KFileMetaData::WriterCollection Class

class KFileMetaData::WriterCollection

The WriterCollection is a helper class which internally loads all the writer plugins. More...

Header: #include <KFileMetaData/WriterCollection>
CMake: find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS FileMetaData)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::FileMetaData)

Public Functions

QList<KFileMetaData::Writer *> fetchWriters(const QString &mimetype) const

Detailed Description

It can be used to fetch a certain subset of writer plugins based on a given MIME type.

Once the appropriate plugins have been fetched, a WriteData should be created and passed to the plugin's write function.

Member Function Documentation

[explicit] WriterCollection::WriterCollection()

QList<KFileMetaData::Writer *> WriterCollection::fetchWriters(const QString &mimetype) const