List of All Members for KColorScheme
This is the complete list of members for KColorScheme, including inherited members.
- enum BackgroundRole
- enum ColorSet
- enum DecorationRole
- enum ForegroundRole
- enum ShadeRole
- KColorScheme(QPalette::ColorGroup, KColorScheme::ColorSet, KSharedConfigPtr)
- ~KColorScheme()
- adjustBackground(QPalette &, KColorScheme::BackgroundRole, QPalette::ColorRole, KColorScheme::ColorSet, KSharedConfigPtr)
- adjustForeground(QPalette &, KColorScheme::ForegroundRole, QPalette::ColorRole, KColorScheme::ColorSet, KSharedConfigPtr)
- background(KColorScheme::BackgroundRole) const : QBrush
- contrastF(const KSharedConfigPtr &) : qreal
- createApplicationPalette(const KSharedConfigPtr &) : QPalette
- decoration(KColorScheme::DecorationRole) const : QBrush
- foreground(KColorScheme::ForegroundRole) const : QBrush
- isColorSetSupported(const KSharedConfigPtr &, KColorScheme::ColorSet) : bool
- shade(KColorScheme::ShadeRole) const : QColor
- shade(const QColor &, KColorScheme::ShadeRole) : QColor
- shade(const QColor &, KColorScheme::ShadeRole, qreal, qreal) : QColor
- operator==(const KColorScheme &) const : bool