KCodecs::Decoder Class

Stateful CTE decoder class. More...

Header: #include <KCodecs>
CMake: find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Codecs)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::Codecs)
Since: 5.5

Public Functions

virtual bool decode(const char *&scursor, const char *const send, char *&dcursor, const char *const dend) = 0
virtual bool finish(char *&dcursor, const char *const dend) = 0

Protected Functions

Decoder(KCodecs::Codec::NewlineType newline = Codec::NewlineLF)

Detailed Description

Stateful decoder class, modelled after QTextDecoder.


KCodecs decoders are designed to be able to process encoded data in chunks of arbitrary size and to work with output buffers of also arbitrary size. They maintain any state necessary to go on where the previous call left off.

The class consists of only two methods of interest: see decode, which decodes an input block and finalize, which flushes any remaining data to the output stream.

Typically, you will create a decoder instance, call decode as often as necessary, then call finalize (most often a single call suffices, but it might be that during that call the output buffer is filled, so you should be prepared to call finalize as often as necessary, i.e. until it returns true).

Return Values

Both methods return true to indicate that they've finished their job. For decode, a return value of true means that the current input block has been finished (false most often means that the output buffer is full, but that isn't required behavior. The decode call is free to return at arbitrary times during processing).

For finalize, a return value of true means that all data implicitly or explicitly stored in the decoder instance has been flushed to the output buffer. A false return value should be interpreted as "check if the output buffer is full and call me again", just as with decode.

Usage Pattern

Since the decoder maintains state, you can only use it once. After a sequence of input blocks has been processed, you finalize the output and then delete the decoder instance. If you want to process another input block sequence, you create a new instance.

Typical usage (in contains the (base64-encoded) input data), taking into account all the conventions detailed above:

KCodecs::Codec *codec = KCodecs::Codec::codecForName("base64");
if (!codec) {
    qFatal() << "No codec found for base64!";
KCodecs::Decoder *dec = codec->makeDecoder();
Q_ASSERT(dec); // should not happen
QByteArray out(256); // small buffer is enough ;-)
QByteArray::Iterator iit = in.begin();
QByteArray::Iterator oit = out.begin();
// decode the chunk
while (!dec->decode(iit, in.end(), oit, out.end()))
  if (oit == out.end()) { // output buffer full, process contents
    oit = out.begin();
// repeat while loop for each input block
// ...
// finish (flush remaining data from decoder):
while (!dec->finish(oit, out.end()))
  if (oit == out.end()) { // output buffer full, process contents
    oit = out.begin();
// now process last chunk:
out.resize(oit - out.begin());
// _delete_ the decoder, but not the codec:
delete dec;

Member Function Documentation

[protected] Decoder::Decoder(KCodecs::Codec::NewlineType newline = Codec::NewlineLF)

Protected constructor. Use KCodecs::Codec::makeDecoder to create an instance.

newline whether make new lines using CRLF, or LF (default is LF).

[pure virtual] bool Decoder::decode(const char *&scursor, const char *const send, char *&dcursor, const char *const dend)

Decodes a chunk of data, maintaining state information between calls. See class decumentation for calling conventions.

scursor is a pointer to the start of the input buffer.

send is a pointer to the end of the input buffer.

dcursor is a pointer to the start of the output buffer.

dend is a pointer to the end of the output buffer.

Returns true on success

[pure virtual] bool Decoder::finish(char *&dcursor, const char *const dend)

Call this method to finalize the output stream. Writes all remaining data and resets the decoder. See KCodecs::Codec for calling conventions.

dcursor is a pointer to the start of the output buffer.

dend is a pointer to the end of the output buffer.

Returns true on success