List of All Members for GlobalDrawer
This is the complete list of members for GlobalDrawer, including inherited members.
- actions : T.Action
- collapseButtonVisible : bool
(since 2.12)
- content : list<QtObject> [default]
- currentSubMenu : T.Action
- footer : Item
- header : Item
(since 2.12)
- isMenu : bool
(since 2.11)
- resetMenuOnTriggered : bool
- showContentWhenCollapsed : bool
(since 2.5)
- showTopContentWhenCollapsed : bool
(since 2.5)
- title : string
- titleIcon : var
- topContent : list<QtObject>
- ensureVisible(item, yOffset)
- void resetMenu()
The following members are inherited from OverlayDrawer.
- animating : bool
- collapsed : bool
- collapsedSize : int
- collapsible : bool
(since 2.5)
- drawerOpen : bool
- handle : Item
- handleClosedIcon : KTP.IconPropertiesGroup
(since 2.5)
- handleClosedToolTip : string
(since 2.15)
- handleOpenIcon : KTP.IconPropertiesGroup
(since 2.5)
- handleOpenToolTip : string
(since 2.15)
- handleVisible : bool
- icon.color : color
(since 2.5)
- icon.fromControlsIcon : function
(since 2.5)
- icon.height : real
(since 2.5)
- : string
(since 2.5)
- icon.source : var
(since 2.5)
- icon.width : real
(since 2.5)
- peeking : bool