KIO::PasteJob Class

Header: #include <PasteJob>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS KIOWidgets)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::KIOWidgets)
Inherits: KIO::Job


void copyJobStarted(KIO::CopyJob *job)
void itemCreated(const QUrl &url)

Detailed Description

@class KIO::PasteJob pastejob.h <KIO/PasteJob>

A KIO job that handles pasting the clipboard contents.

If the clipboard contains URLs, they are copied to the destination URL. If the clipboard contains data, it is saved into a file after asking the user to choose a filename and the preferred data format.

@see KIO::pasteClipboard @since 5.4

Member Function Documentation

[signal] void PasteJob::copyJobStarted(KIO::CopyJob *job)

Emitted when a copy job was started as subjob as part of pasting. Note that a CopyJob isn't always started by PasteJob. For instance pasting image content will create a file.

You can use @p job to monitor the progress of the copy/move/link operation.

@param job the job started for moving, copying or symlinking files @since 6.0

[signal] void PasteJob::itemCreated(const QUrl &url)

Signals that a file or directory was created.