KCoreAddons Namespace

Header: #include <KCoreAddons>
CMake: find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS CoreAddons)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::CoreAddons)


unsigned int version()
QString versionString()

Detailed Description

Provides utility functions for metadata about the KCoreAddons library.

Function Documentation

unsigned int KCoreAddons::version()

Returns a numerical version number of KCoreAddons at run-time in the form 0xMMNNPP (MM = major, NN = minor, PP = patch) This can be compared using the macro QT_VERSION_CHECK.

For example:

if (KCoreAddons::version() < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5,19,0))

This may be a different version than the version the application was compiled against.

QString KCoreAddons::versionString()

Returns the version number of KCoreAddons at run-time as a string (for example, "5.19.0"). This may be a different version than the version the application was compiled against.