KCountry Class

Information about an ISO 3166-1 country. More...

Header: #include <KCountry>
CMake: find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS I18n)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::I18nLocaleData)
Since: 5.88


Public Functions

QString alpha2() const
QString alpha3() const
QLocale::Country country() const
QString currencyCode() const
QString emojiFlag() const
bool isValid() const
QString name() const
QList<KCountrySubdivision> subdivisions() const
QList<const char *> timeZoneIds() const
bool operator==(const KCountry &other) const

Static Public Members

QList<KCountry> allCountries()
KCountry fromAlpha2(QStringView alpha2Code)
KCountry fromAlpha2(const char *alpha2Code)
KCountry fromAlpha3(QStringView alpha3Code)
KCountry fromAlpha3(const char *alpha3Code)
KCountry fromLocation(float latitude, float longitude)
KCountry fromName(QStringView name)
KCountry fromQLocale(QLocale::Country country)

Detailed Description

The information provided here are aggregated from the following sources:

Note: This requires the iso-codes data files and translation catalogs to be available at runtime.

Property Documentation

[read-only] alpha2 : const QString

Access functions:

QString alpha2() const

[read-only] alpha3 : const QString

Access functions:

QString alpha3() const

[read-only] currencyCode : const QString

Access functions:

QString currencyCode() const

[read-only] emojiFlag : const QString

Access functions:

QString emojiFlag() const

[read-only] name : const QString

Access functions:

QString name() const

[read-only] subdivisions : const QList<KCountrySubdivision>

Access functions:

QList<KCountrySubdivision> subdivisions() const

[read-only] timeZoneIds : const QStringList

Member Function Documentation


Creates an invalid/empty KCountry instance. See the fromX() methods for creating a valid instance.

[static] QList<KCountry> KCountry::allCountries()

List all countries.

QString KCountry::alpha2() const

ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 country code.

Note: Getter function for property alpha2.

QString KCountry::alpha3() const

ISO 3166-1 alpha 3 country code.

Note: Getter function for property alpha3.

QLocale::Country KCountry::country() const

Returns the QLocale::Country value matching this country, or QLocale::AnyCountry if there is none.

QString KCountry::currencyCode() const

Currency used in this country as ISO 4217 code.

Note: Getter function for property currencyCode.

QString KCountry::emojiFlag() const

Returns the Unicode flag emoji for this country.

Note: Getter function for property emojiFlag.

[static] KCountry KCountry::fromAlpha2(QStringView alpha2Code)

Create a KCountry instance from an ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 code.

[static] KCountry KCountry::fromAlpha2(const char *alpha2Code)

Create a KCountry instance from an ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 code.

[static] KCountry KCountry::fromAlpha3(QStringView alpha3Code)

Create a KCountry instance from an ISO 3166-1 alpha 3 code.

[static] KCountry KCountry::fromAlpha3(const char *alpha3Code)

Create a KCountry instance from an ISO 3166-1 alpha 3 code.

[static] KCountry KCountry::fromLocation(float latitude, float longitude)

Looks up the country at the given geographic coordinate. This can return an invalid object if the country could not be determined. This can happen in a number of cases:

  • on oceans
  • in polar regions
  • close to a land border
  • in disputed territories

[static] KCountry KCountry::fromName(QStringView name)

Attempts to identify the country from the given name. The name can be in any language.

[static] KCountry KCountry::fromQLocale(QLocale::Country country)

Returns a KCountry instance matching the given QLocale::Country code.

bool KCountry::isValid() const

Returns false if this is an empty/invalid/default constructed instance, true otherwise.

QString KCountry::name() const

Translated country name.

Note: Getter function for property name.

QList<KCountrySubdivision> KCountry::subdivisions() const

Highest level of ISO 3166-2 country subdivisions. If there is only one level of subdivisions this lists all of them, for countries with multiple levels, this only includes the top-level subdivisions (ie. those having no parent subdivision).

Note: This can be empty.

Note: Getter function for property subdivisions.

QList<const char *> KCountry::timeZoneIds() const

Timezones in use in this country.

bool KCountry::operator==(const KCountry &other) const