KFileCopyToMenu Class

This class adds "Copy To" and "Move To" submenus to a popupmenu. More...

Header: #include <KFileCopyToMenu>
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::KIOFileWidgets)
Inherits: QObject

Public Functions

KFileCopyToMenu(QWidget *parentWidget)
void addActionsTo(QMenu *menu) const
void setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled(bool b)
void setReadOnly(bool ro)
void setUrls(const QList<QUrl> &urls)


void error(int errorCode, const QString &message)

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation

[explicit] KFileCopyToMenu::KFileCopyToMenu(QWidget *parentWidget)

Creates a KFileCopyToMenu instance Note that this instance (and the widget) must stay alive for at least as long as the popupmenu; it has the slots for the actions created by addActionsTo.

parentWidget parent widget for the file dialog and message boxes. The parentWidget also serves as a parent for this object.

void KFileCopyToMenu::addActionsTo(QMenu *menu) const

Generate the actions and submenus, and adds them to the menu. All actions are created as children of the menu.

[signal] void KFileCopyToMenu::error(int errorCode, const QString &message)

Emitted when the copy or move job fails.

errorCode the KIO job error code

message the error message to show the user

void KFileCopyToMenu::setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled(bool b)

Enables or disables automatic error handling with message boxes. When called with true, a messagebox is shown in case of an error during a copy or move. When called with false, the application should connect to the error signal instead. Auto error handling is disabled by default.

void KFileCopyToMenu::setReadOnly(bool ro)

If setReadOnly(true) is called, the "Move To" submenu will not appear.

void KFileCopyToMenu::setUrls(const QList<QUrl> &urls)

Sets the URLs which the actions apply to.