KAuth Namespace

Header: #include <KAuth>
CMake: find_package(KF6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Auth)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE KF6::AuthCore)


(since 4.4) namespace HelperSupport


(since 4.4) class Action
(since 4.4) class ActionReply
(since 5.0) class ExecuteJob

Detailed Description

The main macro for writing a helper tool.

ID The helper ID as passed to the macro

HelperClass The class name of the responder object for the helper


[since 4.4] namespace KAuth::HelperSupport

This class provides the API to write the helper tool that executes your actions. You don't create instances of HelperSupport. Instead, you use its KAUTHCORE_EXPORT methods.

This them you can notify the application of progress in your action's execution and you can check if the application asked you to terminate it.

This namespace was introduced in 4.4.


class Action

Class to access, authorize and execute actions. More...

class ActionReply

Class that encapsulates a reply coming from the helper after executing an action. More...

class ExecuteJob

Job for executing an Action. More...