KGuiAddons are addons to QtCore. They provide utilities for graphical user interfaces in the areas of colors, fonts, text, images, keyboard input.
Color utilities
The KColorUtils namespace contains various small utilities to work with colors. KColorCollection provides handling of color collections ("pallettes"). KColorMimeData adds drag-and-drop and clipboard mimedata manipulation to QColor objects
Text utilities
KWordWrap is a special word wrapping algorithm that takes beauty into account. It can be used directly with QPainter or can return the wrapped text in a QString.
KDateValidator is a QValidator that validates user-entered dates.
KFontUtils::adaptFontSize() is a function that calculates the biggest font size (in points) that can be used to draw a text centered in a rectangle using word wrapping.
Keyboard utilities
KKeySequenceRecorder is a utility that records a QKeySequence by listening to key events in a window. This can be used to let the user modify predefined keyboard shortcuts for example.
Icon utilities
KIconUtils contains functions to add overlays on top of a QIcon.
Cursor utilities
KCursorSaver is used to temporarily set a mouse cursor and restore the previous one on destruction.
Using the Module
Using a KDE module's C++ API requires linking against the module library. The preferred way of consuming the library is through CMake.
Building with CMake
Use the find_package()
command to locate the needed module component in the KF6
find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS GuiAddons)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::GuiAddons)
For more details, see the Build with CMake overview.