Attica::Provider Class
class Attica::ProviderThe Provider class represents one Open Collaboration Service provider. More...
Header: | #include <Attica/Provider> |
CMake: | find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Attica) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::Attica) |
Public Types
enum | SortMode { Newest, Alphabetical, Rating, Downloads } |
Public Functions
Provider() | |
QString | achievementServiceVersion() const |
QString | activityServiceVersion() const |
Attica::ItemPostJob<Attica::Achievement> * | addNewAchievement(const QString &id, const Attica::Achievement &newAchievement) |
Attica::ItemPostJob<Attica::Comment> * | addNewComment(const Attica::Comment::Type commentType, const QString &id, const QString &id2, const QString &parentId, const QString &subject, const QString &message) |
Attica::ItemPostJob<Attica::Content> * | addNewContent(const Attica::Category &category, const Attica::Content &newContent) |
(since 5.66) QString | additionalAgentInformation() const |
Attica::PostJob * | approveFriendship(const QString &to) |
QUrl | baseUrl() const |
Attica::PostJob * | becomeFan(const QString &contentId) |
Attica::PostJob * | cancelBuildServiceJob(const Attica::BuildServiceJob &job) |
Attica::PostJob * | cancelFriendship(const QString &to) |
Attica::PostJob * | checkLogin(const QString &user, const QString &password) |
QString | commentServiceVersion() const |
QString | contentServiceVersion() const |
Attica::PostJob * | createBuildServiceJob(const Attica::BuildServiceJob &job) |
Attica::PostJob * | createProject(const Attica::Project &project) |
Attica::PostJob * | createRemoteAccount(const Attica::RemoteAccount &account) |
Attica::PostJob * | declineFriendship(const QString &to) |
Attica::DeleteJob * | deleteAchievement(const QString &contentId, const QString &achievementId) |
Attica::PostJob * | deleteContent(const QString &contentId) |
Attica::PostJob * | deleteDownloadFile(const QString &contentId) |
Attica::PostJob * | deletePreviewImage(const QString &contentId, const QString &previewId) |
Attica::PostJob * | deleteProject(const Attica::Project &project) |
Attica::PostJob * | deleteRemoteAccount(const QString &id) |
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::DownloadItem> * | downloadLink(const QString &contentId, const QString &itemId = QStringLiteral("1")) |
Attica::PutJob * | editAchievement(const QString &contentId, const QString &achievementId, const Attica::Achievement &achievement) |
Attica::ItemPostJob<Attica::Content> * | editContent(const Attica::Category &updatedCategory, const QString &contentId, const Attica::Content &updatedContent) |
Attica::PostJob * | editProject(const Attica::Project &project) |
Attica::PostJob * | editRemoteAccount(const Attica::RemoteAccount &account) |
QString | fanServiceVersion() const |
QString | forumServiceVersion() const |
QString | friendServiceVersion() const |
const QString & | getRegisterAccountUrl() const |
bool | hasAchievementService() const |
bool | hasActivityService() const |
bool | hasCommentService() const |
bool | hasContentService() const |
bool | hasCredentials() const |
bool | hasFanService() const |
bool | hasForumService() const |
bool | hasFriendService() const |
bool | hasKnowledgebaseService() const |
bool | hasMessageService() const |
bool | hasPersonService() const |
(since 5.85) QUrl | icon() const |
Attica::PostJob * | inviteFriend(const QString &to, const QString &message) |
bool | isEnabled() const |
bool | isValid() const |
QString | knowledgebaseServiceVersion() const |
bool | loadCredentials(QString &user, QString &password) |
QString | messageServiceVersion() const |
QString | name() const |
QString | personServiceVersion() const |
Attica::PostJob * | postActivity(const QString &message) |
Attica::PostJob * | postLocation(qreal latitude, qreal longitude, const QString &city = QString(), const QString &country = QString()) |
Attica::PostJob * | postMessage(const Attica::Message &message) |
Attica::PostJob * | postTopic(const QString &forumId, const QString &subject, const QString &content) |
Attica::PostJob * | publishBuildJob(const Attica::BuildServiceJob &buildjob, const Attica::Publisher &publisher) |
Attica::PostJob * | registerAccount(const QString &id, const QString &password, const QString &mail, const QString &firstName, const QString &lastName) |
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::AccountBalance> * | requestAccountBalance() |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Achievement> * | requestAchievements(const QString &contentId, const QString &achievementId, const QString &userId) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Activity> * | requestActivities() |
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::BuildService> * | requestBuildService(const QString &id) |
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::BuildServiceJob> * | requestBuildServiceJob(const QString &id) |
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::BuildServiceJobOutput> * | requestBuildServiceJobOutput(const QString &id) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::BuildServiceJob> * | requestBuildServiceJobs(const Attica::Project &project) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::BuildService> * | requestBuildServices() |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Category> * | requestCategories() |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Comment> * | requestComments(const Attica::Comment::Type commentType, const QString &id, const QString &id2, int page, int pageSize) |
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::Config> * | requestConfig() |
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::Content> * | requestContent(const QString &contentId) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Distribution> * | requestDistributions() |
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::Event> * | requestEvent(const QString &id) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Event> * | requestEvent(const QString &country, const QString &search, const QDate &startAt, Attica::Provider::SortMode mode, int page, int pageSize) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Person> * | requestFans(const QString &contentId, uint page = 0, uint pageSize = 10) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Folder> * | requestFolders() |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Forum> * | requestForums(uint page = 0, uint pageSize = 10) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Person> * | requestFriends(const QString &id, int page = 0, int pageSize = 20) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::HomePageType> * | requestHomePageTypes() |
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::KnowledgeBaseEntry> * | requestKnowledgeBaseEntry(const QString &id) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::License> * | requestLicenses() |
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::Message> * | requestMessage(const Attica::Folder &folder, const QString &id) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Message> * | requestMessages(const Attica::Folder &folder) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Message> * | requestMessages(const Attica::Folder &folder, Attica::Message::Status status) |
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::Person> * | requestPerson(const QString &id) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Person> * | requestPersonSearchByLocation(qreal latitude, qreal longitude, qreal distance = 0.0, int page = 0, int pageSize = 20) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Person> * | requestPersonSearchByName(const QString &name) |
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::Person> * | requestPersonSelf() |
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::PrivateData> * | requestPrivateData() |
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::PrivateData> * | requestPrivateData(const QString &app, const QString &key = QString()) |
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::Project> * | requestProject(const QString &id) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Project> * | requestProjects() |
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::Publisher> * | requestPublisher(const QString &id) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Publisher> * | requestPublishers() |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Person> * | requestReceivedInvitations(int page = 0, int pageSize = 20) |
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::RemoteAccount> * | requestRemoteAccount(const QString &id) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::RemoteAccount> * | requestRemoteAccounts() |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Person> * | requestSentInvitations(int page = 0, int pageSize = 20) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Topic> * | requestTopics(const QString &forum, const QString &search, const QString &description, Attica::Provider::SortMode mode, int page, int pageSize) |
Attica::DeleteJob * | resetAchievementProgress(const QString &id) |
bool | saveCredentials(const QString &user, const QString &password) |
Attica::PostJob * | savePublisherField(const Attica::Project &project, const Attica::PublisherField &field) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Content> * | searchContents(const Attica::Category::List &categories, const QString &search = QString(), Attica::Provider::SortMode mode = Rating, uint page = 0, uint pageSize = 10) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Content> * | searchContents(const Attica::Category::List &categories, const QString &person, const Attica::Distribution::List &distributions, const Attica::License::List &licenses, const QString &search = QString(), Attica::Provider::SortMode sortMode = Rating, uint page = 0, uint pageSize = 10) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Content> * | searchContentsByPerson(const Attica::Category::List &categories, const QString &person, const QString &search = QString(), Attica::Provider::SortMode mode = Rating, uint page = 0, uint pageSize = 10) |
Attica::ListJob<Attica::KnowledgeBaseEntry> * | searchKnowledgeBase(const Attica::Content &content, const QString &search, Attica::Provider::SortMode, int page, int pageSize) |
Attica::PostJob * | setAchievementProgress(const QString &id, const QVariant &progress, const QDateTime ×tamp) |
(since 5.66) void | setAdditionalAgentInformation(const QString &additionalInformation) |
Attica::PostJob * | setDownloadFile(const QString &contentId, const QString &fileName, QIODevice *payload) |
Attica::PostJob * | setDownloadFile(const QString &contentId, const QString &fileName, const QByteArray &payload) |
void | setEnabled(bool enabled) |
Attica::PostJob * | setPreviewImage(const QString &contentId, const QString &previewId, const QString &fileName, const QByteArray &image) |
Attica::PostJob * | setPrivateData(const QString &app, const QString &key, const QString &value) |
Attica::PostJob * | uploadTarballToBuildService(const QString &projectId, const QString &fileName, const QByteArray &payload) |
Attica::PostJob * | voteForComment(const QString &id, uint rating) |
Attica::PostJob * | voteForContent(const QString &contentId, uint rating) |
Detailed Description
Use the ProviderManager to instantiate a Provider.
Accessing functions of the Provider returns a Job class that takes care of accessing the server and parsing the result.
Provider files are xml of the form:
<provider> <id>opendesktop</id> <location></location> <name></name> <icon></icon> <termsofuse></termsofuse> <register></register> <services> <person ocsversion="1.3" /> <friend ocsversion="1.3" /> <message ocsversion="1.3" /> <activity ocsversion="1.3" /> <content ocsversion="1.3" /> <fan ocsversion="1.3" /> <knowledgebase ocsversion="1.3" /> <event ocsversion="1.3" /> <comment ocsversion="1.2" /> </services> </provider>
The server provides the services specified in the services section, not necessarily all of them.
Member Type Documentation
enum Provider::SortMode
Constant | Value |
Attica::Provider::Newest | 0 |
Attica::Provider::Alphabetical | 1 |
Attica::Provider::Rating | 2 |
Attica::Provider::Downloads | 3 |
Member Function Documentation
Default construct a Provider. Please note that this provider is incomplete and never valid.
QString Provider::achievementServiceVersion() const
Version of the achievement part of the API
QString Provider::activityServiceVersion() const
Version of the activity part of the API
Attica::ItemPostJob<Attica::Achievement> *Provider::addNewAchievement(const QString &id, const Attica::Achievement &newAchievement)
Add a new achievement.
id id of the achievement entry
achievement The new Achievement added
Returns item post job for adding the new achievement
Attica::ItemPostJob<Attica::Comment> *Provider::addNewComment(const Attica::Comment::Type commentType, const QString &id, const QString &id2, const QString &parentId, const QString &subject, const QString &message)
Add a new comment.
commentType type of the comment CommentType (content / forum / knowledgebase / event)
id id of the content entry where you want to get the comments is from
id2 id of the sub content entry where you want to get the comments is from
parentId the id of the parent comment if the new comment is a reply
subject title of the comment
message text of the comment
Returns item post job for adding the new comment
Attica::ItemPostJob<Attica::Content> *Provider::addNewContent(const Attica::Category &category, const Attica::Content &newContent)
[since 5.66]
QString Provider::additionalAgentInformation() const
The custom identifier sent along with requests
Returns the custom identifier
This function was introduced in 5.66.
See also setAdditionalAgentInformation(const QString&).
Attica::PostJob *Provider::approveFriendship(const QString &to)
QUrl Provider::baseUrl() const
A url that identifies this provider. This should be used as identifier when referring to this provider but you don't want to use the full provider object.
Attica::PostJob *Provider::becomeFan(const QString &contentId)
Attica::PostJob *Provider::cancelBuildServiceJob(const Attica::BuildServiceJob &job)
Cancel a job. Setting the ID on the build service parameter is enough for it to work.
job Buildservicejob to cancel on the server, needs at least id set.
Attica::PostJob *Provider::cancelFriendship(const QString &to)
Attica::PostJob *Provider::checkLogin(const QString &user, const QString &password)
Test if the server accepts the login/password.
This function does not actually set the credentials. Use saveCredentials for that purpose.
user the user (login) name
password the password
Returns the job that will contain the success of the login as metadata
QString Provider::commentServiceVersion() const
Version of the comments part of the API
QString Provider::contentServiceVersion() const
Version of the content part of the API
Attica::PostJob *Provider::createBuildServiceJob(const Attica::BuildServiceJob &job)
Create a new job for a given project on a given buildservice for a given target. Those three items are mandatory for the job to succeed.
job Buildservicejob to create on the server
Attica::PostJob *Provider::createProject(const Attica::Project &project)
Post modifications to a Project on the server. The resulting project ID can be found in the Attica::MetaData of the finished() PostJob. You can retrieve it using Attica::MetaData::resultingProjectId().
project Project to create on the server
Attica::PostJob *Provider::createRemoteAccount(const Attica::RemoteAccount &account)
Create a new remote account, an account for a build service instance which is stored in the OCS service in order to authenticate with the build service instance. Type, Type ID, login and password are mandatory.
account RemoteAccount to create on the server
Attica::PostJob *Provider::declineFriendship(const QString &to)
Attica::DeleteJob *Provider::deleteAchievement(const QString &contentId, const QString &achievementId)
Deletes an achievement on the server. The achievement passed as an argument doesn't need complete information as just the id() is used.
achievementId Achievement to delete on the server.
Attica::PostJob *Provider::deleteContent(const QString &contentId)
Attica::PostJob *Provider::deleteDownloadFile(const QString &contentId)
Attica::PostJob *Provider::deletePreviewImage(const QString &contentId, const QString &previewId)
Attica::PostJob *Provider::deleteProject(const Attica::Project &project)
Deletes a project on the server. The project passed as an argument doesn't need complete information as just the id() is used.
project Project to delete on the server.
Attica::PostJob *Provider::deleteRemoteAccount(const QString &id)
Deletes a remote account stored on the OCS server.
id The ID of the remote account on the OCS instance.
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::DownloadItem> *Provider::downloadLink(const QString &contentId, const QString &itemId = QStringLiteral("1"))
Attica::PutJob *Provider::editAchievement(const QString &contentId, const QString &achievementId, const Attica::Achievement &achievement)
Post modifications to an Achievement on the server
achievement Achievement to update on the server
Attica::ItemPostJob<Attica::Content> *Provider::editContent(const Attica::Category &updatedCategory, const QString &contentId, const Attica::Content &updatedContent)
Attica::PostJob *Provider::editProject(const Attica::Project &project)
Post modifications to a Project on the server
project Project to update on the server
Attica::PostJob *Provider::editRemoteAccount(const Attica::RemoteAccount &account)
Edit an existing remote account.
account RemoteAccount to create on the server
QString Provider::fanServiceVersion() const
Version of the fan part of the API
QString Provider::forumServiceVersion() const
Version of the forum part of the API
QString Provider::friendServiceVersion() const
Version of the friend part of the API
const QString &Provider::getRegisterAccountUrl() const
bool Provider::hasAchievementService() const
Test if the server supports the achievement part of the API
bool Provider::hasActivityService() const
Test if the server supports the activity part of the API
bool Provider::hasCommentService() const
Test if the server supports the comments part of the API
bool Provider::hasContentService() const
Test if the server supports the content part of the API
bool Provider::hasCredentials() const
Test if the provider has user name/password available. This does not yet open kwallet in case the KDE plugin is used. Returns true if the provider has login information
bool Provider::hasFanService() const
Test if the server supports the fan part of the API
bool Provider::hasForumService() const
Test if the server supports the forum part of the API
bool Provider::hasFriendService() const
Test if the server supports the friend part of the API
bool Provider::hasKnowledgebaseService() const
* Test if the server supports the knowledgebase part of the API
bool Provider::hasMessageService() const
Test if the server supports the message part of the API
bool Provider::hasPersonService() const
Test if the server supports the person part of the API
[since 5.85]
QUrl Provider::icon() const
An icon used to visually identify this provider Returns a URL for an icon image (or an invalid URL if one was not defined by the provider)
This function was introduced in 5.85.
Attica::PostJob *Provider::inviteFriend(const QString &to, const QString &message)
bool Provider::isEnabled() const
Test if the provider is enabled by the settings. The application can choose to ignore this, but the user settings should be respected.
bool Provider::isValid() const
Returns true if the provider has been set up and can be used.
QString Provider::knowledgebaseServiceVersion() const
Version of the knowledgebase part of the API
bool Provider::loadCredentials(QString &user, QString &password)
Load user name and password from the store.
Attica will remember the loaded values and use them from this point on.
user reference that returns the user name
password reference that returns the password
Returns if credentials could be loaded
QString Provider::messageServiceVersion() const
Version of the message part of the API
QString Provider::name() const
A name for the provider that can be displayed to the user
QString Provider::personServiceVersion() const
Version of the person part of the API
Attica::PostJob *Provider::postActivity(const QString &message)
Attica::PostJob *Provider::postLocation(qreal latitude, qreal longitude, const QString &city = QString(), const QString &country = QString())
Attica::PostJob *Provider::postMessage(const Attica::Message &message)
Attica::PostJob *Provider::postTopic(const QString &forumId, const QString &subject, const QString &content)
Attica::PostJob *Provider::publishBuildJob(const Attica::BuildServiceJob &buildjob, const Attica::Publisher &publisher)
Publish the result of a completed build job to a publisher. Returns ItemJob receiving data
Attica::PostJob *Provider::registerAccount(const QString &id, const QString &password, const QString &mail, const QString &firstName, const QString &lastName)
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::AccountBalance> *Provider::requestAccountBalance()
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Achievement> *Provider::requestAchievements(const QString &contentId, const QString &achievementId, const QString &userId)
Get a list of achievements Returns ListJob listing Achievements
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Activity> *Provider::requestActivities()
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::BuildService> *Provider::requestBuildService(const QString &id)
Get the information for a specific build service instance. Returns ItemJob receiving data
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::BuildServiceJob> *Provider::requestBuildServiceJob(const QString &id)
Get the information for a specific build service job, such as status and progress. Returns ItemJob receiving and containing the data
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::BuildServiceJobOutput> *Provider::requestBuildServiceJobOutput(const QString &id)
Get the build output for a specific build service job Returns ItemJob receiving and containing the output data
Attica::ListJob<Attica::BuildServiceJob> *Provider::requestBuildServiceJobs(const Attica::Project &project)
Get a list of build service projects Returns ListJob listing BuildServiceJobs
Attica::ListJob<Attica::BuildService> *Provider::requestBuildServices()
Get a list of build service build services Returns ListJob listing BuildServices
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Category> *Provider::requestCategories()
Get a list of categories (such as wallpaper) Returns the categories of the server
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Comment> *Provider::requestComments(const Attica::Comment::Type commentType, const QString &id, const QString &id2, int page, int pageSize)
Request a list of comments for a content / forum / knowledgebase / event.
type of the comment Comment::Type (content / forum / knowledgebase / event)
id id of the content entry where you want to get the comments is from
id2 id of the content entry where you want to get the comments is from
page request nth page in the list of results
pageSize requested size of pages when calculating the list of results
Returns list job for the comments results
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::Config> *Provider::requestConfig()
Fetches server config Returns The job responsible for fetching data
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::Content> *Provider::requestContent(const QString &contentId)
Retrieve a single content.
contentId the id of the content
Returns job that retrieves the content object
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Distribution> *Provider::requestDistributions()
Get a list of distributions (such as Ark, Debian) Returns the licenses available from the server
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::Event> *Provider::requestEvent(const QString &id)
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Event> *Provider::requestEvent(const QString &country, const QString &search, const QDate &startAt, Attica::Provider::SortMode mode, int page, int pageSize)
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Person> *Provider::requestFans(const QString &contentId, uint page = 0, uint pageSize = 10)
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Folder> *Provider::requestFolders()
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Forum> *Provider::requestForums(uint page = 0, uint pageSize = 10)
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Person> *Provider::requestFriends(const QString &id, int page = 0, int pageSize = 20)
Attica::ListJob<Attica::HomePageType> *Provider::requestHomePageTypes()
Get a list of home page types (such as blog, Facebook) Returns the licenses available from the server
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::KnowledgeBaseEntry> *Provider::requestKnowledgeBaseEntry(const QString &id)
Attica::ListJob<Attica::License> *Provider::requestLicenses()
Get a list of licenses (such as GPL) Returns the licenses available from the server
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::Message> *Provider::requestMessage(const Attica::Folder &folder, const QString &id)
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Message> *Provider::requestMessages(const Attica::Folder &folder)
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Message> *Provider::requestMessages(const Attica::Folder &folder, Attica::Message::Status status)
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::Person> *Provider::requestPerson(const QString &id)
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Person> *Provider::requestPersonSearchByLocation(qreal latitude, qreal longitude, qreal distance = 0.0, int page = 0, int pageSize = 20)
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Person> *Provider::requestPersonSearchByName(const QString &name)
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::Person> *Provider::requestPersonSelf()
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::PrivateData> *Provider::requestPrivateData()
Fetches all stored private data.
Returns The job responsible for fetching data
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::PrivateData> *Provider::requestPrivateData(const QString &app, const QString &key = QString())
Fetches the a given attribute from an OCS-compliant server.
app The application name
key The key of the attribute to fetch (optional)
Returns The job that is responsible for fetching the data
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::Project> *Provider::requestProject(const QString &id)
Get a Project's data Returns ItemJob receiving data
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Project> *Provider::requestProjects()
Get a list of build service projects Returns ListJob listing Projects
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::Publisher> *Provider::requestPublisher(const QString &id)
Get the information for a specific publisher. Returns ItemJob receiving data
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Publisher> *Provider::requestPublishers()
Get a list of publishers Returns ListJob listing Publishers
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Person> *Provider::requestReceivedInvitations(int page = 0, int pageSize = 20)
Attica::ItemJob<Attica::RemoteAccount> *Provider::requestRemoteAccount(const QString &id)
Get a remote account by its ID.
id The ID of the remote account
Attica::ListJob<Attica::RemoteAccount> *Provider::requestRemoteAccounts()
Get a list of remote accounts, account for a build service instance which is stored in the OCS service in order to authenticate with the build service instance. Returns ListJob listing RemoteAccounts
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Person> *Provider::requestSentInvitations(int page = 0, int pageSize = 20)
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Topic> *Provider::requestTopics(const QString &forum, const QString &search, const QString &description, Attica::Provider::SortMode mode, int page, int pageSize)
Attica::DeleteJob *Provider::resetAchievementProgress(const QString &id)
bool Provider::saveCredentials(const QString &user, const QString &password)
Sets (and remembers) user name and password for this provider.
To remove the data an empty username should be passed.
user the user (login) name
password the password
Returns if credentials could be saved
Attica::PostJob *Provider::savePublisherField(const Attica::Project &project, const Attica::PublisherField &field)
Save the value of a single publishing field Returns PostJob*
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Content> *Provider::searchContents(const Attica::Category::List &categories, const QString &search = QString(), Attica::Provider::SortMode mode = Rating, uint page = 0, uint pageSize = 10)
Request a list of Contents.
Note that categories is not optional. If left empty, no results will be returned.
An empty search string search returns the top n items.
categories categories to search in
search optional search string (in name/description of the content)
mode sorting mode
page request nth page in the list of results
pageSize requested size of pages when calculating the list of results
Returns list job for the search results
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Content> *Provider::searchContents(const Attica::Category::List &categories, const QString &person, const Attica::Distribution::List &distributions, const Attica::License::List &licenses, const QString &search = QString(), Attica::Provider::SortMode sortMode = Rating, uint page = 0, uint pageSize = 10)
Request a list of Contents. More complete version.
Note that categories is not optional. If left empty, no results will be returned.
An empty search string search returns the top n items.
categories categories to search in
person the person-id that created the contents
distributions list of distributions to filter by, if empty no filtering by distribution is done
licenses list of licenses to filter by, if empty no filtering by license is done
search optional search string (in name/description of the content)
mode sorting mode
page request nth page in the list of results
pageSize requested size of pages when calculating the list of results
Returns list job for the search results
Attica::ListJob<Attica::Content> *Provider::searchContentsByPerson(const Attica::Category::List &categories, const QString &person, const QString &search = QString(), Attica::Provider::SortMode mode = Rating, uint page = 0, uint pageSize = 10)
Request a list of Contents.
Like searchContents, but only contents created by one person.
person the person-id that created the contents.
Attica::ListJob<Attica::KnowledgeBaseEntry> *Provider::searchKnowledgeBase(const Attica::Content &content, const QString &search, Attica::Provider::SortMode, int page, int pageSize)
Attica::PostJob *Provider::setAchievementProgress(const QString &id, const QVariant &progress, const QDateTime ×tamp)
[since 5.66]
void Provider::setAdditionalAgentInformation(const QString &additionalInformation)
Set a custom identifier for your application (sent along with the requests as the http agent header in addition to the application name and version).
For example, you might have an application named SomeApplication, version 23, and wish to send along the data "lookandfeel.knsrc". Call this function, and the resulting agent header would be:
SomeApplication/23 (+lookandfeel.knsrc)
If you do not set this (or set it to an empty string), the agent string becomes
additionalAgentInformation The extra string
This function was introduced in 5.66.
See also additionalAgentInformation().
Attica::PostJob *Provider::setDownloadFile(const QString &contentId, const QString &fileName, QIODevice *payload)
Attica::PostJob *Provider::setDownloadFile(const QString &contentId, const QString &fileName, const QByteArray &payload)
void Provider::setEnabled(bool enabled)
See also isEnabled().
Attica::PostJob *Provider::setPreviewImage(const QString &contentId, const QString &previewId, const QString &fileName, const QByteArray &image)
Upload an image file as preview for the content
previewId each content can have previews with the id 1,2 or 3
payload the image file
Attica::PostJob *Provider::setPrivateData(const QString &app, const QString &key, const QString &value)
Sets the value of an attribute.
app The application name
key The key of the attribute
value The new value of the attribute
Returns The job responsible for setting data
Attica::PostJob *Provider::uploadTarballToBuildService(const QString &projectId, const QString &fileName, const QByteArray &payload)
Upload a tarball to the buildservice.
projectId The ID of the project this source file belongs to
payload A reference to the complete file data
Returns A postjob to keep keep track of the upload
Attica::PostJob *Provider::voteForComment(const QString &id, uint rating)
Vote a comment item
id the comment id which this voting is for
rating the rating, must be between 0 (bad) and 100 (good)
Returns the post job for this voting
Attica::PostJob *Provider::voteForContent(const QString &contentId, uint rating)
Vote for a content item
contentId the content which this voting is for
rating - the rating, must be between 0 (bad) and 100 (good)
Returns the post job for this voting