox it also provides correct plural handling by installing a handler for the valueChanged() signal to update prefix and suffix whenever the spin box value changes in the future.

Example usage:

QDoubleSpinBox doubleBox;
    ki18nc("@item %v is a number and the second % is the percent sign", "%v%"));
// Turkish translation: "%%v"

QSpinBox intBox;
    ki18ncp("@item %v is a number", "Baking %v cake", "Baking %v cakes"));

T The type of the spin box, which must be either QSpinBox or QDoubleSpinBox.

spinBox Pointer to the spin box.

formatString A localized string in the format "PREFIX%vSUFFIX".

  • For QDoubleSpinBox, plural forms in formatString are ignored and should be avoided. Use KLocalizedString::ki18nc "ki18nc()" to generate the format string.
  • For QSpinBox, if formatString includes plural forms, they are utilized. While optional, their use is highly recommended for accurate pluralization. Use KLocalizedString::ki18ncp "ki18ncp()" to generate the format string.

It is safe to call this function multiple times on the same spin box.

This function was introduced in 6.5.

See also retranslateSpinBoxFormatString.