KIO::ChmodJob Class
class KIO::ChmodJobThis job changes permissions on a list of files or directories, optionally in a recursive manner. More...
Header: | #include <KIO/ChmodJob> |
CMake: | find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS KIO) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::KIOCore) |
Inherits: | KIO::Job |
Related Non-Members
KIO::ChmodJob * | chmod(const KFileItemList &lstItems, int permissions, int mask, const QString &newOwner, const QString &newGroup, bool recursive, KIO::JobFlags flags = DefaultFlags) |
Detailed Description
See also KIO::chmod().
Related Non-Members
KIO::ChmodJob *chmod(const KFileItemList &lstItems, int permissions, int mask, const QString &newOwner, const QString &newGroup, bool recursive, KIO::JobFlags flags = DefaultFlags)
Creates a job that changes permissions/ownership on several files or directories, optionally recursively. This version of chmod uses a KFileItemList so that it directly knows what to do with the items. TODO: a version that takes a QList<QUrl>, and a general job that stats each url and returns a KFileItemList.
Note that change of ownership is only supported for local files.
Inside directories, the "x" bits will only be changed for files that had at least one "x" bit before, and for directories. This emulates the behavior of chmod +X.
lstItems The file items representing several files or directories.
permissions the permissions we want to set
mask the bits we are allowed to change. For instance, if mask is 0077, we don't change the "user" bits, only "group" and "others".
newOwner If non-empty, the new owner for the files
newGroup If non-empty, the new group for the files
recursive whether to open directories recursively
flags We support HideProgressInfo here
Returns the job handling the operation.