KIO::AskUserActionInterface Class

Header: #include <AskUserActionInterface>
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::KIOCore)

Public Types

enum ConfirmationType { DefaultConfirmation, ForceConfirmation }
enum DeletionType { Delete, Trash, EmptyTrash, DeleteInsteadOfTrash }

Public Functions

virtual ~AskUserActionInterface() override
virtual void askUserDelete(const QList<QUrl> &urls, KIO::AskUserActionInterface::DeletionType deletionType, KIO::AskUserActionInterface::ConfirmationType confirmationType, QWidget *parent = nullptr) = 0
virtual void askUserRename(KJob *job, const QString &title, const QUrl &src, const QUrl &dest, KIO::RenameDialog_Options options, KIO::filesize_t sizeSrc, KIO::filesize_t sizeDest, const QDateTime &ctimeSrc = {}, const QDateTime &ctimeDest = {}, const QDateTime &mtimeSrc = {}, const QDateTime &mtimeDest = {}) = 0
virtual void askUserSkip(KJob *job, KIO::SkipDialog_Options options, const QString &errorText) = 0
virtual void requestUserMessageBox(KIO::AskUserActionInterface::MessageDialogType type, const QString &text, const QString &title, const QString &primaryActionText, const QString &secondatyActionText, const QString &primaryActionIconName = {}, const QString &secondatyActionIconName = {}, const QString &dontAskAgainName = {}, const QString &details = {}, QWidget *parent = nullptr) = 0


void askUserDeleteResult(bool allowDelete, const QList<QUrl> &urls, KIO::AskUserActionInterface::DeletionType deletionType, QWidget *parent)
void askUserRenameResult(KIO::RenameDialog_Result result, const QUrl &newUrl, KJob *parentJob)
void askUserSkipResult(KIO::SkipDialog_Result result, KJob *parentJob)
void messageBoxResult(int result)

Protected Functions

AskUserActionInterface(QObject *parent = nullptr)

Detailed Description

@class KIO::AskUserActionInterface askuseractioninterface.h <KIO/AskUserActionInterface>

@brief The AskUserActionInterface class allows a KIO::Job to prompt the user for a decision when e.g. copying directories/files and there is a conflict (e.g. a file with the same name already exists at the destination).

The methods in this interface are similar to their counterparts in KIO::JobUiDelegateExtension, the main difference is that AskUserActionInterface shows the dialogs using show() or open(), rather than exec(), the latter creates a nested event loop which could lead to crashes.

@sa KIO::JobUiDelegateExtension

@since 5.78

Member Type Documentation

enum AskUserActionInterface::ConfirmationType

Deletion confirmation type.

Used by askUserDelete().

enum AskUserActionInterface::DeletionType

The type of deletion.

Used by askUserDelete().

Member Function Documentation

[explicit protected] AskUserActionInterface::AskUserActionInterface(QObject *parent = nullptr)


[override virtual noexcept] AskUserActionInterface::~AskUserActionInterface()


[pure virtual] void AskUserActionInterface::askUserDelete(const QList<QUrl> &urls, KIO::AskUserActionInterface::DeletionType deletionType, KIO::AskUserActionInterface::ConfirmationType confirmationType, QWidget *parent = nullptr)

Ask for confirmation before moving @p urls (files/directories) to the Trash, emptying the Trash, or directly deleting files (i.e. without moving to Trash).

Note that this method is not called automatically by KIO jobs. It's the application's responsibility to ask the user for confirmation before calling KIO::del() or KIO::trash().

You need to connect to the askUserDeleteResult signal to get the dialog's result (exit code).

@param urls the urls about to be moved to the Trash or deleted directly @param deletionType the type of deletion (Delete for real deletion, Trash otherwise), see the DeletionType enum @param confirmationType The type of deletion confirmation, see the ConfirmationType enum. Normally set to DefaultConfirmation @param parent the parent widget of the message box

[signal] void AskUserActionInterface::askUserDeleteResult(bool allowDelete, const QList<QUrl> &urls, KIO::AskUserActionInterface::DeletionType deletionType, QWidget *parent)

Implementations of this interface must emit this signal when the dialog invoked by askUserDelete() finishes, to notify the caller of the user's decision.

@param allowDelete set to true if the user confirmed the delete operation, otherwise set to false @param urls a list of urls to delete/trash @param deletionType the deletion type to use, one of KIO::AskUserActionInterface::DeletionType @param parent the parent widget passed to askUserDelete(), for request identification

[pure virtual] void AskUserActionInterface::askUserRename(KJob *job, const QString &title, const QUrl &src, const QUrl &dest, KIO::RenameDialog_Options options, KIO::filesize_t sizeSrc, KIO::filesize_t sizeDest, const QDateTime &ctimeSrc = {}, const QDateTime &ctimeDest = {}, const QDateTime &mtimeSrc = {}, const QDateTime &mtimeDest = {})

@relates KIO::RenameDialog

Constructs a modal, parent-less "rename" dialog, to prompt the user for a decision in case of conflicts, while copying/moving files. The dialog is shown using open(), rather than exec() (the latter creates a nested eventloop which could lead to crashes). You will need to connect to the askUserRenameResult() signal to get the dialog's result (exit code). The exit code is one of KIO::RenameDialog_Result.

@see KIO::RenameDialog_Result enum.

@param job the job that called this method @param title the title for the dialog box @param src the URL of the file/dir being copied/moved @param dest the URL of the destination file/dir, i.e. the one that already exists @param options parameters for the dialog (which buttons to show... etc), OR'ed values from the KIO::RenameDialog_Options enum @param sizeSrc size of the source file @param sizeDest size of the destination file @param ctimeSrc creation time of the source file @param ctimeDest creation time of the destination file @param mtimeSrc modification time of the source file @param mtimeDest modification time of the destination file

[signal] void AskUserActionInterface::askUserRenameResult(KIO::RenameDialog_Result result, const QUrl &newUrl, KJob *parentJob)

Implementations of this interface must emit this signal when the rename dialog finishes, to notify the caller of the dialog's result.

@param result the exit code from the rename dialog, one of the KIO::RenameDialog_Result enum @param newUrl the new destination URL set by the user @param parentJob the job that invoked the dialog

[pure virtual] void AskUserActionInterface::askUserSkip(KJob *job, KIO::SkipDialog_Options options, const QString &errorText)

@relates KIO::SkipDialog

You need to connect to the askUserSkipResult signal to get the dialog's result.

@param job the job that called this method @param options parameters for the dialog (which buttons to show... etc), OR'ed values from the KIO::SkipDialog_Options enum @param error_text the error text to show to the user (usually the string returned by KJob::errorText())

[signal] void AskUserActionInterface::askUserSkipResult(KIO::SkipDialog_Result result, KJob *parentJob)

Implementations of this interface must emit this signal when the skip dialog finishes, to notify the caller of the dialog's result.

@param result the exit code from the skip dialog, one of the KIO::SkipDialog_Result enum @param parentJob the job that invoked the dialog

[signal] void AskUserActionInterface::messageBoxResult(int result)

Implementations of this interface must emit this signal when the dialog invoked by requestUserMessageBox() finishes, to notify the caller of the dialog's result (exit code).

@param result the exit code of the dialog, one of KIO::WorkerBase::ButtonCode enum

[pure virtual] void AskUserActionInterface::requestUserMessageBox(KIO::AskUserActionInterface::MessageDialogType type, const QString &text, const QString &title, const QString &primaryActionText, const QString &secondatyActionText, const QString &primaryActionIconName = {}, const QString &secondatyActionIconName = {}, const QString &dontAskAgainName = {}, const QString &details = {}, QWidget *parent = nullptr)

This function allows for the delegation of user prompts from the KIO worker.

@param type the desired type of message box, see the MessageDialogType enum @param text the message to show to the user @param title the title of the message dialog box @param primaryActionText the text for the primary action @param secondatyActionText the text for the secondary action @param primaryActionIconName the icon to show on the primary action @param secondatyActionIconName the icon to show on the secondary action @param dontAskAgainName the config key name used to store the result from 'Do not ask again' checkbox @param details more details about the message shown to the user @param parent the parent widget of the dialog