KCoreUrlNavigator Class

Object that helps with keeping track of URLs in file-manager like interfaces. More...

Header: #include <KCoreUrlNavigator>
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KIOGui)
Since: KDE Frameworks 5.93
Inherits: QObject


Public Functions

QUrl currentLocationUrl() const
bool goBack()
bool goForward()
bool goUp()
int historyIndex() const
int historySize() const
QVariant locationState(int historyIndex = -1) const
QUrl locationUrl(int historyIndex = -1) const
void saveLocationState(const QVariant &state)
void setCurrentLocationUrl(const QUrl &url)


void currentLocationUrlChanged()
void currentUrlAboutToChange(const QUrl &newUrl)
void historyChanged()
void historyIndexChanged()
void historySizeChanged()
(since 5.95) void urlSelectionRequested(const QUrl &url)

Detailed Description

Property Documentation

currentLocationUrl : QUrl

Access functions:

QUrl currentLocationUrl() const
void setCurrentLocationUrl(const QUrl &url)

Notifier signal:

void currentLocationUrlChanged()

[read-only] historyIndex : const int

The history index of the current location, where 0 <= history index < KCoreUrlNavigator::historySize(). 0 is the most recent history entry.

Access functions:

int historyIndex() const

Notifier signal:

void historyIndexChanged()

[read-only] historySize : const int

The amount of locations in the history. The data for each location can be retrieved by KCoreUrlNavigator::locationUrl() and KCoreUrlNavigator::locationState().

Access functions:

int historySize() const

Notifier signal:

void historySizeChanged()

Member Function Documentation

[signal] void KCoreUrlNavigator::currentUrlAboutToChange(const QUrl &newUrl)

Is emitted, before the location URL is going to be changed to newUrl.

The signal KCoreUrlNavigator::urlChanged() will be emitted after the change has been done. Connecting to this signal is useful to save the state of a view with KCoreUrlNavigator::saveLocationState().

[invokable] bool KCoreUrlNavigator::goBack()

Goes back one step in the URL history. The signals KCoreUrlNavigator::urlAboutToBeChanged(), KCoreUrlNavigator::urlChanged() and KCoreUrlNavigator::historyChanged() are emitted if true is returned. False is returned if the beginning of the history has already been reached and hence going back was not possible. The history index (see KCoreUrlNavigator::historyIndex()) is increased by one if the operation was successful.

Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.

[invokable] bool KCoreUrlNavigator::goForward()

Goes forward one step in the URL history. The signals KCoreUrlNavigator::urlAboutToBeChanged(), KCoreUrlNavigator::urlChanged() and KCoreUrlNavigator::historyChanged() are emitted if true is returned. False is returned if the end of the history has already been reached and hence going forward was not possible. The history index (see KCoreUrlNavigator::historyIndex()) is decreased by one if the operation was successful.

Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.

[invokable] bool KCoreUrlNavigator::goUp()

Goes up one step of the URL path and remembers the old path in the history. The signals KCoreUrlNavigator::urlAboutToBeChanged(), KCoreUrlNavigator::urlChanged() and KCoreUrlNavigator::historyChanged() are emitted if true is returned. False is returned if going up was not possible as the root has been reached.

Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.

[signal] void KCoreUrlNavigator::historyChanged()

Is emitted, if the history has been changed. Usually the history is changed if a new URL has been selected.

[invokable] QVariant KCoreUrlNavigator::locationState(int historyIndex = -1) const

Returns Location state given by historyIndex. If historyIndex is smaller than 0, the state of the current location is returned.

Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.

See also KCoreUrlNavigator::saveLocationState().

[invokable] QUrl KCoreUrlNavigator::locationUrl(int historyIndex = -1) const

Returns URL of the location given by the historyIndex. If historyIndex is smaller than 0, the URL of the current location is returned.

Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.

[invokable] void KCoreUrlNavigator::saveLocationState(const QVariant &state)

Saves the location state described by state for the current location. It is recommended that at least the scroll position of a view is remembered and restored when traversing through the history. Saving the location state should be done when the signal KCoreUrlNavigator::urlAboutToBeChanged() has been emitted. Restoring the location state (see KCoreUrlNavigator::locationState()) should be done when the signal KCoreUrlNavigator::urlChanged() has been emitted.


urlNavigator->saveLocationState(QPoint(x, y));

Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.

[signal, since 5.95] void KCoreUrlNavigator::urlSelectionRequested(const QUrl &url)

When the URL is changed and the new URL (e.g. /home/user1/) is a parent of the previous URL (e.g. /home/user1/data/stuff), then this signal is emitted and url is set to the child directory of the new URL which is an ancestor of the old URL (in the example paths this would be /home/user1/data/). This signal allows file managers to pre-select the directory that the user is navigating up from.

This function was introduced in KDE Frameworks 5.95.